To Tempt the Heart

1410 BCE

"I hate to see you go… but I'm staying…"

Ursula blew out a frustrated breath. "Fine… Stay with a man who barely knows you exist. I'm only your sister… but what is family to the disdain of a man?" She rubbed her chin as she pretended to be thinking. "I swear, that isn't how that saying goes… something seems off…" She sent Yuri an irritated glare. "Oh wait, it's the disdain. A woman shouldn't strive for disdain, Yuri!" She dropped her bags and closed the distance between her and her sister. She clasped Yuri's hand and gave them a firm squeeze. "I want better for you, litter sister. You deserve better."

Tears burned Yuri's eyes. "I love you, sister… I do… but he needs me… More than you ever will." She pulled Ursula into a tight hug. "I can't leave him, Urs. He's been through too much already."

Ursula nodded against her sister's shoulder. Tears prevented her from replying right away. She held Yuri out at arm's length and studied her. "If you ever need me, just call and I'll be there in a snap…" She blew out a heavy sigh as she stepped away and retrieved her bags. "Otherwise, I shall be going back home."

Yuri nodded, sadness overtaking her body and soul. As Ursula turned to leave, Yuri ran to her and flung herself at her, wrapping her arms tightly around her for one last hug. "I love you… I swear, I'll keep in touch."

Ursula patted her arm. "I should hope so." A smile curved her lips. "I'm sure father and the others would love to see you as well. After all, it has been some years since we were home. We Oceanids are naturally a close-knit lot… you know…"

Yuri nodded, forcing a smile. "I shall visit often. I promise."

"And I shall hold you to it. Goodbye, sister."

Yuri released her sister reluctantly. "Goodbye. And do take care, sister. Stay safe!" She called after Ursula as she squared her shoulders and walked away. Yuri knew her sister well and knew it was paining Ursula to leave… but she understood… A sad smile curved Yuri's lips. "I know I'm crazy for staying… but I can't help it… I love him…" She whispered to herself as she watched her sister vanish into the tides.

1344 BCE

Triton came stumbling through the halls of the training facility. He grunted in pain as he stubbed his toe on a stand. No sooner had the curse left his lip over his now sore toe than the stand toppled over, breaking the vase that set atop it. A slurred string of profanity left his mouth as he bent unsteadily to pick up the broken pieces. The sound of a door opening and the faint flicker of candlelight moving toward him brought forth more cursing. "Sorry for waking you." He murmured as Yuri neared. His words were cut short as a piece of the vase cut his finger. He let out another string of curses as his hand flew to his mouth, and he sucked the bleeding finger.

Yuri held the candle holder in one hand and clasped the other hand over her mouth. "Oh my… what happened?" She set the candle holder on the ground beside her and cupped his hand in hers. She squinted in the fate light of the low-burning candle stick, searching his finger for the source of the cut.

He found himself staring at her as the candlelight danced across her face, emphasizing her delicate features' beauty.

"Triton? Are you listening?"

He shook his current thoughts from his mind and forced his gaze to hers. "Huh? What was that?"

Yuri frowned as she retrieved the candle holder and stood. "I said, if you'll follow me to my bed-chamber, I shall be able to remove it for you." When he continued to crouch on the floor instead of following her, she turned back to face him. "It shan't take long, but there simply isn't enough light to do it here." She didn't wait for him, instead, she continued the short distance to her room.

"I should think it easy to do it here…" He murmured as he stood.

She glanced back at him over her shoulder, brow lifted. "What was that?"

"Lead the way…" A mischievous grin curved the corner of his lips, "Is what I said…" He closed the distance between them. He pushed open the door and leaned against the frame. "Why, Yuri? What was it you thought you heard?" He reached out and caressed a loose strand of hair that hung over her shoulder.

Yuri forced down the tiny gasp as her wide eyes took in his thick frame and gentle grin. She'd never seen this side of him, but gods knew how many times she'd dreamed of it. She cleared her throat as she stepped past him. "Had I heard you properly, I wouldn't have asked you to repeat yourself… now, would I?" She lit the other candles on her desk before pulling out a small sowing kit from a drawer and slid it into her pocket. Then she pulled the wooden chair out from her desk and dragged it over to the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed and patted the seat of the chair as her eyes moved back to him.

"You really don't have to put yourself out like this. I shall be fine. Tis only a tiny splinter." His eyes shimmered in the light of the candles.

"It is no trouble. Rather, I insist." She clasped her robes to still her nerves as she watched him push away from the doorframe and saunter toward her. The smile that curved his lips and provided a glimpse of straight white teeth was enough to cause her breath to catch.

"If you insist." His eyes moved over her as he lowered to the chair and held his hand out to her.

She cleared her throat before taking his hand with her own trembling fingers. "Thank you." She whispered.

His astute eyes studied her as she worked, trying to carefully remove the whole chunk with a sowing needle. Her brows knitted causing a tiny wrinkle to form just above her pert nose. Her teeth bit into the bottom swell of her full lip as she focused intensely. He chuckled as he reached out for her with his free hand. He gently pressed his thumb against her chin and pushed her lip out from her teeth's tight hold. "You better stop that before you tempt me to taste it as well."

His words cause her to jerk and accidentally stab the needle into his finger. Her eyes widened and she began to fret over his finger. "OH NO! I'm so sorry! Here let me-"

His laughter grew. He placed his hand over hers to stop her worrying. "It's fine. I've been stabbed by far worse." He released her hand once she seemed to settle down. He waited until she cleared her throat once again and set back to work. "Besides… It's my fault. I should have kept my hands to myself until you're finished…"

Her hands froze in place. Her wide eyes stayed focused on his hand. "And… and once I've finished?"

