Chapter 13: A Fateful Encounter

Yi Xiang who is currently on his way to fulfill his curiosity that he always wished suddenly stops in front of 4-storey building.

This building has many Chinese lantern light attached to the building windows.

The lantern is red coloured and is hanged long around this area

Making this area known as Red Light District of Night Moon City

And at this hour, there are already so many men coming into the building

There is a banner above the main door of the building shows

'Happy Hour House'



Yi Xiang then enters into the 'Happy Hour House' with his devilish smile

Inside the building, the first floor, it is filled with tables and chairs, and at the far end in front of all tables there is a stage and some girls are singing and dancing

This first floor is clearly a bar!


Yi Xiang looked stunned of the scenery he is seeing now because this is his first time seeing a very lively bar.

Suddenly there is a male waiter with unique red and black uniform approached him and asks:


"Young Master, would you like a table? Having dinner here or just drinking here? Or do you come here for a massage?"


Gulpppp… (throat sound)

Yi Xiang feels very nervous now and he replies:


"Ye… Yes, I come here specially for a massage, but I want something PLUS PLUS"

Yi Xiang then put his palm into the waiter's and whispered: "Do you have it?"


The waiter replied with a smile as he understood what Yi Xiang wanted: "Yes young master, we have everything that you want, go upstairs and you will find our pimp, and he will let you choose"


Yi Xiang then goes upstairs and he sees a standing figure

She looks almost in her thirties and she only wears a silver coloured bra and underwear, she slowly walking towards to Yi Xiang



Yi Xiang is not only feeling nervous but he also feels the enjoyment as his little brother who is located below his stomach and behind his trouser currently waking up.

His little brother name is 'Lan Jiao'


The woman who moved slowly is now standing in front of Yi Xiang, Yi Xiang who looks like there is banana stuck behind his trouser asked her:

"Xiao Jie, I would like to have a massage, do you know where is the pimp so I can choose who to massage me"

(Xiao jie means young girl, common terms on calling prostitute in certain place)


The beautiful, feminine figure replied:

"I AM THE PIMP, WHAT CAN I HELP YOU YOUNG MASTER????" with a low pitched voice.




Yi Xiang was shocked.

The moment Yi Xiang heard that low-pitched voice

His dreams literally shattered like a broken glass

His little brother 'Lan Jiao' who just grew long a moment ago suddenly goes short in an instant like a turtle retracting its head back into its shell

Because the voice, the appearance


(You guys can imagine the figure like a this Thai Ladyboy below HAHAHAHAH )


Yi Xiang quickly turned his body and run as fast as he can to leave this horrific place!

During his run, he almost cried because the looks of that figure just deceived him and his little brother


"Hah… Hah… Hah…"

Yi Xiang stopped his run looks very tired, as he has run for quite a distance from that place but he is still around the red light district.


He then realized, although the pimp is a shemale/ladyboy, that dude is only a pimp, the xiaojie he offered might be a top-notch quality.

However, he was too shocked.

His first experience was mixed with the shemale/ladyboy encounter!



Yi Xiang then look at the meat bun stand that stands beside him

He then realized he has not had his dinner yet

To recover from the shock and to relax his mind

He then bought 2 Chicken Meat Bun and paid 10 Silver to the seller



He then walks into the next brothel that is 100 meters ahead of him while eating his meat buns

After he walks about 50 meters and finishing his meat buns

He hears there is noise coming from the west side of him, and the noise is like a noise made from the pursuit and a run.



Yi Xiang who is very curious about what happened then check into a dark alley beside him, and as he goes deeper he hides himself and cover behind the building.

He then silently peeks the view ahead of him

There are 3 dark-skinned men push a woman into the corner of the alley and tearing her clothes

The three horny men are Indians-race human, each of them are not very tall and not too strong


Yi Xiang looks shocked and said to himself:


Yi Xiang heard a lot of news even he was in Iron Fishing Village, there were some raping cases that got spread all over the country, and most of the suspects were reported to be an Indians, just like what he sees now



"Rapists deserve to die! I must save that woman!"


Yi Xiang then summons 'Dual Shock' from his spatial rings, he has two spatial rings, one at his left finger and one at right finger, Yi Xiong told him to place 'Dual Shock' separately for better efficiency and effectiveness


He then pour his spiritual energy into the 'Dual Shock'

Bzzztt!!! Bzzztt!!


