It is emergency

Clara's eyes roamed around the bar while her eyes brightened by the new environment in front of her. "Wow," astonishment was reflected in her eyes as she looks at the unrestrained people around her.

Claude pulled her to stand beside him right away when she keeps on walking forward "Where are you going?" his eyebrows crease while looking at her questioningly.

"Oh," she glances at him for a second before reverting her eyes from him to the dance floor in front of her and the men that were showing their interests in each other without restraint, "I'm just curious, actually I want to write about them, but I don't have any idea and I just can't rely upon the books. It will be not realistic." She shrugs as her eyes were fixated on the view in front of her.

He gazes at her side view as he raises his eyebrows "So, all of your stories are from experience?"

"Somehow" she looks back at him and gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Can we sit over there?" she pointed to a circular sofa that was located near the dance floor, but it was also not that eye-catching. Looking at his gray eyes that were somewhat showing some uneasiness "It's not that bright there" she mentioned.

Claude's face immediately darkens looking at the bunch of people that they will go through before going to that place and shakes his head, "We will stay here" he pulls Clara closer to him.

She looks at him and let out a small laugh "You are the one who pushes me to enter here, bear with the consequences," she grabs his hand that was holding her wrist and drag him to the circular couch giving her best to drag him as they squeeze themselves onto the bunch of people.

"It's emergency," he insisted, but let her drag him to the couch, "I don't like here," he mutters the moment he sits on the couch and leans to Clara and rummages into the pocket of the coat she was wearing. "Don't move, Adelia" he looks into her eyes with his furrowed eyebrows while his hands are in the pocket of Clara's coat.

"Huh?" Her eyes widen when he suddenly leans on her and exhaled relief when he retracts his pretty face "Can't you warn me first before you shove your face at me?" she said looking at his chin and does not dare to make eye contact with him.

"You think I would do something to you?" he looks at her with a smirk plastered on his 'pretty' face and unwraps the lollipop "To you? Are you sure with that?" He squints his eyes and puts the lollipop inside his mouth with a chuckle.

Clara's mouth twitches and glared at him, her mouth wants to argue with him, but nothing comes out of, her mouth. "Ha," she let out a huff and divert her attention to the people partying on the dance floor.

Claude let out a low laugh, looking at the annoyed face of Clara that can't rebut him, he raises his eyebrows and tries to provoke her more "Do you want to say something?" he grins at her while the lollipop is still in his mouth.

She exhaled deeply and look at his annoying face "Can't you shut up?" Clara shut her eyes for a second 'Let's try not to murder him in reality, Clara' She thought.

The moment she opens her eyes, she meets his face that still grinning at her, she retracts her gaze from his small face and focuses her attention on the dance floor 'Let's just make him a new character in the story and kill him' she thought.

Feeling that his hands were still holding her wrists, she tries to free him, but he just tightened his grip, her eyebrows creased "Don't hold me," she mutters while her gaze was fixated on the people dancing not meeting his gray eyes.

"No," he shakes his head as he moves closer to her, whispering in her ears "We should stick with each other"

Clara glances at him with a furrowed eyebrows "What is happening? You drag me here when you told me that we will just eat?"

He just shakes his head and looks at his watch, pushing one button.

The watch shows a series of texts and circles and shows a 'SCANNING' text on the entire watch.

Clara's eyes brighten when she saw the watch "That's a c-language right?!" she moves closer to him and grabs his wrists, inspecting the watch on his wrists that were still scanning. "I don't remember they release this kind of brand" she mutters

Claude grabs his wrists from her grasps and twisted it while looking at her with a squinted eye "What do you know about fashion?" he smirks at her as he takes a peek at his watch, seeing that there is still a red dot, he slumps into the couch. "Let's wait to stay here for a couple of minutes"

She tilted her head and looks at his face and to his watch that was hidden in his back "There is something wrong, right?"

Claude pretended not to hear her as he looks at the busy people on the dance floor.

She gulps and looks at him intensely, "I'm asking you," she gritted her teeth

He looks at her hazel eyes before moving his gaze to the busy people "Yeah"

She blinks a couple of times "What is it? Is there something following us?"

Claude nods and gazes at her "You are on point. As expected of a mystery writer, you can pass with that imagination of yours"

Clara narrowed her eyes, "I'm asking you nicely."

He looks at her "Someone is following us" seeing her face turned pale, his urge to tease Clara halted, he scoffs "You don't worry"

Her eyes shook as he looks at Claude while gulping her own saliva "Is it related to the intruder in my house?" her hands turned into fists as she tries to stop them from trembling.

Claude gazes at her fists before looking into her face, he reveals a smug smile and shakes his head "I'm kidding you. Do you think your boring life will turn into an interesting mystery and thriller genre?" He scoffed at her and shakes his head "Just because someone intrudes on your house, your life will be a thriller." He stops for a minute and tilts his head at her "Sorry. I should not call it a house," he looks at her with a grin "But a dumpster"

"Dumpster?!" this word immediately triggers her, she immediately pushes him aside, "Says the person who lives in the total darkness. Are you a vampire huh?"

With the corner of his lips hooking up disdainfully, Claude said "Are you a garbage collector?"

She let out a huff as she searches on her brain a rebut to his sentence, Clara sighs 'Forget it' how could she let herself argue with a childish person.

With this conclusion in her mind, her lips curled up unintentionally as she reaches out to the glass of wine that was placed on the table.

Before her lips could touch the tip of the glass, a hand covers the glass and took it from her.

"What?!" Clara immediately looks at him and squints her eyes, seeing him swirl it in his hands slowly, her face flushed "What the hell is your problem?"

"You will be my problem the moment you drink this, " he glared at her "Are you dumb?"

Clara looks at him in shock "Why are you the one who's angry? It should be me!"

"I know now, you are truly dumb Adelia" he nods at her as if acknowledging this thought "And because you are dumb, let us go," he stood up and grabs my wrists "Watch," he slowly tilts the glass of wine and let it flow down on the red couch that turns white a few seconds the liquid touches its cloth.

Clara's eyes widened and look at him "Why?"

"Do you think this place is safe?" he looks at the portion of the soda that turns white. "This is such a dangerous place"

"Why would someone put that in the drink?" she questioned

He looks at her and sighs "And why would you drink something that you did not order? Are you that dumb Adelia?"

"I'm not dumb!" she complains and points the glass "How can I know that I should not drink that?"

Claude closes his eyes for a second before looking at her "I think you will fit to be a romance writer the mystery thriller doesn't suit you" he shakes his head "Oh. You don't have that experience in that aspect too. Poor you"

She glared at him "You are the dumb one! You kept me calling Adelia. I'm just asking you why there is something in the drink and you say many things!"

He shrugs at her and throws the glass of wine on the couch "I also don't know why you are so dumb," he said and grabbed her wrists, dragging her out of the club as he heard his artificial intelligence mutters 'You can go home now, it's safe'