One For The History Books

They pierce through the sky and below them, Ashland sits preparing themselves. The group all dive down out to the battlefield as the bells of Ashland ring as they think a threat is approaching. Arthur tells the reinforcements to halt as he walks to the kingdom gates, the gates open with everyone pointing spears swords, and bows at him, Arthur stands there unphased like a statue "you fools it's me, Lisa is back as well we're back from our mission with reinforcements, and I also have news that I myself am loathed to speak of."

The commander looked at Arthur atop his horse "well boy speak up, what's the news" Arthur looking blankly at the ground looks back up at everyone and he says to them "I am the rightful lord to the throne of this kingdom" everyone looked at Arthur and laughed one of the veterans from back in the day "I knew your father and he was no kin of any royal he was dense nut your special!"

Arthur grabbed Ascalon's handle his face irritated, he draws the sword and pushes his way through the crowd and grabs him by the throat poking the tip of the sword into his side, "How dare slander my father I might just kill you here and now-" Lisa sitting in the back speaks out supporting Arthurs news.

"He's right, the news we received is true its no joke or deception he is the rightful lord." Everyone falls quiet and is all of a sudden left without words the man Arthur was choking is let go of and apologized.

The commander tells all of the men to kneel so they do as told "ALL HAIL LORD ARTHUR!!" the commander said atop his horse as the men repeated an unfamiliar voice was heard from afar walking toward the group of men and women. "Well then I would have never thought that in my lifetime the Adams bloodline would reclaim their spot as lords, well done Arthur I Halber Jordan Shintae relinquish myself as lord and give it to you." he turns around and starts to leave but before Halber could Arthur said.

"How did you know and what happened that made your family king" nobles from nearby houses and mansions peaked out their windows and came out of their houses to listen to the commotion that was amok.

He walked over to a nearby barrel and sat down on it "the first question is confidential but I will answer the second, this is a story passed down that only lords know so everyone listen and listen well, back during the beginning of the war the founding lord of Ashland Lord Zeke, didn't want any part so he was willing to make peace at any cost, doesn't sound like a bad thing yet but keep listing the four kingdoms were at peace for a time and that was thanks to him. But it took great sacrifices for it to happen. Even so the people were not treated fairly it broke into a civil war of rights and who do could this and do that so on so forth the Lord created a weapon that sealed his fate with the gods."

Valber points at Ascalon and says to everyone "Thats how you know he's the real deal because a mere man withought the Adams family royal blood would have already been dead. the king made a deal with the gods to make a weapon for peace but he was to old and frail to even use the thing so he left it in the hands of the gods to wait for someone of royal or commener blood to hear the plead of man and for that time he had no kin so my family took over and continued the line for this kingdom now that your here we may have peace if your up to the task."

Arthur looks at the sword he holds in his hand and stabs it into the ground "I would say I'm not but, then I would be lying I'm gonna end this war, and I'll make sure of that." the nobles and knights cheer for their new lord

Melissa and Leo just listening to this whole story while standing in the back in awe Arthur turn's around his face becomes serious he looks off into the distance with the dust from the countless battles drifting the Marks and corpses of the battlefield still remain how many more deaths will there be before the whole thing ends he says in his mind. Arthur raises Ascalon above his head, it emits a faint white glow as the energy can be seen flowing through it, the men on the field ready themselves as Pantema and the other kingdoms are heard marching off in the distance Arthur sits there "everyone if you serve me as your Lord, then let me see you give it your all in this fight I don't know if we will live or fall here but if we die we die trying to defend this kingdom, we might be the kingdom with the best strategies but today we don't have that we have our will and dignity now, WE MARCH TO VICTORY!!!" everyone charges forth with Arthur leading the charge.

Lisa leading the reinforcements both sides clash as the battle goes on Arthur and Leon clash blades every clash sends out a near-deafening noise, Leon stops same with Arthur as the battle rages on the numbers on both sides slowly decreasing the dust of war raging on Arthur then strikes Ascalon against the armour on his arm like a hammer were forging a blade, sparks then come off the struck armour and the blade is then lit a flame like a morning sun Leon stands there ready for the battle to continue Arthur lunges at Leon and is then suddenly sent flying all the way back Leon starts to emit a emerald green with a unholy pinch of black aura six spectral arms are seen from Leon's back Leon hunched completely over laughs and laughs like her were a maniac "hehehehe, HaHaHaHaHa, HAHAHAHAHAHA...oh the determination in your eyes it was a sight to see truly its, MAGNIFICENT!!" Arthur struggles to get back up from the blow. "Fuck, y-yo..." before Arthur could finish he was grabbed and lifted up by the throat by one of Leon's arms, he is then brought closer to Leon and he stares Arthur right in the eyes.

In the fighting Melissa sees Arthur being held by the throat she tries to quickly rush over to try and save Arthur but soon has been met with the same fate "oh who is this Arthur family member, no it couldn't be your lover she's far too pretty" Leon slowly tightens his grip around Melissa's neck Melissa struggles and struggles like she were a worm picked fresh from the ground "no, stop please I beg of you" she squeezes out with the few words she is able to say "oh and why would I do that" the grip gets tighter around her neck "I'll do, anything"

Leon drops her onto the ground as she takes in massive amounts of air. "I have kin that is yet to be born you shall be my bride"

Arthur struggles to speak as he fits the words in "don't do it Melissa" the grip on Arthur gets tighter Melissa sits there not doing a thing as blank and lifeless as a doll "I'll do anything...AFTER I SEND YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!" she draws her sword in an attempt to kill Leon and attempts to drive it through his heart Leon grabs the sword with his spare hand, the blade slits his hand and bleeds the blade gleams with his blood running down the blade. "I feel sorry that your death is going to be short and meaningless." He drops Arthur Leon tightens his grip on the blade and it shatters he grabs Melissa by the throat and lifts her off the ground while Arthur lays on the floor unable to move as limp as a corpse Arthur feels after awhile a strange sensation is felt on his body.

Leon gips Melissa around the neck as he whispers in her ear "You know you did this to yourself." he shoves the blade of his sword through Melissa her blood quickly dripping off the tip of the blade, she slides off the sword and drops to the ground bleeding out with her eyes tearing up in pain as she tries to close the wound with her hands while also trying to gasp for air trying to hold on to her dear life.

"Shame I gave you an option but you squandered it to save him no matter I did what I needed your kingdom shall fall and mine will rise for all the things you did to me I shall make your kingdom suffer the same pain I did the day you attacked my kingdom and killed my wife who beared my child and the people I SWORE TO PROTECT!! I will make you feel all that pain"

Off in the back, while Leon is grieving and shouting a massive amount of heat can be felt from behind Leon the commanders on both sides tell their men to back away and watch both sides have lost a great number of men, both sides retreat off the battlefield it doesn't matter compared to all the mounds of corpses on the ground Leon turns around to see Arthur half slouched over and red marks covering his body completely "Melissa I'm sorry, but give your little bro some credit" he picks his sword back and gets into a stance. "Eyes here Leon I'm your opponent"