Chapter 6 Eradication of the Rainbow Python (1)

After leaving the blacksmith shop Jin found out that he only had around 8 minutes left before mission started so he hurriedly ran towards the city square.

As he arrives there he sees multiple different types of people,some young some old, until his gaze stops on the red haired girl from earlier who walks in front of everyone before she starts to speak.

"As you guys know we are going on a mission to eradicate the Rainbow Python."she pauses to look around only to see people nodding in agreement before continuing "What you may not know is that the top 3 people who contribute the most will recieve rewards while others will only get 35 gold." after saying this the crowds eyes lit up.

"3rd place will get 50 gold and a Qi Returning Pill. 2nd place will get 75 gold and a bottle of Body Tempering Liquid. 1st place will get 100 gold and 3 Qi Magnet Pills. hearing this the crowd grew crazy.

"Did you hear that? 1st place gets 100 gold and 3 Qi Magnet Pills!"

"I'll finally be able to pay off my debt!"

"Yeah! If I can get those I'll be able to make a breakthrough!"

After a while the red haired girl puts her hand up which instantly silenced the crowd.

"Now, the village that the Rainbow Python was last spotted at is called Tai villiage. Let's move out!"


In his study, Shen could be seen pacing back and forth with a cup of tea in his hand when the door opened and a servant walked in.

"Master, that boy you told me to watch has left the city." hearing this Shen looked up at the servant and asked "Oh? Do tell, why did he leave, and where did he go? And is there anyone else with him?"

"From what this servant knows, he joined a mercenary group led by the City Lord's daughter Miss Bing who are on a mission to eradicate a Rainbow Python that has been terrorizing the nearby villages. And the last sighting of it was at Tai village."

Hearing this Shen sighed with relief 'A Rainbow Python should be enough to deal with him but just to be sure I'll send my son and a few disciples to make sure he dies' After thinking this he says to the servant

"Go get Wang and a few disciples who don't like Jin and tell them that he has left the city with a mercenary group who are on a mission to eradicate a Rainbow Python and it's last seen location was Tai village." After getting the order the servant bowed towards Shen as he left the room before heading towards Wang's room.

Meanwhile,Jin, oblivious to the scheming going on behind his back, has just arrived at Tai village by following the lead of the red haired girl who he just found out that her name was Bing and that she is the SkyStrike's City Lord's daughter by listening in on the conversations of the people around him.

As they walked around the village, there is only 1 word that he can use to describe what he saw:Massacre. Everywhere one looked there were multiple severed heads and limbs of people both young and old. Seeing this scene some of the more weak stomached mercenaries ran into the nearby forest and vomited while some of the stronger ones faces turned slightly pale. The only 2 people with indifferent looks on their faces were Jin and Bing. Jin because, even though this is his first time seeing a scene like this, he has a ring that was owned by multiple generations of Slaughter Gods, or at least thats what he thinks anyway. He also thinks that the reason Bing hasn't vomited out her guts yet is either because one, she doesn't want people to think she is weak and that she is trying her best to hold it in, or two, she is already used to seeing this.

After a short break, Bing decided it was a good idea to split up into smaller groups of 3.

Jin ended up being put on Bing's team with another guy going by the name Mo.

"Now, after we split up , if you find anything related to the Rainbow Python, crush these. They will shoot out a flare." she said as she handed out a talisman with the word flare on it. "Remember, if nobody finds anything in 3 days time, we meet up back here, got it?" Seeing them all nod in agreement she walks back over to Jin and Mo and says "Lets go."

After walking around for a few hours, they end up finding a large cave and as they walk in they see multiple skeletons and what looks like fresh rainbow colored snake skin. Seeing this, Mo walks up to Bing and asks "Should we use the flare?" hearing this Bing looks towards Mo and says "There is no need, from what the reports say, this Rainbow Python should only be a peak rank 2 demonic beast. With all 3 of us at Mid Third stage Body Tempering it should be easy to kill." after saying that she starts to walk further into the cave as she signals them to follow.

As they go deeper into the maze like cave, Jin starts to put markers by leaving traces of his Qi on the wall when they walk into a large room with multiple stacks of bones and an even larger stack armor, gold, and weapons. Seeing the treasure, Mo's eyes lit up as he ran towards them as fast as he could only to stop halfway. Slowly backing up, he accidentally steps on a bone which easily cracks under his weight.


A loud hissing noise coming from deeper in the cave could be heard, and in a flash, a 40 ft rainbow colored python appears next to Mo and quickly swallows him whole.

The Rainbow Python has appeared!