Dark Days

Arthur dashes toward Leon next thing he knew, Arthur was seen behind him, Arthur winds up a kick straight into Leon's ribcage fracturing it, following the kick he goes flying into a pile of corpses, Leon looks up to see Arthur looking terrifying his power overwhelms Leon's "Today Arthur you have become one of the sword saints" in reply is not Arthur's voice but the god of light Sivick, "what a dreadful name for such a driven man. Do you understand what he's been through because all of the gods that agreed, now unless you value your life I suggest you give up"

Sivick using Arthur's body gets into an unusual stance crouching down with his right leg stretched behind him and then sheathing the sword he stands still and waiting to take the opportunity to call Leo onto the field and take Melissa to the infirmary but it might be too late.

Leon readies himself putting his sword Salamander under his raised left arm hunching over slightly. Leon and Sivik feel the tension and uneasiness from the spectators from afar the only one who seems calm out of the two is Sivick.

Leon lunges at Sivick unsheathing Salamander targeting at Siviks hip but yet the attempt was blocked both Ascalon and Salamander clash the swords create sparks with every clash, Sivick raises Ascalon above his head then Leon takes the opportunity to wrap his hand around his sword and using the back of Salamanders hilt he smacks Sivick in the stomach winding him.

Sivik falls to the ground for gasps of air taking the chance he has Leon shoves Salamander through the left shoulder blade of Sivick, the god leaves Arthur's body Arthur then instantly wakes up from all the pain the god had felt he screams and screams.

As he keeps wriggling Salamander stays inside of his shoulder blade making the wound bigger Arthur grabs Ascalon with his right-hand turns the blade to face backward he runs his back along the blade driving the sword right through himself, Arthur with the might have left and shoved Ascalon through his stomach stabbing into Leon.

Leon takes Salamander out of his back Arthur does the same with Ascalon, Arthur falls over limp unable to speak and unresponsive, Leon walks over to Arthur while holding his wound.

"You got me good but your sacrifice would have meant nothing if you died I would have destroyed your kingdom one way or another for all the things your kingdom caused me I shall return in a year if you do not know how a true lord acts in that time then your kingdom and I promise this your kingdom will fall."

Lisa calls out for someone to get a healer while trying to get to him as fast as she can she sees Leon and his army leave, she shoves and pushes her way through the crowd as she sees Arthur and Melissa dashing over to Arthur and Melissa to see big gaping holes in them. "Someone get them to the infirmary!!."

Later that terrible day mostly everyone stayed in their homes, knights stood out on watch duty and the healers were mending the wound Arthur has while he lies in a bed while Melissa tries to hold the wounds together to stop the bleeding, outside Lisa tries to barge her way in to see Arthur but the guards at the entrance tell her the same thing to. "Go back home we cannot risk you injuring the lord.'' Leo comes up to Lisa grabbing her by the arm tightly dragging her back to the dorm.

Leo says coldly, "It doesn't matter who lives or dies the world's a cruel place, Lisa, even the lady we care for can't even live peacefully she almost died trying to save that stupid idiot."

Arthur wakes up to three healers mending his wounds while Melissa has already been healed she holds his wounds together; Melissa's hands shake in fear of her little brother's life. "Damn it Arthur why, why do you have to do this, you love Lisa don't you? father wouldn't be proud of this he would scold you and call you a suicidal asshole for making us worry like this!" Arthur sits there and goes back to sleep it seems Sivick may have drained him, Melissa stands there still holding his wounds together teardrops fall onto Arthur.

While in the dorms Leo grabs Lisa by the throat and slams her against the wall Lisa in desperation she tries to wriggle out of the situation while begging him to stop, she flails around and tries to pry his arm off her.

In the Infirmary Arthurs healing is finished he is told not to strain the wounds or they will both rip open and stop the bones and the flesh from healing.

Melissa and Arthur leave back to the dorm, almost everything is quiet in the kingdom Melissa and Arthur are the only ones that can be seen outside the homes of the nobles soon after they have reached the dorm, the door is closed and the sound of screams and cuntless thuds and slaps could be heard Arthur quickly opens the door to see Leo looking back at Arthur in disgust.

Arthur looks beside Leo to see Lisa on the floor with slap marks, bruises and some blood leaking from her now cut lip, standing there Leo rushes over to Melissa but is met with a fist swung straight into his face by Arthur.

Leo gets back up and the two men start to fight Leo putting his fists up in front of his face he goes to swing at Arthur with a right hook but is blocked by Arthurs left arm.

At that moment Arthur had a face that instiled fear inside of Leo, Arthur grabbed his face and slammed him into the hard gravel rendering him unconscious.

Arthur walks up to Lisa holds her close to him as Melissa stood there not saying a word for a moment Arthur turned his head toward Melissa to say to her "I'm the Lord so this is an order if Leo hurts Lisa again out of pure rage then I will have no choice but to kill him a best friend or not it's the law, keep him in check, you are one of the high ranking soldiers in the military so do your damn job and keep your men in check."