
Darkness, emptiness and silence... That's all that Alex could say about the condition he is in. The gunshot wasn't as bad as he think. Just a moment of pain and then nothing.

The fact that he was still alive after getting shot by a gun was surprising. But wait a second, there was something wrong with all this. He was already dead! How the heck does he still feel alive?. Noticing the liquid that surrounded his body and the way he was breathing right now. There was only one word that Alex could thought of in his mind... Reborn! He was a fetus right now!

Alex doesn't know if he was supposed to laugh or cry right now! Being happy that he could still live again or sad that he was already dead. Well, trying to be positive Alex decided to just accept his current fate. He was already lucky enough that he could still retain his past memories.

Alex passed his days in the wombs with sleeping and accepting those nutrient from the umbilical cord. Sometimes kicking the wall of his current mother's stomach. However sometimes he felt that the nutrient he received was so small and he is always felt tired after some times.

Alex wonder what was going on outside. One day, Alex felt that the water around him is getting little. The water broke! He is going to be born into this world. Alex felt an attraction and warmth surrounded him.

This is a quiet night, the moonlight shone against a solemn mansion that stood tall near the mountain away from the dense building of the civilians houses. The silenced was broken when a screaming of a lady was heard from one of the room in the mansion. In the room could be seen the maids and midwife busily helping the Lady of the mansion giving birth.

" Push! Push! My Lady! Just a little bit. I could already see his head." The midwife shouted. Looking at the Lady already exhausted, she shouted at the maid to get some sugar water for the Lady.

"You there! Fast go get the sugar water for the lady. Hurry up!" The midwife urged.

"But... but... the Lord is going to get mad if I took it!" The maid said nervously. But looking at the lady lying on the bed getting whiter and pale as the time passed on she hesitated. Not a moment later she still ran to the kitchen to get the sugar water. She didn't want to be a killer of two life!

"Aaarrggghh...!" The Lady's lying on the bed shouted painfully. She was sweating a lot and her clothes was already soaked in sweat and blood.

"The head is coming out! Just a little bit, my Lady! Push! Push just a little bit! Ah! He's out. He's out my Lady! It's a boy! Congratulations my Lady! " The midwife shouted excitedly.

She cleaned the baby with warm water and surrounded the baby with warm cotton clothes. The midwife the puts the baby beside her mother.

When Alex was born in this world, he cried very hard and loudly. Alex couldn't talk or see with his eyes right now. However he could still hear the sound of everyone and everything around him. Alex was put besides his mother by the midwife. His mother is smiling tiredly at him. Her eyes shone with happiness as she embraced Alex. Although he was just born Alex felt tired after a while and he felt asleep not noticing the tense atmosphere in the room after the helping maid came back into the room.

The maid who goes to the kitchen to get a bowl of sugar water came back after Alex felt asleep. She had a slap marks on her cheeks and tears still glittering her eyes. But she kept her strong attitude and stride into the room.

"Here my Lady, the sugar water. Drink some to get some strength. You must be strong for your newborn son." The maid said soothingly to the Lady when she noticed that the Lady was staring at her wounded cheeks. She helped the Lady sit and put the bowl filled with sugar water on her mouth. Urging the Lady to drink it.

The Lady drink the sugar water. Avoid looking at the marks on the maid's face. She sighed and just felt really tired in a moment of her life. But looking at her son sleeping peacefully at her sides, she knows that she needs to keep a strong attitude. She lied back and felt asleep as exhaustion dominates her body.

Seeing the Lady fallen asleep, the midwife and maids walk out of the room quietly and closed the door carefully. Leaving the Lady and her newborn son lying asleep peacefully together.