Chapter 2:Traveling to SkyStrike city and exploring Slaughter God's Cave.

(Note:Cultivation levels for Mortal Realm:Body Tempering 1-9 early-high ,Spirit Strengthening 1-9 early-high ,Elemental Core Forming 1-9 early-high ,Core Stablization 1-3 early-high , Divine Ascension 1-3 early-high)

"Brother Jin! What happened? How did he die?" Jia asked Jin because not to long ago Jin was only at the peak of Body Tempering Second stage but Old man Zhou was at the peak of early Body Tempering Third stage.

Hearing his brother ask him this question he doesn't know if he should tell him the truth so after thinking of an excuse he says "I killed him brother Jia! If your wondering how,well, I found that heavenly treasure! It was a profound grade herb! After I ate it my cultivation soared by leaps and bounds allowing me to breakthrough to the mid level of Body Tempering Third stage!"

(Herb grades: Mortal,Spirit,Profound,Heavenly,Divine)

As he heard what Jin just said, his jaw dropped to the floor as he managed to stutter out " grade herb! How much of it did you find? Is there more of it?"

As he said that Jin shook his head and said "No. I only found one and used it already, sorry brother Jia. Anyway, we should head back now before it gets to late." After hearing this Jia looked up at the moon in the sky and said "Yeah, I think we should go back to SkyStrike city now before father gets worried." As he finishes they both start their trek back to SkyStrike city.

<====SkyStrike city market====>

At the late of night people could be seen walking around, buying and selling different things to go on a journey of their own to check out the loud explosion that occurred in the forest outside the city. At this moment two

youths in white could seen walking around.

"We're finally back brother Jia! Hopefully father won't scold us for being late." Jin says as he runs ahead of Jia only to run into a girl about the same age as him "Sorry about that! Oh, Its you! Hey Lei! What are you doing out here?" The girl looks at Jin before looking at Jia then says " Young Masters, you said you would be here earlier this afternoon! I have been looking for you all day! Hurry, come with me, Old Master Jun wants to talk to the both of you!"Looking at Lei scolding them they both say " Sorry!" before heading back to the Burning Tree Sect.

<=====Burning Tree Sect====>

Even though it's night many youths could still be seen practicing many different types of battle techniques or cultivating. At this time Jin and Jia could be seen following Lei back to their father's house, wondering what their father would want, Jin asks "Hey Lei, do you know why father wants to speak with us?" Lei looked at Jin and said "Young master, as you both know, the outer disciple tournament will begin 3 months from now, and if you get in the top 50 you will become and inner disciple of the Burning Tree Sect! I am guessing that your father wants to ask you how your training is going and if you need any help." when she finishes talking she stops walking in front of a large house and says "We're here young masters." Jin and Jia both nod then enter the door.

<====Inside The House======>

Jun could be seen pacing back and forth with a slight limp as he waits for His two sons, "Creak" the old door creaks upon oppening as Jin and Jia enter into their fathers room. Seeing that his sons are finally back, Jun clears his throat and says" I am pretty sure you already know why I called you here but if you dont let me tell you, 3 months from now the outer disciple tournament will begin and the disciples that get in the top 50 will be accepted as inner disciples and the top 5 will be rewarded things such as Bone Strengthening Powder and an Impurity Cleaning Pill. I dont expect you to get top 5 but I expect you two,based on your cultivation right now,,to get at least top 30. If there is anything you need help with just ask." Both Jin and Jia nodded in agreement the left to go to their own rooms.

<====Jin's room====>

In his room, Jin could be seen looking at a bright red ring then saying "I am the god of slaughter, every millennia I rise, stronger than all the rest, slaughtering for heavens prize." When he finishes a spatial crack appears and sucks him in.

<===Slaughtering God 's Cave=====>

"Hahahaha, it worked! I am back!" Jin says excitedly as he runs up to the door and hurriedly places the ring in the indent

only for him to hear a voice in his head saying 'Slaughter Qi House can only be used once evey 3 days' After he hears the voice say this his enthusiasm dies down a little bit, so he decides to the explore the cave a bit more only to find some light coming from a hole that has a ladder going down.As he climbs down he finds out that just by looking around what he found must a library. Not just any library, but a Martial Skill Library! A Martial Skill Library is a library filled with books exclusively about Martial Skills, and he can tell that there are at least 300 shelves full of books, and each shelf can hold around 100 books, thats around 30,000 Martial Skill.

Looking at the many Martial Skills he can choose from, he starts to feel excited about learning a strong Martial Skill untill he heard the voice in his head say 'You have 5 minutes to choose a book than the Martial Library will close for a day'Almost screaming out of anger,

Jin runs hurriedly over to a shelf before picking a random one the hurriedly climbing up the ladder.After safely getting a book, Jin looks at its and reads "Slaughter Demon Slash" than starts practing the first move.

"Slash of the Demon"