Chapter 21: Damn, I love this girl!

Yi Xiang stared into the girl for some seconds and not moving

The girl who is also staring into Yi Xiang also did not blink her eyes

It feels like the world only belongs to them and they cant even hear or feel the noise of the classroom



"Hey Yi Xiang, why are you standing for so long, come take a seat friend"

Zhang Sen said after he saw Yi Xiang was stunned by the girl that he just met.


"Oh yeah, yeah" Yi Xiang nods while getting back into his sense.


The girl also looked into another direction when Zhang Sen called Yi Xiang.

Yi Xiang then sits into his seat.

His right and backside are the walls.

His left is Zhang Sen.

And in front of him is truly a Beauty!

What an unexpected jackpot for him!


Zhang Sen then whispers into Yi Xiang ear:

"Bro, don't tell me you are in love at first sight with that girl in front of you?"


"Ahhhh Haha…hahaha"

Yi Xiang replied with a very awkward expression because Zhang Sen definitely has seen right through him.


"You better need to think twice, you shall find out soon"


Then suddenly Lao Se has entered into the classroom.

The class has started.


"Before we start for today lesson, one of our students has just come back here, so we will let her introduce herself first, so we will all know each other completely"

Lao Se said with his right hand gesturing a welcoming gesture.


The girl in front of Yi Xiang stands up and head in front of the class and introduces herself.


"Hello everyone, my name is Sui Wei, I come from Imperial South Sea City. Pleased to meet everyone here" Sui Wei said while bowing her head.


All male students are shocked and literally charmed by her beauty.

Some female look in jealous because they are not as beauty as Sui Wei.


Sui Wei then goes back into her seat.

The moment she completely seated on her seat.

A very pleasant and a very good smells goes into Yi Xiang nose.

Yi Xiang feels the scent are very good and very charming.

(You can imagine he smells it like this )


The class has started.

Lao Se has started giving his lecture, writing and explaining to his entire student.


In this classroom, the chair does not have a leaning part, so all students must lean to the desk behind them if they want to lean.

And just sitting by straight, students back will touch the desk behind them because the desk and seat placement in this class are very close to each other.


On the back seat

Sui Wei's long hair is not tied and loose down into her butt

However, because she is now in a seating position, her hair cannot loose into her butt, but into Yi Xiang's desk and she does not realize it.

About 10 cm of her hair is now on top of Yi Xiang's book.


Sui Wei's hair is very nice looking and looks very shiny.

(You can imagine it as the hair in shampoo advertisement in your country)

Seeing a lot of Sui Wei hair on the table has raised Yi Xiang's curiousity.


He then opens his book and holding some pages with his left hand.

His right hand then grabs and touches Sui Wei's hair on his book.

Due to the many pages stand vertically held by his left hand.

Zhang Sen or anyone on his left side will not be able to see what Yi Xiang do with his right hand.


Yi Xiang then plays with 10cm of her hair and gently pulls her hair.

Her hair is very smooth and each time he pulls Sui Wei's hair, many pleasant scents scattered into the air.

Yi Xiang feels like living in a dream, the scent is so good making him wants to pull Sui Wei's hair even more.



Sui Wei who is in front of him has realized that somehow Yi Xiang has pulled her hair.

Her face blushed because she realized that Yi Xiang is now playing with her hair with a very careful manner and in a gentle way.

Although Yi Xiang does not know her, she knows Yi Xiang from the superb battle he had during the test.

She has started to admire Yi Xiang since the entrance test but due to her family problem, she must return back to the capital city for one month and not able to enter the class.


Sui Wei hair is sectioned into three parts, one at the back, one at the front-left, and another one at front-right.

Srek.. Srek..

Sui Wei gently put her front-left hair section into her back, then she put her front-right hair section into her back slowly.

She trusts Yi Xiang will not do anything harmful to her hair.



Seeing more hair goes into his desk Yi Xiang is a bit confused.

Then suddenly Sui Wei leans more into Yi Xiang desk thus letting longer length of her hair into Yi Xiang desk.

