Thrown Out?!

It's been a few weeks since Alex was born. One morning, Alex was woken up by the loud noise in the room. He opened his eyes and looked at what is supposed to be a man and a woman having a loud arguments. However his sight of view was still quite limited and could only see some blurry figures. It took Alex quite a while to adjust his sight and saw what happened.

'So noisy! What's going now?' Alex thought in his mind. Alex tried to focused his view towards the source of noise.

A handsome blond haired man wearing a white shirt and long black pants with a twisted face shouting harshly at a beautiful and pale young woman wearing a simple blue dress. There was another woman besides the man wearing a sexy blood red gown gloating at the young woman's condition. She also kept on pouring oil to the already heated arguments. Not giving any mercy to the poor lady.

"I want you to get out of this house right now! We're going to get a divorce! I'm going to marry my beautiful Catherine." Lord Albert said arrogantly and righteously. Overlooking the desperate and despair from the face of his current wife, Lady Elizabeth whose face got whiter after his confession.

"You.. you... you can't do this! Albert, you already had an agreement with my dad when he was still alive that you would take care of me and the unborn son. You would also never marry another woman. As a compensation for us helping you to get the head of the house's tittle and dad even sacrifice himself for you to win!" Lady Elizabeth shouted desperately. Her shaking fingers pointed at Lord Albert.

She sobbed and tears falls out of her eyes unto her face. She looked so pitiful and desperate. She was really stupid to believed all this scum sweet words and poisonous oaths.

All the servants and maids in the room kept quite with their head bowed down to the floor. There was nothing that they could do to helped the pitiful lady. Catherine sneered.

"So what! Your glorious house of Argent had already fallen out of our upper noble hierarchy since the death of Duke Argent. All that's left was only some waste materials. Humph! There's nothing that you could offer to our King's family anymore. So you could get out of this house now!"

Lady Elizabeth gritted her teeth and clenched her hand tightly. Her father's death had always been the needle in her heart. She thought that all the sacrifices she made was worth the price. I don't think that all she got in the end was this! It's really a retribution. Remembering her father's last word, she paled. She then made her decision quickly. She must get out of this house. Anyway dead camel is still bigger than nothing else.

"You sl*t! Even if you enter this house, I will see how you would support this family. Okay then, let's divorce it. However I want half of the money from the family's treasury as a moral compensation. Don't even you dare to wronged our poor widow and child and don't even think to hide or avoid it. If not I'm going to report to the government of justice about this matter. You all' know the punishment for breaking a gold contract." After having said that Lady Elizabeth ordered for her private maid, Liliana, to arranges all her things in her room.

Lord Albert then ordered the butler of the house, Master James, and one of the servant to take the money from the treasury and the divorce contract agreement from his study room quickly. Worried that Lady Elizabeth might changed her heart anytime.

"James, go and get the the contract from the drawer in the study room. Damon go and ask the money from Gerard. Fast!"

"Yes My Lord!"

"Yes My Lord!"

Lady Elizabeth was sad for a while watching her husband's deeds. However she quickly regained her calm facade and sneered in her hear. She really want to see how this damn family is going to stand in this noble circle without her family sheltering them. Lady Elizabeth then turned and strode toward her baby son in the cot besides the bed. Lifting him gently into her embrace.

Noticing her son eyes gazed towards her made her already cold heart soften. She smiled a little bit. Mommy's sorry for you, son. But Mommy promise that our life is going to be fine and even better than now. She vowed in her heart.

When Master James and Damon came back with the divorce contract agreement and the money, Lady Elizabeth quickly signed the paper and took the money bag. She then watched her husband signed it too. Now their relationship is already broken. She took all her things and walked out of the house with her baby son and maid, Liliana.

There was already some kind of animals carriage waiting for her outside. Before she got inside she glimpsed at the the house for the last time. She sighed feeling very exhausted deep in her bones for once in her life. However hearing her son's giggling voice, she decided to cheered herself up.The carriage then rolled out of the mansion and into the dense civilians road.

Alex watched all the drama in the room excitedly. Alex really pitied his mother but he also felt like crying. He thought that it was nice that he was born again. He really want his life back. However, when he came out of the house he was attracted to the animal that's pulling the carriage. The animal looked like a horse but had a horn on its head like a unicorn and its body is big. It was a weird animal that he had never seen. He wonder what it is.

Alex had already noticed the particularity and weirdness of this world that he was born into. He was surprised when he saw some maids and servants in the room cleaning using some kind of magic power. But he got used to it after some times. He was getting more curious of this world after a long of been born. Alex was really excited of what this world could offer to him in the future.