Blue coloured lightning appeared and the blue coloured zigzag shines from the 'Dual Shock'

He then runs into the three rapists that have started to notice him

He then throws one of 'Dual Shock' from his left hand



The blade flies into the 3 rapists ahead of him


The blade missed as the rapists were able to read the blade movement and it pierced into the building wall

The alley is now not in total darkness as the lightning blade has illuminated the darkness



Yi Xiang jumped and kicked one of the rapists and the one that Yi Xiang kicked, flew into the wall beside the illuminating blade.

The two rapists quickly bring out their dagger and rushing toward Yi Xiang


Yi Xiang who is now surrounded by the two rapists still looks calm and he throws the remaining 'Dual Shock' from his right hand into the rapist who is coming from right side.



Cruttt! Bzzztt! Bzzzt!

The blade pierces into the rapist forehead and blood come out from his forehead.

His corpse even dances on the floor struggle because of the electricity effect.


"DIE!!" Another rapist said as he tried to attack Yi Xiang from Yi Xiang left side


Yi Xiang then raises his forearm and the spatial ring on his left finger shines



The blade of the rapist dagger broke and scattered around the weapon that Yi Xiang wears on his left hand

The attacking rapist was also being pushed back by Yi Xiang's weapon

It is a Kappa Shield!


When the rapist was being pushed back, Yi Xiang did not waste any single second

He turns his body around and he swings his right hand the exact moment his spatial ring from his right hand shines



The rapist that was pushed back the Kappa Shield now is a corpse without a head

His head flew high and drop into the trash can 3 meters beside Yi Xiang

On Yi Xiang right hand there is a sword that is now stained with blood

It is his Iron Marlin Sword!


Yi Xiang then approach the last remaining rapist that was kicked by him earlier

He then asks: "Any last word, scumbag?"


The rapist begged and replied:

"Mercy please…..

Do not kill me…..

I am also a man like you, you should understand we men have a crazy lust to


You must have understood me unless you do not like girls but a shemale!"



The last remaining rapist head went flying and landed on the trash can again

And in Yi Xiang face, his expression looks pissed and angry

(You can imagine Yi Xiang face like this when heard the shemale word )

Yi Xiang then put back all his weapon into his spatial rings and approached the woman


"Gu niang, are you okay? Where do you plan to go? Let me protect you until you reach your destination" Yi Xiang while giving her a new set of clothes from his spatial ring

(Gu niang means woman, it is a term when calling an older woman with respect)


The woman nods and she thanked Yi Xiang for his help

Both of them then go into the place that she wanted to go





"Will I meet another shemale here?Fuck!" Yi Xiang thought on his mind



The place that the woman told Yi Xiang she wanted to go is her workplace.

And now in front of Yi Xiang is another Brothel in Night Moon Red Light District.

This Brothel is not as big as the first one, and it is also not as crowded as the previous one.

This Brothel stands alone in a quite big empty land.

The banner above the door shows '8 Heaven'



"Come inside" The woman said to the shocked Yi Xiang



Both of them go inside and go into the second floor and enter into a room

This room has a really sensual smell and Yi Xiang feels very happy now because he knows that this woman is not another Shemale!



The woman then said in a charming voice:


"My name is Su Chu, as someone who knows gratitude, I should repay you well for saving my life"


Su Chu then opens all her clothes that Yi Xiang gave and move closer into Yi Xiang

Su Chu is a very sexy woman, she has a nearly waist length hair, big boobs

(You can imagine she is a very sexy clerk in the office building)


She then touches the back of Yi Xiang head

Yi Xiang blood pumped really fast, his heart is now beating very fast

His little brother starts to wake up again

He and his little brother shout in his own mind: "Come, MORE!"


Then suddenly Su Chu eyes glow yellow coloured light.

The moment Yi Xiang looked at it, Yi Xiang was like sent into another world.

And inside this another world, the naked Su Chu grab Yi Xiang right hand and put into her right boobs!


Yi Xiang nose bleeds both in the real world and in this other world




Suddenly the Griffin cross that Yi Xiong gave him shone

Yi Xiang is now back into his sense

The feeling that he felt just now was an illusion!

But when he realized his nose is also bleeding in the real world

He told himself: "What a good illusion!"


"Wow, you have a holy/light attributes accessories, you are truly extraordinary" Su Chu said with great interest towards Yi Xiang.


Yi Xiang then replied loudly as he worried that he is now facing a danger: "Who are you!?"


A black coloured aura emerged from Su Chu body, suddenly a pair of wings and a tail grow from her body

Her tail is black coloured and the tip of the tail is love-shaped

Her wings are black coloured with a dark-blue lines

Her eyes then becomes yellow


A darkness creature that absorbs men vitality and life spirit

An ancient creature that should not be on this continent

A creature that was born from the power of the Demon King of Lust



She is a Succubus!!!!