25cm of her hair is now on Yi Xiang desk.

Yi Xiang feels like Sui Wei knows that he played with her hair but instead of stopping him, she actually gives more!


Yi Xiang then continuously play and gently pulling her long hair.

More scents and aroma goes into his brain through from his nose.

Cannot hold it any longer, he lowers his head and if everyone sees his current position, everyone might think Yi Xiang has fallen asleep.

He then directly smells Sui Wei's hair with his nose while playing it with his right hand.


Lao Se is very busy writing a lot of material in front of his class

Even when he is facing the students, he will not be able to spot Yi Xiang because Sui Wei is perfectly covering Yi Xiang body.

Yi Xiang plays and smells Sui Wei hair until the class ended.


In his mind he is saying:

"This girl not only pretty but also very kind giving me more. Damn I feel like I am really in love with this girl. I must discover more about this girl. What a lucky day"

Yi Xiang said with his libido rising and heart racing.


This is normal for Yi Xiang because not only this is the first time he met such a pretty girl but also touching her body parts although its only her hair.


The class has ended.

And suddenly there is one male student coming to Sui Wei seat from far away in front.

"Sui Wei"


After hearing that, Yi Xiang gets back into his sense and his right hand no longer touching Sui Wei's hair.

He raises his head and he sees a male student coming into Sui Wei's seat.

This student has short hair and a body figure like him but with luxurious red colored clothes.

His face is ordinary handsome, and on his face, everyone can clearly see that he is kind of an arrogant prick.

His name is Tai Yet.


"Sui Wei, want to have lunch together?"

Tai Yet said with a smile to Sui Wei.


"Mei se, I have something to do in my room, I need to organize all my belongings after moving"

Sui Wei replied

(Mei se means 'no problem')


Seeing Yi Xiang who looks like eavesdropping their conversation with a very pervert face and smiles due to the effect of the very sensual scent from Sui Wei hair.

He approaches Yi Xiang.


"Hey you, I do not know why Sui Wei wants to seat here but I must warn you, do not ever touch her, not her hair not even her clothes!"


"Tai Yet, what are you doing, we are all classmates, he also has not done anything to me" Sui Wei replied.


"I am just trying to protect you, cant you see his pervert face, look at his nose, that is the nose expression of pervert, I am afraid he will harm you soon or later, we are friends since we were very small and our family are very close to each other, if anything happened to you how am I supposed to face your father and grandfather" Tai Yet said while pointing into Yi Xiang nose in front of Sui Wei.


Sui Wei then looks into Yi Xiang.


She tries really hard not to laugh!

Because Yi Xiang expression is indeed very weird and looks very pervert.

But she smiles because she knows that Yi Xiang has already started liking her hair and smells it a lot.

(You can imagine what happen when she sees that kind of nose expression from the previous image I mentioned before)


"Tai Yet, I guess there is a misunderstanding here, Yi Xiang is my friend and I know his personality and he is a very sincere person. I am sure he will never harm Sui Wei"

Zhang Sen said and nods into Sui Wei because they know each other.


"Huhhh, Zhang Sen, son of Head Minister of Law

I hope what you said is right, because if something happens to her by this pervert here, I believe her grandfather Zhang Guo will be very angry!"


He then turns his face into Yi Xiang pervert face and continues:

"Boy, just because you have the best time at the entrance test, do not ever think you are a hotshot here. If I was chosen to take the test, I will win without losing consciousness like you. I am warning you one more time, do not ever disturb her"


Tai Yet is very annoyed seeing Yi Xiang pervert face and couldn't stop to start getting angry

Tai Yet is very confidence in his ability because he is the top cultivator level in this genius class with Iron-ranked level 9 almost reaching Steel rank at age 15

In the next few months both of them will have their birthday and will be their 16th but their level is very different.

He is also from a noble family and he thinks he is the only that worthy for Sui Wei


Yi Xiang stands up and replies:

"I do not who you are but can you answer me one question? Are you Sui Wei's boyfriend?"


