My back was already broken by you

Surrounded by darkness Clara was sitting on a cold stool in front of the counter, her eyes roam around in the cold room, but she can't see anything even a shadow. She sighs and moves her gaze on the small light coming from the refrigerator that was open because Claude is currently rummaging inside of it.

Her eyebrows creases as she saw the piles of food coming from his refrigerator "I thought you don't have anything edible in your house?" she narrows her eyes on the food he was putting down on the floor "What do you call that?"

His hands stop rummaging inside the refrigerator that has been not open since the moment he moved to this place, which was years ago, his eyes look at her who was in the dark but he could still see those bright hazel eyes that were judging him. He gives her a small smile as he looks down at the food on the floor that has food on it, "This is what you called expired food" he said as he raises a chicken in a Tupperware, showing it to her.

Her eyes widen, "What the hell? How can you have expired food?"

He puts down the food in his hand carefully on the top of the mountain of food and starts on searching again, without looking at her he said, "I'm not like you who will eat anything they could find on their refrigerator and can't even do grocery"

She let out a gasp as she looks at him intently "How did you know?!" her mouth was agape as her eyes too.

He shrugs without looking at her knowing that she was looking comical, a smirk was planted on his face, "I told you can't escape me" after he said that he stands up with a block of ice in his hands, pushing aside the food in the floor using his foot he walks towards her.

"You are monitoring me?" she said in disbelief.

He hummed in a low voice without waiting for her reaction, he bends over her and grabs her foot that was injured, placing it in his thigh as support and carefully put the ice over on her ankle.

"Ah!" Clara shrieks as the block of ice touch her bare skin, with the cold seeping through her bone she unconsciously pulls her foot.

Claude looks at her with a narrowed eyes "Behave." He said in a low commanding tone as he pulls her leg to him and places her foot onto his thigh.

"Bear with it," he said when he hears Clara hiss not because of the pain, but because of the cold making her foot numb.

He looks at her face who was gritting her teeth while looking at her injured foot, he let out a chuckle. "That's what you get when you let your pride rules over you"

Clara lift her other foot, kicking Claude with it "It's your fault for being a scumbag"

Capturing the legs that were kicking him, he looks at her and raises his eyebrows, "You are really a pain in the ass, Adelia" he mumbles before releasing the leg "Don't mess around"

"How many times do I have to tell you that my name is Clara. C-L-A-R-A" she spells as she writes every letter of her name in the air, she looks at him tilting her head "Got it?"

Claude just looks at her looking at him with anticipation "Oh, yes Adelia" he nods at her

She kicks him again as she moves her gaze from him to the darkness to her side "I don't want to talk to a person with a birdbrain" she said in a huff and places her head on the counter.

"Wait a minute," he stands with a block of ice in his hands and places it on the counter near Clara. "I'll get something," he gazes at her and her ankle before leaving her.

She looks at his silhouette disappear into the darkness, after seconds and not seeing his silhouette she retracted her gaze where he went to and look at the melting ice in the counter.

Clara slowly picks up the ice on the counter and lifts her injured feet "Uh" she groans.

'Why am I not flexible?' she asks in her thought as she tries to lift her leg closer to her. "Oh gosh!" she exclaimed as she desperately grabs onto the edge of the counter, she almost plasters her face on the floor.

"Hoo." She let out a sigh and put her hands that were holding a block of ice on her heart that was beating so loud, as she stabilizes her breath.

"Hahaha" a laugh can be heard in the corner, she raises her head and look at it and saw Claude walking towards her with a scarf in his hand, "You really not fail in making me laugh" his shoulders were still shaking as he was holding his laugh.

She just glared at him, but the scarf in his hand caught her attention, "Are you going out?"

"Huh?" he looks at her and sees that she was looking at his hand, "Oh," he lifts the scarf and get the ice in your hands "For this," he put the ice in the scarf and wraps it with it, "To be attached with this" he continues and bends into the injured foot of Clara and wraps her foot with it.

Her mouth twisted as she looks at her foot which looks like a baseball ball, she blinks multiple times as she looks at his face who seems to be proud "What—" before she could continue her sentence, he looks up at her and claps.

"Now, you can go upstairs alone," he smiled at her as he stands and walks away.

"What?!" she stands up suddenly and her injured foot strikes with pain, hissing in pain she narrows her eyes, "Do you think I can go up alone like this? Plus look how dark your house is! You vampire!" She protested as her eyes roam around finding his silhouette.

"Just say that you want to be carried again," he suddenly appears in her side and whispers in her ears "Do you want to be bitten by a vampire?"

"What the hell are you saying?" she angrily turns her head to him.

Claude instantly pulls his head back "None," he shrugs as he lifted her up in a princess carry.

"W-wait!" she let shrieks and grab onto his neck "Why you suddenly carried me like this?"

"My back was already broken by you," he said and strides towards the stairs "So you better behave like a log, or I'll really drop you"

"Heartless bastard" Clara mumbles while still holding onto his neck

"And you are a shameless debtor" he argues as he steadily walks upstairs.