Wrecked by the past

Western coast of Zakynthos, Greece island: current day

Once released from the prying grips of the council, Russ and Ry traveled by boat to the mountainous cliffs of the village overlooking the pristine, clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Ry breathed in deeply. "Ah I've missed the clear smell of salt air here more than nearly anything." He said with a content sigh as they pulled ashore several miles north of Keri Beach.

Russ took in the massive cliffs towering nearly a thousand feet over head. "Please tell me we don't have to climb that?" He pointed to a road overhead.

Ry chuckled, "Of course you know a better way?" He watched as Russ's eyes widened and a heavy, worried frown spread across the young wolf's face before he laughed. "No, are you crazy! The villagers have cavernous trails leading up to the top. You'll find it's actually quite easy to navigate these lands. Your palace overlooks one of the bays a little farther north than here, but I thought I'd give you a grand tour first. His smile faded as a ghost of a past pain settled over his expression. "This way." Ry said as he tied off the boat and headed toward the cave entrance hidden from the waters.

Russ furrowed his brows. "How did you know where to find it?"

Ry answered, not taking his focus off his footing as he navigated the rocky terrain. "I've been here enough times. Hell, I still have a home closer to Zakynthos town... near the cave Jos lived in, though I haven't been back to it in some time."

Russ tented his brows in surprise. "Really? Hum... That's kind of neat. Maybe you could show me some of the island sometime."

Ry nodded, "Once this mess with your uncle is dealt with, I'd be more than glad to." He stepped aside, a frown heavy on his lips. "We're here."

Russ's eyes scanned the path leading to the once grand village cut out into the coastal cliffs. He'd seen images of the place over the years, pictures Jos had taken... a hand full of albums of his parents that had been sent to him. It had looked so beautiful, and all the people in the pictures had looked so happy. For the most part, the town was vacant. Shops had closed signs on them in the middle of the day and dust to indicate it'd been the case for some time now. Many of the structures were all but crumbling with serious damage done to rooftops, windows, and sidewalks. He hung his head low as they passed a couple and their infant. His eyes caught on the ragged sandals of the woman and the tattered rags of a dress she wore before moving to the bare feet of the man and the dirty warn pants he had on. The next people they happened by were in a very similar state. He risked a glance up from under the bill of the cap. The eyes of the woman he'd originally believed to be middle aged surprised him in their youthful glow, though they weighed heavy with worry and mistrust as they met his. "What's going on here?" He leaned over and whispered to Ry.

Ry leaned in closer to Russ. "The town as been hit hard with taxes causing many of the shops to be closed. Those who could afford to, fled... others, as you can see, were not as lucky."

A heavy frown rested across Russ's face causing his brow to crease. "If the people are doing this poorly... If my uncle is doing SO poorly, why have they waited so long to bring me back here?" Russ asked as he and Ry made their way through the ran down village surrounding his parent's kingdom.

Ry let out a heavy sigh. "It was one of the reasons I was sent to check up on you. Rumor has it your uncle Fern has been draining the people dry. He is also suspected of running several trafficking rings mostly of drugs, weapons, women, and children... among several other illegal ventures." Ry nodded toward the row of ran down buildings. "It's suspected that many of the illegal crimes are in direct dealing with the very vampires who attacked this town and murdered your parents." he said in a low whisper. "It can't be proven, however, but I suspect having you underfoot will put enough of a kink in his plans that the truth will be drug to the surface soon enough. I suspect he'll either try to take you out himself or hire someone to do it for him."

"Great so I've been brought here to potentially die..." Russ's heart sank as the weight of the information sank in. Not only were his people on the verge of third world rankings, but his only living blood relative besides his sister is not only suspected of being a criminal but the mastermind behind his parents' death. He rubbed his temples as a headache set in. "Does Jos or Raven know about this?" He asked.

Ry shook his head. "The matter has been kept strictly confidential. As far as I know, outside of Arei and I, only a very select few of the council are aware. Isha may know now that she works with the council again, but I'm not sure if she's said anything to Raven or Jos. The situation will be kept under wraps until you have fully stepped up, and we have turned up legitimate proof." He ran a hand around the back of his hooded neck. "Arei losing his foothold in the North American vampire clan through a huge wrench into the investigation." He shrugged, "Along with the murders of the number one top accomplices, but what is done is done."

