A Tail of Love

A deep scowl marred Sabastian's youthful features. "Ariel, what are you doing? We need to leave before he wakes up..." His eyes moved around the deserted coastline. "Or... or before someone happens along..."

"You worry too much." Ariel muttered not taking her focus off the mysterious, sleeping man. She traced his brow with the delicate touch of her finger, mesmerized by his stunning beauty.

Sabastian's mouth fell open, and his hand shot out for hers. He pulled her away from the human man, giving her a jarring shake. "And what will you do if he awakes?!" He maneuvered himself against the coarse sand, using his fin to propel him as he dragged her toward the ocean. "Your father is going to have us both for sushi if he finds out." He muttered as he clung to her wrist.

Ariel stubbed up and yanked her hand from him. "I'm not ready to leave yet! If you're such a coward, run along!" Her curious gaze moved back to the man laying on the beach. "I'm not ready to leave yet... What if something happens before he awakens... what if the tides come in... or an animal happens upon him?"

Sabastian clenched his jaws. "Then we shall watch from the shallows. Let's go!"

Ariel bit back a curse as she finally gave in. "Fine! But I'll have it known all around the palace that the great Sabastian is no braver than a minnow."

He narrowed his eyes on her as he pulled her closer, squeezing her wrist even tighter. "And I'll let it be known throughout the palace that the perfect princess, Ariel has the hots for a human. Want to explain that one to your father? I'm sure Triton would love to hear all the details, especially the part where you risked your own life rescuing a human."

"Don't forget, you were here with me the whole time! Do you honestly think you'll be safe from his wrath if you snitch?" She counter back heatedly.

His glare faded, and he blew out a heavy sigh. "Fair point..." Movement from the shore caught his attention. He nodded toward the man. "There, the human is stirring. We can leave now." He let his hand slide from her wrist and took her hand, instead. "We should still hurry before he sees us, though."

Several weeks later

Soft humming filled the waters of the submerged library of the palace of Oceanus. Ursula arched her brow, a smile spreading across her lips as she looked up from the book she'd been reading. "You have been in a splendid mood these past weeks. What shall I praise for such inspirations?"

Ariel released a dreamy sigh as she leaned away from the window. "Auntie... Have you ever been in love?"

Ursula cleared her throat as she closed the book and folded her hands over it. I should like to think I had once... But that was many years ago, my dear."

Ariel floated down onto the window seat, letting her arm and hair hang dramatically over it. "How did you know? What does it feel like?"

"Hum..." Ursula pondered the question. "I'm not sure that I recall. Perhaps your mother or father would be better suited to answer such questions. After all I've not know two individuals more in love." She gave a light giggle as she covered her mouth with a dainty hand.

Ariel rolled over onto her stomach and propped her chin up with her hands. "Tell me about this man you had fallen in love with. What was he like? How did you meet him?"

Ursula pursed her lips. "Well..." She cleared her throat as she looked away, pretending to peer outside. "I'd rather not say... You see it is a bit of an awkward tell, and I don't believe your father would particularly care for my telling you."

Ariel swam over and clasped Ursula's hands in excitement. "You must tell me, Auntie! I promise not to say a word to father!"

Mesmerizing, curious eyes stared back at Ursula wearing down her resolve. She blew out a defeated sigh. "Very well, but you must promise not to tell a soul... not even your mother. I've never spoken of this to even her."

Ariel's features brightened as her excitement grew. "I promise! You have my word!" She held out her pinky and waited for Ursula to take it.

She twitched her nose as she stared down at her favorite niece's tiny hand. With another sigh, she begrudgingly took the finger. "Very well." She nodded toward the window seat. "Take your seat and I shall tell you all there is to tell."

Ariel clapped with excitement as she did as she was told.

Ursula took a few minutes to gather her thoughts. "It was many, many years ago when I was merely a child myself, not much older than you are now. Your mother had just lost her husband and the baby she carried and was grieving deeply. Your great aunt Amphitrite was so worried for her and her wellbeing that she insisted that Yuri accompany her back to Poseidon's palace... and of course, not wanting to miss a chance at adventure, I joined her."

"Really? You've been to grandfather's palace? What was it like?"

Ursula smiled reminiscently. "Like nothing you've ever seen before. The palace is divided into two magnificent sections, one above and one below the waters." She chuckled as Ariel's mouth dropped open. "It was my first time experiencing the surface world as well."

"What was it like?!?! Can I go sometime as well?!" Ariel fluttered around the room in excitement.

"I'm sure you can some time... once the turmoil with the gods have subsided."

Ariel blew out a huff as she sank back down to the bench. "I don't understand why I should be punished for some squabble between the gods."

"Ah, well perhaps after my story you shall understand. You see, it was even worse turmoil between the gods back then. The self-declared king of Olympus was much hated by many and after the death of your eldest sister, several turned against him."

