surprised package

As soon as Sandra left, Sonia continued with her work but her mind was not at peace she wanted Emmanuel to know she appreciates his kind gestures so she thought of calling Emmanuel again so she picked her phone and gave him a call. As soon as it rang Emmanuel answered the call Sonia felt so happy that she quickly said " thanks very much for everything I love u, you can never imagine what you mean to me sorry for the stunt I pulled the other time I was only trying to make you jealous ".

Emmanuel was just nodding when Sonia was saying those things as if Sonia was there to see him nod, he was just thinking "you succeeded in making me jealous but u will pay for it. who do you want to decisive me impossible I have always said all women are the same look at the kind of lies she is cooking up after her friend told me about how she loves Peter anyway I will play along". He was still in thought when he heard Sonia voice on the phone saying " hello hello hello" " sorry I was a bit distracted I will forward the address of my house to you so you could come I want us to discuss something " "OK I will be there just give me an hour thirty minutes ", he ended the call and quickly went out to buy something before Sonia arrive.

Sonia drove from the office to her house and had a quick shower and a change of clothes because she wanted to impress Emmanuel after that, she drove off with her car to Emmanuel house using the address he gave her as soon as she got there, she was surprised at what she saw.

Emmanuel went to get an engagement ring for Sonia it's not quite long he came back when he heard the sound of a car and he quickly guessed it was Sonia car so he quickly opened the door and knelt down in front of his house with the ring on his palm and his hand out stretched. " will you marry me"? He could see the excitement and surprise on Sonia face but he was skeptical if it was real or she was putting on an act. "oh Emmanuel I will marry you" Emmanuel got up and put the ring on her ring finger and hugged her as he was hugging her his mind was still in doubt if what he was doing was actually right or wrong. " lets go inside" he told her welcome to my paradise still looking at Sonia.

Sonia was over joyed because she thought Emmanuel have changed his mind about marrying her she never knew he was still interested. " wow your house is so beautiful, it is actually a paradise, thanks for this". pointing at the ring on her finger.