Russ's brows furrowed, "You mean the DeMarco's?"

Ry nodded. "Yep, and because of Jos taking off to Florida with that bastard and Arei getting outed, we don't know what the plans truly were. I suspect, though once you let your presence here be known, enemies will start snaking out of the woodwork."

Russ nodded in understanding. "So, when will we let them know of my presence?" He asked.

Ry continued leading Russ through the town. They were both wearing ball caps and hooded jackets to hide their identities and keep wondering eyes from identifying either of them as anything more than lost tourists. "I wanted you to see the shape of your people before we entered the palace... and before you faced off with your uncle. Once you've claimed your position to Fern then we will introduce you to the people themselves."

Russ shook his head as they passed a child panhandling for money on the street. He watched as Ry took out his wallet and placed several bills in the cup. "No wonder you were so sure it would come to a match between him and me."

Ry nodded as he watched the child run into what looked to be an abandoned shack behind one of the rundown buildings. "This place was beautiful and thriving when your mother and father ruled."

Russ swallowed, "I feel like I should be walking up on some tall ass rock and lion roaring... reclaiming my pride lands from a fucked in the head uncle." His eyes followed the crumbling road to the palace gates. Even the palace itself looked in much need of repair. "How could things get so bad in only fifteen years?"

Ry nodded to a section of the gate that had been dismantled. "The palace and surrounding town took a lot of damage during the attack and Fern has obviously done little to repair it." Ry came to a stop before the gates. "I warn you now, for all that you've seen and all I've said. Fern can be a charismatic and well likeable guy, but it's all a front. He's a monster with a black heart underneath, and he would not think twice about stabbing you in the back." Ry patted Russ's back. "With you openly challenging him for your birth right, he may not even bother with his usual friendly front. Remember all your training; and don't forget, you have me by your side for this. We are not only by the sea but close enough to Poseidon's kingdom that I will be at my strongest." He held Russ's gaze. "I will fight for you and with you through this."

Russ frowned. "But why? 8Why are you doing all this for me? I thought you hated me?"

Ry's lip twitched up into a half smile. "I've never hated you. True, you are more than a bit annoying at times, but as I've gotten to know you... you've grown on me... you even kind of remind me of my old self..." Ry studied him for a long moment. "I believe you'll do right by your people in the end. I think you'll make your parents proud." He nodded back to the crumbling village. "And I think the people here are going to need all the help they can get. Besides it's my job, it's what I do. I hunt, fight, and with luck help the right side succeed." He patted Russ's shoulder. "You ready, kid?"

Russ nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be." He walked side by side with Ry through the gates leading into the main palace entrance. He and Ry lowered their hoods and tossed the ball caps to the side at the same time, lifting their gazes to the armed guards just inside the walls. Russ spread his hands out so that they could see he was unarmed and not a threat. "I am Russell Alesandro Boosilis, and I am your alpha." He called out loudly for all the guards to hear. He waited with his arms still outstretched as the guards exchanged confused glances and sent him skeptical looks. It wasn't until clapping sounded from down one of the long garden corridors that the weapons were lowered.

"Nephew!" Fernando called out as he walked toward the gates. He walked toward Russ with a bright, welcoming smile. "What a surprise to see you so soon." He narrowed his eyes on Ry. "I wasn't expecting you for a few more years."

Ry lowered his hands as he pinned Fern with a glare. "You must be going senile in your old age, Fern, because you've already agreed to step down to my boy Russ here."

Fern quickly masked a snarl of his lip with a wide smile. "Yes... well I recall agreeing to help the young prince get familiar with the workings of the palace and teach him what there is to know about ruling this kingdom... but..." He looked Russ over. "I'm not sure the pup is quite ready for anything more, however."

