All that's lost

CHAPTER 79: All that's lost

Minutes turned into hours and hours to days as Jos continued to cry, curled into a tight ball on the furs HE had once spread out by the fire. Her stomach growled in protest of more self-deprecating sorrow and urged her to finally press up from the floor. Her eyes instantly fell on the packages HE had left on the table. Her hands trembled as they hovered over the two larger ones before falling on a smaller one. She unfolded the wrappings with shaky fingers until a small box was uncovered. Her head tilted in a newfound curiosity as she removed the box and gently opened the lid. Inside was a thin silver ring with a beautiful heart-shaped stone placed in the center. The Opal's sparkling smooth edges reflected many of the same colors that her own eyes were. Was this why he'd chose it? She took the ring from the box with tender care and placed it on her third finger where it fit perfectly. She couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips as happy tears streamed down her cheeks.

She quickly turned toward the door and ran out of it. She ran as fast as she could to the cottage, panting by the time she'd made it to the top steps. She knocked on the door and waited. When several minutes had passed and her smile had faded, she turned the knob with shaking hands. Everything was tidy. There was no sign of anyone inside and, as she stepped inside for a closer look, it seemed like no one had ever been here. There were no personal belongings anywhere in site, the bed was made, and all the dishes had been put in their proper place. She opened a cabinet, but none of its usual contents were there.

Jos frowned deeply as she began searching for any sign at all of the man who'd held her in that very bed only days before. Unable to find a note or even a scrap of clothing, she turned and fled from the home. Once out on the beach she searched the sands and seas for any sign of him. There were no footprints or anything. Her eyes finally landed on the path leading into the town. She ran as hard as she could to the only inn in town. She and he had eaten there a few times before and she knew he'd spent time there as well... or had he? Her thoughts went back to the other man she'd seen and that day she'd met the mirror image of the man she'd fallen in love with. {Hadn't she? Which had she fallen for? Had they switched out often?} A sick feeling turned in the pit of her stomach. {Did... did I make love with both of them?} She forced the bile rising in her stomach down as she pushed open the doors of the inn and walked forward on shaky legs. "Is... is there a man here." She asked.

The barmaid laughed an ugly laugh. "There be many men here dearie." She looked Jos over. "'en seeing how pretty ye are, I'd say ye could have your pick." She didn't seem happy about that fact.

Jos shook her head in exasperation. "No, he's incredibly tall and covered in markings... he has silky brown hair that looks like it's captured and held the setting sun's rays... beautiful eyes that gleam like the sea in winter..." Her words trailed off as tears filled her eyes, the pain of loss heavy in her words.

The barmaid cackled, "Aint seen no man like that 'round here, but ye be sure if I had I'd not be tellin' it." The barmaid let out a long sigh as more tears streamed down Jos's pale face. She leaned over the bar, propping her over engorged breasts on the counter. "What be ye man's name? Maybe that could help find'em." She said in a heavy accent.

Jos bit her lip as she tried to think of a name. "Um... Rion... I... I think..." {Was that his name? Or did that name belong to the other man? Maybe it wasn't either of their names...} Her mind was a muffled mess.

The barmaid lifted placing her fists on either hip. "I can't be helpin' if ye don't even know his name."

More tears filled her eyes as Jos quickly turned away from the woman and ran from the bar in embarrassment. {All this time and I don't even know his real name...}

She ran back to the cottage this time flinging the door open and tossing things from their neat places, trying to find any sign... any hint of who the man she loved was.

Hours had passed, yet Jos had no more information than when she'd woke up this morning. She laid curled into a ball in the center of the mattress she'd shared with him. Her stomach had done given up on its protests for food hours earlier. Her sobs came out as hoarse whimpers in the night, her vocal cords having already given up on her as well. Her tear-stained face was now dry, her eyes unable to produce any more moisture, when a call of something in the distance summoned her... called out to her.

Jos sat up in the bed, hoping to see his smiling face. But it wasn't him... She let her legs slide out over the edge of the bed and forced them to bare her weight as she stood. She moved sluggishly, the exhaustion of her body catching up to her. The call pulled her toward it, drawing her forward with its melodious lull. Before she was even aware that she'd left the cottage, her toes were already dipping into the cold lap of the waves.


Arei's head rested against the cold bars of the cell. "How long are we supposed to be locked up in here?" He growled.

Zeus suddenly popped into view, a bright cheery smile spreading across his lips. "Our beautiful Kraken has fallen into my trap well!" He braced his arms wide against the bars as he leaned in. "She is, as we speak, sinking one of the largest fleets of the Mediterranean vampire nation! Between her broken heart and that bloody curse of her mother's I'd say it will be all out war by morning!" He looked mad with joy.

Arei tried to hide his shock and worry. "How could this possibly benefit you?"

Zeus smiled, "Because without you boys to protect her and my dear brother with no claim left to her, who else will she fall to for help? Dear gramps here will save her when the vampire nation asks for her head as payment... If she swears her loyalty to me, that is."

Arei frowned, "And if she doesn't?"

"Ah, then the threat of a nice lengthy punishment should help sway her decision, wouldn't you say?" Zeus taunted with absolute surety in his plan.

Arei narrowed his eyes, "If you believe she can be taunted into your servitude against her will, you don't know Joslyn." He spat back.

Zeus shrugged. "We shall see. The order for her arrest will be at first light."


Joslyn found herself on a familiar shore as she panted to catch her breath. The black inkiness slowly faded from her hands as she studied them, but the blood that marred them remained. There was no question as to what had happened. Her eyes trailed her surroundings for any sign of scattered remains. She sucked in a deep breath when the remains were easily located. Her eyes widened and her breath caught as she took in the scene.

