You are not good enough

"I'll be next door" Claude looks at Clara sitting on the edge of the bed before grabbing the handle of the door and opens it.

A small creak sound can be heard in the room, Clara's eyes were focused on one direction even though she couldn't see anything "Alright" she answers

Hearing her answer, he walks between the gap of the opened door and the wall, "But don't disturb me" he continues.

Before Clara could say anything a loud slam of the door could be heard echoing in the much empty room, she glares in the direction of the door "Bastard"

Shaking her head, she extends her head as she searches for her laptop, feeling something cold in her fingertips she grabs it right away. With the weight on her hands, she is sure that is her laptop and opens it immediately. With the light coming from her laptop, Clara puts the brightness on its highest and uses it to scan the room, inspecting every corner of the room.

Seeing that there is nothing suspicious inside the room and it is at when they left, she sighs and looks at the French windows that were covered by a thick black curtain that was meters away from her position. Touching the ball of cloth on her foot, she tries to stand but right away sits on the bed as she hissed in pain. She gulps and looks at her laptop "I really need to write something today or else I can't show anything next time I meet my dragon editor," she utters

Opening the word document in her laptop where the draft of her new story was written, her gaze was fixated on the tons of words in front of her as her shaking fingertips were placed on the keyboard keys.

Across the room of Clara that was silence could be heard room a tapping sound enveloped the entire room. Claude's hands did not spare a second on resting one of his fingers as he restlessly taps on the keyboards with his eyes focuses on the security footage of the different establishments. A loud 'clunk' could be heard in the room when he aggressively bites the lollipop in his mouth and just spitting out the stick of it in his side without removing his gaze from the monitor in front of him.

"Are you mad?" a voice rang inside the room of Claude

Without bothering to respond, he recklessly types on his keyboard as a warrior while his body slumps in his chair.

"Oh. You are mad" the voice rang again inside the room Claude's personal artificial intelligence acknowledges him being mad, based on how he treats the keyboard. "He was not there" his voice rang again when Claude clicks another security footage of an establishment.

Claude's restless fingers stop for a second before letting out a scoff and go back on inspecting every security footage in the area they have been.

"I already did that as your order" his artificial intelligence commented.

"You are not good enough," he claims as he clicks on certain security footage as his eyes deepen as he looks at it.

"It's your fault." His artificial intelligence defended "You are the one who created me"

His eyes were fixated on the scene on the monitor as he plays it repeatedly, "Looks like should create you as a not nosy one," he responds, while his fingertips on the space bar were restlessly placed around it as he immediately hit the space bar with force "Got you" he exclaims as he looks at the familiar back of a man.

"You saw him?" his artificial intelligence asks curiously

"What else?" a smirk can be seen in the small face of Claude as he extends his hands and grab a lollipop in the bowl that is full of lollipops and lazily unwraps it "I guess you are not an artificial intelligence but just an artificial" he shrugs as he zooms into the picture in front of him "Your 'Pro' name doesn't suit you"

"My intelligence was from you" Pro mocks when he controls the printer and prints the picture shown on the monitor.

Claude lazily slouches in his seat, tilting his head to look at the printer that was slowly printing the back of a certain person.

He gazes back on his monitor, his tongue played on the lollipop in his mouth as his fingers become busy again typing tons of codes and just stops when a group of numbers of words and numbers appears on his screen.

"Are you thinking that there will be another victim?" Pro questioned when he sees the familiar codes flying around the screen.

"Yes, that is his outfit every time he will do something 'great'" his eyes darkened as he looks at the shabby jacket in the picture "That damned jacket" he murmurs

"Uhm" Pro hum, "I think she was describing that outfit in detailed" he continues

His eyes narrowed as he moves his gaze from the main monitor to the right monitor "She?" he looks at the person shown on the monitor that was looking intently at her own laptop screen.

"Yes," Pro replies as he displays the screen of Clara.

His eyes focus on the screen as tons of words appear right before his eyes every minute, narrating the full details of the outfit of the serial killer.

'His eyes look at his reflection in the mirror showing leather boots that has scribbles on them of every person he murder. A black pants that were stylish enough for this era with keys hanging on his belt and a leather jacket that has seven different kinds of pockets inside and a plain black hat outside but has different scribbles inside of it.