"But why?"

"Because he was responsible, though it was not his intention. See, he was so determined that his daughter be the victor of the mock battles she and your sister fought that he used a pendent to cast a reflection into your sister's eyes, distracting her momentarily. Athena accidently stabbed her with a jab that Pellas could have easily avoided."

Ariel's hand flew to her mouth as sadness filled her eyes. "That's terrible. No wonder father has never spoken of it."

Ursula nodded. "Yes, well there was another closely involved. Triton's younger, half-brother was about the same age as Pellas and the two had fallen in love. He and Athena set out after her death to avenge your sister, and they nearly succeeded... that is when I met him." Her eyes stared down at the book in her hand as she thought back to that faithful night. "I had been rocking one of your sisters by the fire of a tiny cottage we had fled to at the start of the turmoil and out of nowhere he just appeared in the middle of the room. A tall, taller than your father, warrior of a man with piercing hazel eyes." She pointed out the window to the stunning greens and blues of the ocean's deep waters. "The water's beauty could not compare to his."

"Was it love at first sight?"

Ursula thought it over before shaking her head. "No... not love. He was very handsome... breathtaking even... but it was not love... not yet... He stayed with us for several weeks as the business of the gods was being sorted, and during that time I found myself at ah with his gentle, caring nature. It was startling to see such a large and dangerous man crouch in the floor for hours to play with the young girls. He would help me care for them and offer to assist with any chore around the cottage regardless of how small." A smile curved her lips. "When it was just us alone to care for the girls, I would pretend he was my husband, and they were ours. He would have made a perfect spouse and parent..." Her smile faded and a frown replaced it. "But it didn't last for long... Punishment found its way to him... and I haven't seen him since..."

Ariel frowned as well. "But why? Did you ever tell him how you felt? Did he feel the same?"

Ursula shook her head. "I did not... I was too afraid... afraid he would be as cold romantically as your father was toward Yuri at that time." She let out a sigh. "No... Instead, I returned here before he'd been freed of his punishments. By the time I'd heard of him again, it was concerning his engagement party." He shook her head again. "I couldn't bear to go... Probably for the best... You see, that was 16 years, when yet another argument broke out between the gods. That is why your parents abandoned the surface world and came here."

Ariel thought over her aunt's story for a few minutes. "Auntie... Do you ever regret not telling him? Not seeing him again?"

Ursula blew out a long sigh. She pursed her lips as she nodded. "I do... I cannot tell you how many times the questions of 'what if' have plagued my mind... my dreams... But alas there is nothing to be done about it now."

Another thought occurred to Ariel. "Auntie?"

Ursula blinked rapidly, forcing her thoughts away from the past. "Yes, my dear?"

Ariel chewed on the inside of her jaw. "You... you said you met him in the surface world... how... how did you manage?" She flipped her long tail for emphases.

Ursula chuckled. "Oh my! Well, I suppose you don't know... do you..." She sent Ariel a tender smile. "Dear child, our tails fade once we dream them to do so... but I'm sure you've never had a need for doing so... have you..."

Ariel's eyes lit up, but she struggled to mask her excitement this time. "How interesting of a story, Auntie..." She cast a glance at the clock on the wall, not actually reading the time. "Oh wow, I didn't realize it was so late. I should be going." She swam over and clasped Ursula's hands giving them an affectionate squeeze. "Thank you so much for sharing. I promise your secret is safe with me." She leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on her aunt's cheek.

"What are we doing here again?! Wasn't once enough? We're going to get in trouble... or worse!" Sabastian grumbled as he followed Ariel to the shallows of the coastline not far from where they'd let the human man some weeks back.

"I want to try something. If you don't want to be here, then go home. I'll not stop you, cry baby..." She sent him a taunting glare.

He narrowed his eyes back at her. "I'm here, aren't I?" His eyes moved to the coastline and cautiously scanned the beach. "Just do what you came to do so we can hurry back home before your father finds out!"

Ariel rolled her eyes. "I'm working on it. Be quiet. You're messing up my concentration." She bit into her bottom lip as she focused all her might on her tail willing it to become legs instead. She moaned as pain began shooting through her tail and a tearing sensation set in. It felt like she was being tore apart. She clamped her hand down on Sabastian's shoulder for support as the pain increased, before finally stopping suddenly. She threw her arms into the air as her body began to sink like a rock. Her eyes widened in surprise as she caught sight of what used to be her tail. Water bubbled around her as she gasped in shock, but the water quickly filled her mouth and caused a choking feeling. She gasped and sputtered as she was pulled back to the surface of the water.

"What was all that about?" Sebastian asked in surprised disbelief.

Ariel clasped her arms around his neck and lifted one leg from the water. "Look... Legs!"