The schemer 2

"hello Emmanuel speaking who is this? ". Sandra was excited so she composed herself and replied " My name is Sandra " "so how may I help u"? Emmanuel asked. " Am Sonia friend , she told me what happened between the two of you", "so how does that concern you? " Sandra didn't expect this response so she decided to continue "I just wanted to warn you about her she is only trying to use you, I know you already know about Peter, Sonia is madly in love with Peter " " is that why you called no need because am no longer interested in her have a nice day " he ended the call without even waiting for Sandra response. Sandra felt angry because that's not the reason she called, she had wanted to get Emmanuel attention towards her and now she was not given the chance she decided to call back but there was no response the fourth attempt didn't even connect that means Emmanuel have turned off his phone.

Sandra decided to check on Sonia the next day but when she saw her, her mood have not improved she decided to tell her about her call to Emmanuel " hello girlfriend I tried calling your Emmanuel but he did not pick but don't worry I will keep trying " said Sandra "thanks very much" Sonia said. "welcome honey don't think about it much everything will fall in place ".

After Emmanuel dropped the call he didn't know why his mind is not accepting that Sonia is in love with Peter even though he told Sandra he was not interested in Sonia anymore, but he knew he was deceiving himself because his heart is saying something else. He decided to call to invite Sonia to his house and ask her for the last time what her response is concerning his proposal if she finally agree, he would make her pay for trying to deceive him but if she doesn't, he would let her be.

Peter on the other hand was planning to propose to Sonia because he felt that was what every woman wants. He decided to shower her with gifts before he can propose marriage to her.

Sonia started receiving gifts and her trouble mind settled because she felt Emmanuel was trying to make up for everything. She was so happy that she called Sandra to her office to gist her about the latest development. when Sandra came in she was surprised with what she saw on Sonia table she ten asked her " Soni who is behind this do you have another suitor that I didn't know about "? "Sonia smiled and told her that the gifts are from Emmanuel " Emmanuel it cant be after everything I told Him" Sonia surprised asked" what did you tell him I thought you said he didn't pick the call" "no that is not what I meant it was a sleep of tongue I was very happy that I didn't know when I started talking rubbish" " OK so how do you see it, the gifts have been coming for two days now maybe I should call him, what do you think " Sandra was not happy with the turn of events she had hoped Emmanuel will lose interest and after he has gotten over the break up she will make her move. "don't call him let it not look as if you are forcing yourself on him".