Russ smiled {So the challenge has begun...} he thought to himself as he began shifting his legs and arms, saving his face and head for last. He stayed in the strange wolfman hybrid form, meeting the shocked eyes of all guards before moving his gaze to Fern last and holding it for several long, silent moments before shifting back to normal. "As you can see, Uncle, I'm more than ready to take my rightful place."

Fern's smile was more forced now. "I see..." He turned slightly and motioned to the gardens. "This way then, I'll see you settled... then we can talk about all this."

Ry stepped up. "There is nothing to talk about, Fern. You will bow willingly to your new king, or you will be lowered to a kneel by your alpha. Which will it be?"

Fern couldn't hide the snarl of his lip this time. He slightly inclined his head. "Right this way, Your Majesty." He bit out the title with barely concealed anger. "I'll show each of you to your chambers."

Ry shook his head. "There will be no need, for the time being we will be sharing a chamber. I am ordered to be his personal bodyguard... at all times..." He sent Fern a pointed look.

Fern ground his teeth. "Of course. This way ..."

Russ took in as much of the palace as he could as he and Ry followed his uncle through the maze of doors and corridors that made up the castle. There were massive old portrait paintings hanging along most of the halls, some holding vague resemblances to him and Shelly.

"I hope this room is to your liking. The King's quarters aren't... prepared... for your use yet." He bit out the last sentence with obvious irritation.

Russ forced a half smile. "It's fine. I'm not accustomed to lavish living arrangements as this." He indicated the massive halls of the worn-down palace. "I'm in no rush for finer accommodations."

Some of the irritation eased from Fern's gaze. "Ah, well isn't that interesting. You should tell me all about yourself soon, Nephew. Perhaps over dinner this evening?"

Russ nodded, "Sure, what time would you like us down?"

Fern sent Ry a harsh glare. "I was hoping for a chance to speak with you without your man servant around."

Ry stepped toe to toe with Fern and glared down at the weaselly man. "I am his acting bodyguard AND an incredibly old demi-god. You'll do well to remember that... and the boy doesn't go anywhere without my presence. You will also do well to remember that."

Fern stepped back and waved a dismissive hand toward the both of them. "Fine, come if you must." He arched a brow in Russ's direction. "I would guess, taking a shit is a rather momentous occasion for you... or does your bodyguard follow you there as well?"

Ry narrowed his eyes at the much shorter man, noting his imitation designer suit. "I wouldn't try to find out, if I were you, Fern."

Fern gave a huff and turned down the hall. "Dinner is at seven." He called over his shoulder.

Russ waited for the man to vanish through a heavy mahogany door before commenting. "You're doing an impressive job hiding your disdain for the man." He crossed his arms over his chest as he turned on Ry.

Ry shrugged, "Trust me, it comes to no surprise to that man. I've hated him since the first time we met." He arched a brow. "I told you, Arei and I were sent here about..." He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I'd say 50 or so years ago. Your uncle tried challenging your dad for the right to the thrown, Fern being the oldest and all... but the position can only fall to an alpha and your father was an alpha... not Fern." He smiled wistfully. "Though I have to say, if one of my younger brothers took my title, birthright, and bride... I'd be pretty pissed off as well." He chuckled as he made his way into the room. Looking around his eyes widened in appreciation. "Well, it's nice to see not everything in this place as gone to hell. Their rooms are still nice at least."

Russ scanned the elegant room. Blue and gold curtains hung from the floor to ceiling windows and surrounded the massive four poster king sized bed. There was matching bed coverings as well as an overabundance of pillows in various sizes and shapes. There was a cream-colored bench in front of the foot board, made of the same dark wood as the bed and the other furnishings. His eyes trailed over to the other side of the room where a massive fireplace sat surrounded by leather armchairs and a long chaise draped in a soft cream throw.

Ry walked over and flopped down on the long chaise making it look small and weak under his heavy frame. "I guess this will be my bed for the time being."

Russ arched a brow. "Do you really think he would come in or send someone in to harm me?"

Ry nodded as he stretched out and laced his fingers behind his head. "Without a doubt in my mind." He glanced over at Russ. "Hell, I'm half expecting him to try poisoning dinner."

Russ flopped down in one of the leather arms chairs. "Well, this is going to be fun."