The sound of waves crashing and seagulls screeching from a distance are heard.Soft white sand is seen for miles with no end.The sun was rising at that moment giving a beautiful yellow slowly turning into a red and pink color.The smell of the ocean breeze and the beautiful view of the sunrise has become a daily routine.Ian slowly walked as he looked up to the sky without a care in the world. He made that choice months ago to disappear,he was done with all the pain and wanted to forget.he wanted to move on without feeling the heartache of losing the woman you love to someone else.His brother moved on and finally matured enough to not need him anymore.The blue sky was finally out giving him the signal to go to his usual restaurant for a cup of coffee.When he arrived he was greeted by the owner already had a table set for him." right on time as usual " the man told ian." what else is there to do, I love the coffee here and well gives the one night stand to wake up and leave before I get home" he remarked."ah, I see you found yourself another one to have fun with" he told ian." have you considered staying with one?might be a change for you,maybe start a family " the man started talking as he poured the cup for him."life is for living and well,why settle and get hurt by falling in love when you can have fun " ian told him as he took a sip." you make me wonder what life did to you " he told ian." well it's best not to wonder and forget the past"ian replied.Ian had rented an apartment for himself close to the beach so he could avoid anyone finding him.he paid everything cash so there was no track him.So far he had a very quiet life there aside from the one night stands he would pick up at bars.
Ian finished his coffee and paid for it waving at the man that he was heading out.when he got to his apartment he heard alot of noise coming from inside.He sighed and unlocked the door.he quickly went in and found the girl he had previously slept with searching through his drawers."I thought me not being here was a sign for you to leave,not scavenge through my house " he told her with an irritated voice." how could you tell me all those things last night and I find you have a picture of your girlfriend hidden?!" she told him." I don't have to explain anything to you!!! it's best you leave now " he told her." No!!! I will tell her myself!!! is she out? on business trip? where is she?" the girl yelled." Get out of my house!!!" he yelled back at her.the girl stepped back surprised at his outburst and grabbed the picture to tear it in half."explain that to her"she said as she ran out slamming the door behind him."I've really got to stop doing that" he said to himself as he walked over and picked up the torn picture.he looked at it and his face had a gentle look as he smiled at it."after all this time ,why can't I get you out of my head? I thought I had lost this picture" he said as he laid down on the sofa.
After a few minutes there was a knock on his door." come in it's open" he yelled out. the front door opened with a young couple rushing in "is everything ok? we heard the yelling and saw her leave upset?" the man told him."yeah ,apparently this one thought she was here for the long run" he chuckled."well this place looks like it got ransacked " the girl told him as they walked up to ian."yeah she didn't get the hint to leave and decided to lurk through everything" he replied as he sat up placing the torn picture on the coffee table."well time for me to get started cleaning this mess" he said as he looked around."we'll help you out" the couple replied as they started picking up."thanks guys I really appreciate it" he said as he started cleaning.
An hour later had passed by when the girl happened to see the picture on the table."oh wow ,who is she? " she asked ian who was walking up to her with a drink in hand."that's....nothing ,just someone from my past,I was actually going to toss it" he told her." well it doesn't seem like nothing you both clearly look amazing in this picture.who ever she is..,what did you do?" she joked to him as her husband arrived and took a look at what they were talking about."I agree, this is actually quite surprising with your reputation " he said to him.Ian looked at them and laughed "it's in the past and I just want to forget any of that ever happened, so let's just throw it away and forget you guys ever saw that "he said to them getting the torn picture and walking away with it.
That night Ian stayed in and kept wondering what life for him would be like if he had stayed back home.the thought of everything crossed his mind once again and made him sigh outloud in frustration. from the neighbors patio the man called out to him " sounds like you have alot in your mind right now." Ian quickly turned to him " yeah, it's just ...ever wonder what your life would be like if you had just done the opposite of what you originally did" he questioned. " sounds to me like you have some regret,but you've been her for a while now and don't even receive phone calls or visitors from any type of guess is either you are alone or just don't want to be found" the man told him from a distance " you'll leave when you are ready and by the looks of things you have a long way to go before deciding that." Ian stood up and leaned on the rail, "you're right about that ,I'm not planning on leaving any time soon."
Two weeks had gone by already and liv finally had agreed to have Macy become the nanny for Juliette.Out of the list of people that liam had handed his sister ,they had also picked someone out.Ian still continued to have his daily activities without even considering to leave the location he was at.Liam and liv both started working on their jobs trying to catch up with the current paperwork.Liv had just finished faxing the inventory list when their was a knock on the door. " come in..." she replied as Macy pushed open the door with baby in the stroller." oh its about that time already", she told Macy. She quickly walked over to look at the infant who was sound asleep."how did she do today?" she asked Macy. " she did well ,she is such a good baby.only cries when she's hungry.other than that she's quiet" Macy explained to liv. "I'm glad to hear that.i missed her so much even though it was just a couple of hours" liv told her. "well we've had a busy week and I truly appreciate all you've done for her.Take the rest of the day off ,I'm done for the day and caught up with all the paperwork" liv instructed her. with a huge smile Macy replied to her right away " thank you ma'am, gives me a chance to take my family out for dinner."
liv smiled at her " in that case dinner is on me" she told Macy as she handed her an envelope with two hundred dollars." oh no I can't accept this, you already payed me yesterday for the week" she told liv. "it was decided by my husband and I to give this to you for all the extra hours you've helped us with so I won't take no as an answer." Macy finally accepted it and went on her way for the day."let's go my sweet princess and visit dad at the office" liv told her daughter as she pushed the stroller out of the office and headed out for the day leaving final instructions.
she drove to the company building and went up to the floor where he works.She strolled by the front and let the secretary know she had arrived to see her husband.To her surprise there was a new person working there.