Be Obedient

In the dark neighborhood, a lamp post that was flickering could be seen as the two silhouettes of people were walking towards it.

Clara looks at the neighborhood around her, gloomy tall buildings and none of them was open even have their lights on, she immediately walks closer to Claude as she furrows her eyebrows "Are you sure we are not lost?" she looks at Claude who was busy looking at his watch.

He didn't look at her as he stares at his watch for a couple of seconds and he moves his gaze from his watch to look around the area. His gray eyes busily roam around the dark neighborhood, after confirming that no one else is around except them, he grabs her small wrist and leads her to the small aisle "I know every path even I close my eyes we can go back safely in my house"

Clara narrowed her eyes in the dark alley they are currently walking in "Why can't we take the normal path?" She gulps and tries to pull out her wrist from his grasp

"There's no time for that," he said as he walks towards the small alley where the garbage bins are located. "Shit" he murmurs as his earpiece began to ring indicating there is danger.

He looks at his watch right away after a second a red dot suddenly appears on the green area showing the red dot is six meters away.

Claude's eyes darkened and immediately looks back at Clara and to her back, but he can't see any silhouette behind her.

"Are we going back?" Clara looks at her curiously as she looks at her back too, they already walk a few meters away from the entrance

"No" he shakes his head and pulls Clara to run "Faster," he said in a low voice

"What?!" her eyes widened when he pulls her hand and run "Why are we suddenly running?" she tries to keep onto his pace, but she is not athletic, as she was all day sitting in her chair thinking a different kind of scenarios for her novels. "Wait!" she pulls her hand from his grasps as she gasps for air.

Seeing that was gasping for air, Claude presses his earpiece thrice as he strides towards her, who's now bending and holding onto her knees while desperately gasping for air.

She raises her head and glares at him "Do you want to kill me?" she hissed at him while still gasping for breath.

Claude ignores her outburst, but focuses on the voice in his earpiece 'Voice control activated. Scanning the area' can be heard in his earpiece

"Activate all of the security cameras around the area," he mumbles. Looking at the pitiful state of Clara, he strides towards her and grabs her hand, putting it onto his shoulder while she is facing his back.

Clara looks at his back as she blinks, "Huh?" she was planning to pull her hands Claude squat while still facing his back "What?" she confusedly bows her head to look at him.

While she was still confused by his actions, he swiftly pulls her onto his back, making her body fall onto him.

With the sudden actions she didn't expect, she bumps her nose onto his shoulder "Aww" she murmurs before she could rub her painful nose, his hands grab her thighs "W-wait!" she immediately said attempting to escape from him, but he quickly stands up.

With his rapid actions, she instantly holds his shoulders "Will you die if you will inform me first?!" she growls at him.

Ignoring her words, "Be obedient" he groans as he adjusts her position, "Hold onto me if you don't want to have broken bones," he threatens when Clara still holds onto his shoulder.

He looks back at her and their faces were just two inches away from each other, he immediately looks ahead with his narrowed eyes "Put your arms around my neck!" he said in a low groan and starts to run.

Clara puts her arms around him tightly when he starts sprinting, looking at the dark surroundings that were lightened up by the full moon her heart starts to beat faster.

While focusing on the alley ahead of them, she suddenly feels chills on the back of her neck, feeling that someone is looking at her, she raises her head and looks at the top of the building and saw a familiar figure. "Claude" she murmurs as she loosens her grip on him and pulls out her arm to rub her eyes as she looks again at the top of the building.

"Adelia! Hold onto me!" He exclaims as he sprints faster "Target was out of the area" the artificial intelligence declared into his earpiece "Turn right to a small alley"

He runs to the small alley right away while carrying Clara onto his back.

The moment they got into the end of the alley, he abruptly releases her and walks out of the alley as if nothing happened even though he is breathing heavily.

Clara stumbles onto her feet when he suddenly releases her without any warning "Hey! Wa—Ouch" she hisses in pain when her foot, steps onto a rock making her slips and twisted her ankle.

Claude heard this and looks back at her narrowed his eyes at her "Don't even think that I will carry you. I'm tired," his small lips grins at her as he slowly tilts his head. "Plead me"

Clara looks at him in disbelief, as she let out a low laugh "As if" she said as she walks toward him, making it looks like normal even though it was painful the moment she was stepping using the foot that slips onto the rock.

She looks at him and gave him a big smile while the nails dug deeper into her hands that were in fists "What are you looking at? Walk." She commanded.

Claude looks at her face for a couple of seconds and moves his gaze onto her feet. "Alright," he shrugs at her and walks forward.

"Bastard," she mumbles as she persisted in walking while gritted her teeth and endure the pain, he looks at Claude who's not that far from her "Why are walking so slowly?" she questioned raising her eyebrows at him.

"I'm tired," he said in a loud voice as he stretches his arms and shoulder, "I don't know that you can be heavier than a pig" he looks back at her

Hearing the words came out her eyes widened "I'm just forty-five kilograms!" she exclaimed. Her hazel eyes glare at him "I'm skinny!" she insisted while still gritting her teeth and tries to walk towards him to confront him but she was too slow.

"Oh" Claude raises his eyebrows as he looks at her from head to toe while she was walking towards him and smirks at her "Sure you are. More than forty-five kilograms" he nods at her.

"I'm not," she insisted

"Really?" Claude walks up to her and pulls her hands onto his back and puts it on his shoulder, grabbing her thighs "Oh sure you are more than forty-five" Claude said in a huff as he lifts her again into the piggy ride.

"What the?" Clara exclaimed

"You are too loud, " he commented as he strides forward to the building, "We will take forever if I let you walk with those clumsy and not so athletic feet of yours"

Clara just stayed quiet as her foot is really in pain.