Tai Yet looks into Sui Wei in the eyes but he did not dare to say anything.


"It seems like you are not his boyfriend as I expected, do you know what? Today I just meet her and I must say she is very very pretty, and do you know why I dare to praise her in front of her directly? I am very sorry that someone has joined the race you are in"


Upon hearing Yi Xiang praises, Sui Wei felt very happy in her heart.

That was a very clear code from Yi Xiang!!


Tai Yet looks very angry and says:

"You are not worthy! A commoner like you will never be worthy!"


Living in a high-level society and seeing everyone bowing to him since his childhood.

Tai Yet is very arrogant to the core!


And upon hearing the word 'commoner', Yi Xiang starts to feel hot and burned by Tai Yet's word and said:

"Since entering this genius class, I always want to exchange blow with the top-level student in this class, since you are the highest level cultivator in this class, do you dare to spar with this commoner here?"


Zhang Sen is shocked.

And everyone in the class is also shocked.


"Huhhh, if you insist, then let me teach you some proper manner, 1 hour from now on, go into the arena hall, all students can use the arena for sparring purpose, I will show you the power of a true prodigy!"

Tai yet said into Yi Xiang then left the classroom.


The class is now in an uproar.

Some of the students have already gone out of the classrom and broadcast it to senior classes and normal classes.


"Are you sure Yi Xiang? He is not an easy opponent, although honestly I do not think he can beat Stonejaw-saurus, he is pretty strong too for his age"

Zhang Sen asked with his face not showing any fear but with an optimistic smile.


"Really? You think he can't beat Stonejaw-saurus? Then that makes things easier, I expect him to be stronger than Stonejaw-saurus though"


"Late-Steel ranked beast is not an easy opponent even for geniuses like us, I will not stop you, instead I am cheering for you bro, I really like the way you fight, I will see you one hour from now, get your preparations well buddy"

Zhang Sen said and then leaving the classroom.


Inside the classroom there is only Yi Xiang and Sui Wei.

Yi Xiang and Sui Wei are once again staring at each other into the eyes.


"I will be there seeing your match again, Goodluck and do not get hurt Yi Xiang"

Sui Wei said to Yi Xiang then turned her body and moving into the exit of the classroom.


"Sui Wei…"

Sui Wei then stops when hearing Yi Xiang voice.


"Thank you for letting me play with your hair...

...….I really like it...…..


...…You are..

...…Very Pretty….."


After hearing those words from Yi Xiang.

Sui Wei blushed a lot to the point she did not know how to react.

She then leaves the room quickly without replying to Yi Xiang.


Yi Xiang then feels relieved that he can thank her and say what he wanted to say after meeting her.

He then leaves the classroom and heads into his room.

He changes into his Blue-Barracuda armor and uses his whetstone to sharpen all his weapons.



1 hour later


Yi Xiang goes into the arena.

After exiting the tunnel in Arena Hall.

He sees the arena is very crowded like there is some kind of event held in the arena hall.

Although it is not as crowded as the entrance test but he feels that this a decent amount of audience.

Most of the audience are students but he can clearly see that some of the spectators include teachers from different classes.



Yi Xiang then ascends onto the arena.

On the arena, he sees a figure with red colored armor with a black belt circling from his left shoulder into his right hips.

He is Tai Yet!


"So you come, I thought you were only good at bluffing"

Tai Yet said to Yi Xiang after Yi Xiang ascended onto the arena.


"Not even a Steel-ranked beast can scare me, what about a mere Iron ranked expert? I hope you don't disappoint me"


"Are you guys ready?"

Someone suddenly ascends into the arena.

He is the genius from the senior class.

He wears ordinary black scholar clothes.

His head is bald

His race is Chinese

He is a bit funny looking guy

(You can imagine his figure is like Madarame Ikkaku from Bleach)


The audience goes crazy!

He continues:


"The battle for the love of the grand daughter of Military Minister of SSK….

STARTS NOW!!!!!! "