He hooked her chin with his finger and lifted her gaze to his. "I think I should like to kiss you…"

Yuri swallowed hard as she nodded. Her eyes moved back to his injured hand. With one quick jab and flick of the needle, the shard of pottery was freed, and the needle was discarded instantly. She flung her arms around his neck, her lips finding his automatically. She needed no encouragement as she parted her lips to his seeking tongue. The traces of sweet liquor invaded her taste buds. There was no doubt, he was drunk… Her conscious battled against her desires, but in the end, passion won out. After all, there was no way of knowing when the next time a chance like this would come along…

His arms slid around her waist as she held his face between her dainty hands. "Yuri." His need was evident in the lust-heavy purr of her name.

Yuri straddled his lap before settling on it. The instant tightening of his arms around her, deepening of his kisses, and rigid protrusion against her not only caused her heart rate to escalate but spurred her on. She tangled her arms around his neck, letting her fingers slide into his shoulder-length hair. She shifted against his lap. It had been so long since the last time she'd been touched by a man, and she'd craved his touch for way too long. In her haste, she got carried away and bit his lip. She stilled against him when he let out a loud groan. Just as she was about to apologize, he scooped an arm under her backside and stood bringing her with him. She instantly tightened her grip around his neck and hooked her feet around his waist. "Tri-" Her words were cut off by his seeking tongue against her lips. She didn't try to stop him, instead, only tightened her hold on him.

Triton gripped her tightly with one arm as his knee sank into the soft down of the bed. He didn't loosen his hold on her until her back was fully against the mattress. He shoved the fabric of their robes out of his way as he settled between her thighs. Her wet, heated center lured the tip of his shaft in a way he'd nearly forgotten. He rubbed his length against her as they devoured either other's mouths. She wiggled enticingly against him, pushing his hard cock to the point of eruption. He thrust inside her with reckless abandon. "Yuri…" He panted her name as her warm, ready folds swallowed his length.

She, too, cried out his name, tangling her hands into his hair and her legs around his waist drawing him in deeper. Within a few short minutes, they could feel their bodies fall over the steep hill of their climax. Unwilling to call an end to their lovemaking, they both tightened their hold on one another.

Triton's lips found hers once again. He drank hungrily from her as he waited for the tight walls of her canal to release its hold on him. Though he'd emptied his seed already, he could feel himself grow hard again inside the inviting heat of her body. He pulled his mouth away from hers and held her love-fogged gaze. "Yuri?" He whispered her name as he began moving inside her once again.

"Triton…" She held his gaze as she tugged the ties of her robe free and let it fall open. She watched as his hungry eyes locked on her breasts in the flickering candlelight. She smiled reassuringly up at him as she moved against him with each of his thrusts. She slid her hands inside the open folds of his robe and stroked his rough, muscled chest.

He bent and placed a quick kiss on her lips before sitting back on his knees and removing his robes. His eyes never left her as he tossed his robes to the floor. His eyes locked on her breasts as he lowered back over her. His mouth found one taunt nipple: licking, sucking, and nipping the bud before moving to the next. He took his time this round as the need he'd tampered down since the first night he'd awoken with her by his side burned brightly. {Why had it taken so long?} Though and reason abandoned his liquor-ridden and sex-driven brain. He spent the entire night familiarizing himself with every inch of her, worshipping her body as he did.

The light had already broken the horizon when he finally fell onto the bed beside her. To her surprise, he pulled her into his arms. She rolled onto her side and idly began tracing the tattoo on his chest. "Triton?"

"Hum?" He purred in a tired, sleepy tone.

"Will you remember this when you wake?"

A lazy smile curved his lips. "Ah yes…" His arms tightened around her, his breathing becoming steady.

Her bottom lip trembled slightly as she asked. "Will you still want me then?"

"Always, love." He murmured in his sleep.

She frowned as she snuggled against him. {Does he even realize it is me still… or… or…} She couldn't even think the words as tears burned her eyes.

Triton's steady breaths faded as he peeked at her from one slitted eye. He'd felt the damp tears hit his chest. He released his hold of her and brushed her tears away with the large pad of his thumb. "You are not regretting what we have done, are you?"

She blinked rapidly as she met his steady gaze. The rush of emotions caused the tightening in her throat to increase. She shook her head as she threw her arm around his thick chest and buried her face against him, hiding her embarrassment.

He stroked her hair. "I'm sorry if… if I've done something wrong… or hurt you in some way… I should not have come in here in my condition earlier…" He released a heavy sigh. "I shall leave if it is what you would like."

She tightened her hold on him as she shook her head rapidly against his chest. "Stay…" She whispered.

He brushed her cheek with his thumb hoping the action would be enough encouragement for her to meet his gaze. "Then… what is the matter?"

"It's just that I've loved you for so long…" Her muffled words filled him with a warmth he hadn't realized he had been missing all this time… until her next words. "I am afraid morning shall come, and I will find it was all a dream again… or worse… you will not remember or feel the same and things will return as they were."

His hand clasped her cheek and gently forced her gaze up to meet his. "I shall not forget or change my mind. Yes, I had been deep in my cups before coming home tonight, but I was not drunk enough to forget my own mind." He studied the emotions flitting through her eyes. "All I'd lost to those drinks was the strength to resist my desire for you."

Yuri released her grip on him and pushed up against his chest. Her lips were on his before he could say anything else, the fatigue of sleep forgotten as they embraced each other once again.