There were bodies littering the beach all around her... hundreds, maybe more. Many were missing limbs some were missing heads. She had done this, there was no doubt. Tears filled her eyes as she began walking around the wreckage searching for any sign of survivors. Those bodies with heads had expressions frozen in terror. "What have I done..." She whispered as she realized the scattering of bodies extended farther than she had first thought. As she rounded the harbor of the bay, even more bodies came in to view. Jos hunkered down on the beach clasping her arms around her knees and resting her head against them as sobs shook her body. "What have I done!" She cried.

A hand patted her head lightly. "Silence now, dear child. Tears will not bring them back."

Jos's sobs eased as she peaked up from the tight ball of her body. "Who... who are you?" She asked on a stutter as a handsome man with golden hair and tanned skin came into focus. She let her gaze travel inquisitively over him taking in his toga-like white robes under his gold-plated metal armor. Her eyes finally landed on the strangest shoes she'd ever seen. Each pair had wings.

"I am Hermes, messenger of Zeus... and your grandfather." He ran his hand gently over the damp locks of her silver hair. "These crimes has become too great for the gods to ignore. Zeus has ordered that your review be canceled and that these new crimes be tried instead as they will surely upset the balance of peace in this region." He slid his hand down to cup her face, "But don't worry, my dear child. He has a plan for you as long as you go along with it, all shall be well."

Jos didn't say anything to the glorious man as he carried her away from the wreckages and placed her before familiar tall ivory pillars. "Zeus wishes a word with you before you are taken inside." Hermes said caressing her hair once again before stepping away.

Zeus stepped out from the shadows and nodded to Hermes, who only glared back. "You have done a horrible thing, Little one." He lifted one of her blood-soaked hands and examined it. "But if you agree to pledge yourself to me, this can all go away."

A foggy memory of the same snide smile rattled the back of her mind. Without understanding why, Jos shook her head. "No."

He narrowed his eyes, "As you wish... Though I must warn you, Kraken, the punishments for such offenses can stretch out for so many years many would rather death... even beg for it..."

Jos frowned, "Be that as it may... besides after all I have done, death would be more than deserved." She held her wrists out toward the golden-haired man. "Do as you must, we're done here."

*6 months later*

Arei slammed his fists against the cold bars of the cell. "This is ridiculous! You can't punish her for something she has no control over!" He hissed out as he gazed into Zeus's cold eyes.

Zeus shrugged, "I gave her the option. She chose punishment..."

"You gave her the option of slavery to you or punishment! What kind of bullshit is that!" Arei bit out.

Zeus tilted his head, "Does the girl's wellbeing really mean so much to you?" Arei only glared back at him. Taking his silence for an affirmative, Zeus nodded. "Would you be willing to trade your freedom for hers, I wonder?" He leaned against the bars; his arms spread wide over head as he looked around the metal clasped cage. "Would you be willing to spend the next 500 years in here if she is released to her own dank little home?"

Arei narrowed his eyes. "What do you want, Uncle?"

Zeus smiled, "Agree to servitude to me for the next 500 years and I'll release her back to her muck-filled cave."

Arei's eyes narrowed farther as he considered his offer. "Stay in this cell for 500 years?"

Zeus shrugged, "When you're not out doing what you do best... There's no point in having a seasoned war horse, if he isn't fighting wars... now is there?"

"And she will be released to her own home?" Arei asked.

Zeus shrugged, "More or less."

"Don't do it." Ry growled from the corner.

Arei nodded toward his brother, "And Ry goes free as well?"

Zeus narrowed his eyes, "Not quite. You see I can't have this getting out to your father. Orion can be set free with his memories of this erased or also agree to work for me." He shrugged a wide smile playing across his lips. "As somewhat of a double agent if you will."

Arei's eyes traveled to Ry. "I'll agree if you release my brother and Joslyn."

Zeus turned his attention to Ry, "Will you be leaving with or without your memories?"

Ry gritted his teeth as he sent his brother a look. "With..."

"Great!" Zeus said gleefully. He clapped and the cell doors opened. Ry walked through it hesitantly first, before Arei moved to follow. Zeus held his hand out. "Not so fast, I can't risk you running to her. You'll stay in this cell until you are needed. Understand?" He waited until Arei begrudgingly backed back into the cell. "Not to worry, your wait will be a short one. There's war brewing with the Dutch. You'll be sent there in a fortnight."

Joslyn stood shackled in front of the court, her crimes tried, and her punishments decided. Her head dropped low as all the offenses against her were read aloud followed by the harsh punishments for it.

"500 years imprisoned on the island of Zakynthos, in the shelter that was once the creatures home. Structures will be set in place to contain the Kraken along with a strong enough guard at all times." Prometheus read. "A review will be held in 250 years based on the behavior of the prisoner." He looked up from his scroll and nodded. "Dismissed."

Jos's eyes filled with tears as she was led from the room. The cries and hate filled yells for justice over the past six months and the cold damp cell she'd been kept in couldn't hold a candle to the pain and heartache of not seeing the man she'd loved so dearly once. She was so lost in her own heartache, she didn't even realize they had come to a stop, until a sharp male voice invaded her thoughts.

"Have you reconsidered, My dear?" Zeus asked as he stood in front of her with his arms crossed over his clean pressed white and gold toga.

She shook her head. "I've not given it a second thought. I'll not be owned and, furthermore... I deserve this punishment." Her weary gaze moved from his back down to the floor. "I'm ready..." She spoke lightly to Hermes. He nodded and led her past Zeus.

"I am sorry things had to turn out like this. If ever you need anything, please, you must only ask." Hermes said as he lifted her into his arms and began carrying her home toward her new prison. She didn't respond, only nodded her head.