I'm getting tired

On the corner of the darkroom, there was a woman looking at her laptop aimlessly and review the words she has written for the past four hours already. She stretches her fingers as well as her neck looking at the time on her laptop showing that it is already past midnight. She sighs as she with the tons of words written based on her imagination and dream.

As she was rereading it, her eyes stop on the bunch of words that caught her attention, 'she holds the red book where all of the crimes was written'

Her eyes flicker as she moves her gaze from her laptop to the luggage that is a few meters away from her. "A red book" she mutters as she feels chills down to her spine. Remembering her white book that has now turned into red because of the red liquid poured into this, she turns around to look at the words written on her laptop. She bites her lower lips as she immediately hit the backspace button and deletes those words that had been bothering her.

Looking at the erased part she sighs as she moves her hand to open the curtain a bit to see the scenery behind it. She leans back to the wall and looks down at the bustling city and with the tons of cars going back and forth from the bridge. She suddenly shut her eyes tightly as she hears a painful ringing inside her head at the same time it throbs painfully, she breathes deeply while massaging her temple for a few seconds before her hands drop lifelessly.

Her eyes open as she looks coldly at the view on her right side, a small smile escapes her lips showing no pain as she mutters "Everybody was busy with their own lives without noticing one of the loved ones will die in a lovely process," she scratches her hand and bites it until it bleeds, with blood between her lips she looks at the bloody hands of hers. Her eyes brighten and a smile was plastered on her face showing her perfect teeth as she whispers, "Oh, it is good to see the world again"

She turns her head and saw the laptop her eyes look at it curiously "Oh. It's pretty detailed huh?" she nods "But not that accurate" she continues and turns the laptop on the side. "She has time to write in this situation?" she said in a disdainful voice.

"What is this ugly shit?" her eyes narrowed at the ball like in her foot, and aggressively pulls the cloth wrapped around her foot "What the?" her nose crinkled as she lifts the soaked cold cloth, "Eww" she mutters and throw it in the corner. Her eyes roam around the room and get the closed laptop "I can use this to whack his head" she mutters.

She tries to stand but eventually flops on the floor as she feels pain in her foot "This clumsy person" she hissed. Standing up using her knees, she grabs the laptop and walks through her knees and narrows her eyes to see in the darkness "I'm sure he is dead. So, what is this? Accomplice?" she speaks in a low voice as she searches for the door.

"Huh?" she looks at the luggage on her knees that she has bumped a few seconds ago. "She's willing to go?" her eyes widen as she slaps her forehead and shakes her head in disapproval.

Scratching her head, she moves the luggage in the corner as she continues searching for the door. "My knees are hurting" she mutters, while her hands that were extended in the air felt something.

Her mouth twitches as she desperately moves her hands all over the place "Oh!" she exclaims as she touches the handle.

"Huh?" her hazel eyes widen when the door opens the moment, she twisted the handle "It's not locked?" her eyes blink multiple times in disbelief. "Is this another trick?" she mutters, but still pushes to widen the door and still darkness welcomes her, nothing can be seen just pure darkness.

"They can see me if I open the laptop for the source of light," she sighs as she exited the room walking through her knees.

'I'm getting tired' she thought.

"She's not sleeping" Pro voice echoed in the room that startles Claude, who was busy locating where will be the next target. He moves his eyes on his main monitor to the monitor in his right, his eyebrows form a line as he saw a grown woman crawling on the floor. "What's with her?" he asks.

"She's been like that after she deletes a few words in the document" Pro said as he replays on the screen what happened in the few minutes. "She's been walking through her knees for 15 minutes already" Pro continues

"Maybe she's looking for inspirations for her realistic story?" Claude said while the corner of his lips lifted and his eyes curved while looking at the monitor showing the crawling woman on the floor. "She's born to be an entertainer" he commented

"Humans are weird," Pro said.

The main monitor in the room shows a red sign on the entire screen that caught his attention of Claude, his fingers immediately tap on the keyboard nonstops, creating various codes on his screen before he focuses his attention on the main monitor, he commanded "Keep eyes on her"