Chapter 1:Heavenly Treasure?

<====3rd Person=====>

"Come on Jin! Hurry up! Don't you you want to see what caused that huge explosion in the forest just now? It might be a heavenly treasure!"

A young youth around 15 or 16 wearing white with a sword sheathed at his side could be seen pulling a boy who looks around 12 to 13 towards a tower of smoke deep in the forest.

"Brother Jia I don't think this is a good idea. Other people are bound to have heard that explosion! What if some peerless experts are already here and kill us because they think we are going to steal their treasure? So what if it's valuable! I'd rather keep my life!"

The boy known as Jin screamed at his elder brother Jia when.....


"My God! That roar must of been from at least a rank 3 demonic beast! Maybe your right Jin, come on, let's leave."

Jia exclaimed loudly then quickly turned around to leave. But when he turned around both Jia and Jin exclaimed again when they saw an average looking 50 year old man behind them.

"Old man Zhou! What are you doing here?"

Jia asked the man now known as Zhou in a low tone so as to not alert the powerful demonic beast close by.

"Huh,why if it isn't the 2 former young masters of the Burning Tree Sect!How wonderful!"

Zhou said in a mocking tone intending to anger them.

"Tch!" Jia sneered at Old man Zhou then said.

"Your only acting this way because our father lost the sect master position after he was injured through despicable means, then you went and switched sides!And I thought dogs were supposed to be loyal to their masters, I guess I was wrong."

As he was was saying this Old man Zhou's face went from normal to red in rage as he shot forward with a palm attack then screamed "DIE FOR ME!"Jia, surprised by the sudden attack, hurriedly unsheathed his sword to block the attack while saying"JIN RUN! GET OUT OF HERE, I'LL HOLD HIM OFF!"

Jin,knowing that if he stayed he would only be a hindrance for his brother, quickly turned around and ran as fast as he could to where he heard the explosion hoping he could find and use the heavenly treasure to help him save his brother.

<====Jin's Perspective====>

" be....huff...around here...huff...somewhere."

Jin said in between breaths of exhaustion while frantically looking around for any signs of treasure until he spotted a small crater with a small smoldering rock In the center.

"Is this it? A heavenly treasure? looks just like a normal rock to me, except it's very hot."

Jin said dejectedly as he picked up a stick close by then uses it to hit the rock as hard as he could which causes an audible "Crack!" sound to be heard from the rock.

"Huh, what's this?" Jin says as he uses the stick that he hit the rock with to pick up a bright red ring out from the rubble. As he takes a closer at it, he see words on the side and starts to read."I am the god of slaughter, every millennia I rise, stronger than all the rest, slaughtering for heavens prize." As Jin finishes, a spatial crack forms which pulls him and the ring inside it.

<====The Spatial Crack=====>

Somewhere in a cave, a spatial crack could be seen opening, as a boy with a bright red ring on his finger shot out of it and slams into a wall.

This boy is Jin, who just went hurtling through

darkness for what seemed like years only to end up in a cave.

"Ouch!" Jin muttered to himself as he rubs his head."Where am I? A cave?" Jin says as he starts to look around only to see one thing.

An small ancient looking shack that looks on the verge of collapse.

"Well, it's the only thing here, so I might as well go inside." As Jin gets closer to the door he sees that there isn't a doorknob but what looks like an indent for a ring with words carved above it that said "Insert the Slaughter God's Ring." Jin does what it says and quickly places the Slaughter God's Ring in the hole which causes the door to slowly open, but what greets Jin is something he didn't expect:Huge. 'Who would have thought that in that tiny old shack would be a huge and majestic looking room fit for a king?' Jin thought as he walks inside only to be stopped about not even 2 feet into the room as he hears in his mind "Requirements not met. You need to be at Body Tempering Eighth stage to go on." As Jin hears this he almost screams in rage. The reason why? Because in the city he lives in the only people at that stage and above are the elders, the new sect master, and his father, the previous sect master, at Burning Tree Sect! And he is only at the peak of Body Tempering Second stage! But he doesn't scream. The reason why? Because he can feel that the Qi in this place Is many, many times richer than the Qi around where he lives, and it's not normal Qi either, it's one of the most domineering Qi's, Slaughter Qi!

Quickly sitting down and activating his Cultivation Technique, he finds a problem:His Cultivation Technique isn't working! So he decides to look around the little amount of room he has and there it is! On the right side of the room carved into the wall is something called "Domineering Slaughter Cultivation Art"

As Jin is reading this he unknowingly goes into a trance as he quickly sits down and starts using the " Domineering Slaughter Cultivation Art" which causes the the Qi in the surrounding area to rapidly flow into him like a river.

3 hours later a loud "BOOM could be heard signifying that someone just had a breakthrough in there cultivation.

In the large room, Jin could be seen smiling as he says to himself "I've brokenthrough to the middle of Body Tempering Third stage! Now I can go save Brother Jia! But first, how do I leave?" As Jin finishes he hears a voice in his head saying 'Would you like to leave?'

Startled but still calm after hearing that voice again, Jin quickly exclaims "Yes!" And with that, the Slaughter God's Ring appears on his finger and a spatial crack forms, quickly pulling him in.

<===The Spatial Crack====>

In a forest, a boy could be seen falling out of a spatial crack "Splash!" And directly into a river.

5 minutes later

"The heck man! This ring is trying to kill me!"

Jin says while coughing up water as he pulls himself out of the river. After he drys his body using Qi, he quickly starts his search to find his elder brother Jia.

<====With Jia====>

"Hahaha, you should of ran away with your Brother! Then you might of had a chance to escape! Die!" As Old man Zhou said this he shot out a punch towards a severely injured Jia who tries to put his sword up to block when he hears "Puchi" coming from the direction of Old man Zhou. As he looks up he sees something that shocks him.Old man Zhou was split in half! But what shocks even more is when he looks around to see who did he sees only one person:And that person is his younger brother,Jin!