Chapter 5 Breakthrough,Skill training, Scheming,Special Body, and getting a weapon.

<====The Next Day, Jin's Room===>

A few hours after Jin woke up, he decided to take the Skeleton Hardening Pill to increase his cultivation. Putting one of the pills in his mouth then quickly activating his cultivation art, sweat could be seen falling down from his face as his bones are being constantly tempered until they harden, much like how a blacksmith quenches his blade.

A few hours later.


A strong but domineering aura exudes out from Jin's body , signaling that he just made a breakthrough before quickly stabilizing.

"I've broke through from the the mid stage of Body Tempering Third stage all the way to Pinnacle of Body Tempering Third stage! Only one more step away from Body Tempering Fourth stage! Now that my cultivation broke through, I should go back to Slaughter God's Cave, seeing as how 2 days have passed since I last went to the Martial Skill Library!"

after saying that Jin reads the words on the side of the ring which causes a spacial crack to appear and pull him in.

<===Martial Skill Library===>

Jin could be seen climbing the ladder down to the Martial Skill Library ,but before he touches the ground Jin takes a look around at the names above the shelves only to stop on one that says 'Movement Techniques'. After planning out his target, Jin touches the ground and hurriedly runs towards it as he hears the voice in his head say, 'You have 5 minutes to choose a Martial Skill'. As he arrives at the shelf he planned , he quickly scans through the books only to stop on one called 'Domineering Ghost Steps'. Quickly grabbing the book, Jin dashes back to the ladder and quickly climbs up.

(Note:Slaughter God will be SG from now on, Martial Skill Library will be MSL from now on)

<====SG Cave, above MSL====>

After catching his breathe, Jin opens Domineering Ghost Steps to the first of three moves called 'Shadow Steps'. After comprehending the first move as best as he can, Jin goes over to an area of the cave which has a few large boulders then starts running towards them before trying to weave out of the way at the last second only for him to fail and run straight into it. Jin decides to spend a day training inside SG's Cave before leaving (Note:1 day in SG's Cave is 4 hours outside)

<===The Night Before===>

After getting humiliated by Jin, Wang angrily storms home to tell his father, the new sect master, about this incident. Quickly entering his house and running to his fathers room, Wang recounts to him exactly what happened.

After hearing what happened this morning , Wangs father, Shen, Burning Tree's Sects new sect master, is shocked to say the least, he then starts to think 'If he finds out im the one who crippled his father to become sect master, he will definitely try to get revenge! He must be killed!' after thinking this he pulls out something then gives it to his son while saying seriously "Wang, this is a Qi Magnet Pill which, much like it's name, pulls Qi towards you like a magnet. This should help you breakthrough into Body Tempering Fifth stage." Wang quickly pockets the pill while saying "Thank you." before heading to his room to cultivate.

<===Present Time===>

Jin could be seen walking around SkyStrike city market looking for something to do when he hears a female voice saying "Looking for people in Body Tempering Third stage! Were going on a mission to eradicate a Rainbow Python that has been terrorizing the nearby villages close by!" turning towards the voice he sees a 15 ro 16 year old red haired girl. After thinking for while, Jin walks up to her and asks politely "Excuse me miss, can I join?". The girl, slightly suprised that someone younger rhan her wants to join, she says, "Show me your cultivation and if its sufficient you can join." Jin, deciding to hide his full strength, decides to show her the Peak of Early Body Tempering Third stage. After checking his cultivation, the girl says, slightly shocked, even though she doesn't show it, "Your strength is sufficient. We will be leaving in two hours, if there is anything you need to do you should do it now." the girl then leaves to go recruit more members. After she leaves, Jin decideds to get a himeself a weapon, so he goes to the nearest blacksmith shop called

Blacksmith Long's Weapons and Armor.

<===Inside the Shop===>

As Jin is walking around looking for a weapon, a middle aged man walks up to him and says "Welcome to my shop! What do you need?" Jin decides to ask "I am looking for a weapon but I dont know what to choose, do you think you can help me?". Hearing this the man walks up to Jin than grabs his arm before exclaiming "Aha! You should be a natural scyth user my friend!". Jin looks at the man with a confused expression before asking "How could you figure that out just by grabing my arm?" the man proudly responds by saying " I have a Special Body!" seeing that what he said only caused Jin fo ge even more confused he said "A Special Body is very rare and the only way to have one is to either be born with it or use a heaven defying item. My Special Body is called Weapon Teller. All I have to do is touch someone and I will automatically know the best weapon for them!" after hearing all this Jin thank the man before buying scythe while silently vowing to go to the library after this eradication mission.