The Flying City

As the calm night passes by, Arthur and Lisa sleep while a mysterious stranger watches over them. Arthur and Lisa wake up, the horse gets up barely keeping its eyes open; it seems fatigued.

Arthur opens his eyes and stretches waking up next to Lisa, getting up he walks over on the wet cold earthy grass to reignite the fire. As Arthur approaches the campfire a giant shadow rolls over the land "what in the hell?"

Looking up as the object rolls over the sky, stones are heard falling Arthur snaps around and sees a figure in a white cloak with a fur collar, and a mask covering his face. "So, the ashes move once again hasn't anyone told you, curiosity killed, the cat." the stranger speaks trying to intimidate Arthur but he looks back at the man unphased.

"What brings you here? You looking for trouble or, are you simple rouge running for his life." Arthur responds while tending to the fire striking the flint and steel. " I have been ordered by my Lord to invite you to, dinner shall we say even though mere peasants don't deserve our hospitality" The stranger is agitated slightly but waves to Arthur to follow as he starts walking away. The stranger stops and turns back around to face Arthur as he's packing.

"The Lord also mentioned a lady around your age Arthur?" Arthur looks back at the carriage and goes back to get Lisa wrapping her up in the blanket she was sleeping in, Arthur picks her up and follows the mysterious stranger as they walk, for hours they have traveled then they reach their, destination a basket attached to a rope reaching past the clouds.

"Do you take me for a fool stranger! That leads straight down into a damn chasm!" The stranger hops into the basket with a large sigh grabbing out his water skin and swirling it around, Arthur hesitates and gets into the basket Lisa following in, the basket slides and falls off into the chasm. The rope is then tugged and narrowly escapes the jaws of death of the chasm Arthur looking confused as he looks at the clouds above slowly closing in.

Lisa peers "what's the time Arthur?." Arthur looks at her confused "does it look like we have a sundial?" the stranger pulls out a contraption called a pocket watch "It is, eleven-thirty maiden." The stranger puts the watch away back into his pocket, Lisa thanks the stranger and looks at the pocket watch confused.

"come, we're arriving, "the stranger says coldly as he holds the rope, Arthur hears a roaring sound and huge chunks of metal clanging confused he looks up, the stranger looks down off the basket using his other contraption, he sees a group of adventurers at the edge of the Dracnot ruins, they have gotten into a bit of trouble with a Wyvern the stranger then turns his attention back to the ascension.

The stranger says confidently as he sits down as the basket is lifted he takes out a leather skin bottle filled to the brim with a sort of alcohol, he takes off the cap as he sculls down the alcohol then stops, they have reached a kingdom in the sky.

They leave the basket and what looks like the Lord is seen standing there waiting with his silver crown and long white hair but not so grey whisker-like beard. He approaches the group with a formation of knights escorting him.

"Welcome, Madam Lisa, and of course, THE Lord of Ashland I'm Rolland pleased to meet you welcome to the flying city" Rolland bows before the two, Lisa and Arthur stand in confusion, Lisa looks at Rolland confused and replies to him like he was a crazy man, "I'm sorry Rolland, despite the courtesy you have shown me and Arthur I'm sorry to tell you, Arthur is no king" Rolland stands back up from bowing and clears his throat.

"That is why you are here, Arthur I don't know about you but we have some things that need discussing." Lisa looks at the two and waves to them "since you will be having a private discussion I'm going to have a look around." the two follow a concrete path to a palace made of metal and concrete with commoners cheering out for Lord Rolland. "Once I have filled you in we shall hold a royal coronation and also before that we need to get you dressed up into more..."

Roland looks him up and down and cringes slightly, "let's say less knightly clothing." Fine smooth dark oak wooden doors open and they enter. Arthur darts his eyes around the inside admiring the interior.

He sees stairs at the carpets made of vermilion red silk, looking past that Arthur sees a table with many others that look important sitting around it, the people there all stand in the presence of Rolland.

He clears his throat as he waves his hand telling the others to sit "Arthur you may sit in my seat." Doing as Rolland said Arthur hesitantly sits down and listens closely to what will unfold before him Lord Rolland inhales and exhales he seems uneasy "I suppose you all know why you are gathered here and why a member of Ashland is here. Our friend does not know but, we all do."

everyone but Arthur nods in agreement, A man with Dracnots crest on his crown stands and begins to speak "this young boy is from the true lord of Ashland's bloodline. Lord Zeke Lucis Adams, his kingdom is under a great threat the kingdom Pantema at the moment has the upper hand in numbers not that it matters to me, but Roland YOU are the representative for Ashland so what do you think is so special about this boy that he could win a losing war."

Arthur slams a hand on the table making a loud BANG everyone's eyes look towards Arthur. "ME royalty, I refuse to believe something so fake and putting me on the throne to win a war idealistic tell me why I shouldn't just slaughter every one of you for all I know, you could be Pantema spies in your secret base waiting for the right time to kill me."

Another man stands and speaks with Heartlands crest on his crown, "You see Roland this is what a foolish man would do bringing mere mongrels into this room how pathetic must you be we all agree he's royalty but just simply refuses to believe it."

Roland waves his hand again and the man sits back down muttering what sounds like insults toward Roland and Arthur. Roland speaks clearly and loud to Arthur "YOU BOY, are the rightful Lord of Ashland the current bloodline now is but a fake, even if you lose the war we in the flying cannot allow a lie to live on that is why we have taken this action to tell you personally."

Arthur listens closely sitting back down in Roland's seat, "It was all a scandal the current Lord at the time became was framed for forcing himself upon his queen but in truth, it was the other way around, she didn't like no for an answer so it was up to the people to decide, the news spread like wildfire and people were in the queen's favor so her brother became king."

Arthur stands and leaves the room without saying a word, Lord Rolland concludes the meeting, and the other representatives leave Roland faces toward Arthur who stood outside waiting for a word with Roland "Arthur you have a choice save the other kingdoms and have peace or let your kingdom die with you and everyone else you care for in it what's your choice?"

Arthur contemplates for a while but couldn't stand the thought of having all their efforts be for nothing but he looked at it from a different perspective "Roland, would be that bad if the kingdom just, no one will have to fight if we're dead."

Roland grabs Arthur by the shoulders and shakes him, "listen to yourself Arthur you have someone by your side whom you love, don't you want to have a future where everyone can be happy." Arthur thinks and looks at the floor and says in response. "I'll do it, ill become the rightful Lord."

Roland jumps up and down like a little kid getting his first penny "now let's get you ready for the coronation." Arthur is then brought to a dressing room where a butler stands "let us get you, fitted sir" The butler gets to work right away taking measurements and trying on different clothes.

"Damn does it have to be this tight" the butler tilts and turns Arthurs posture while fixing his new attire "sir if you would prefer that heavy armor over nice lite breathable clothes be my guest." Arthur leaves the dressing room and makes his way down the stairs, Lisa waits silently at the bottom, Arthur makes his way down the stairs, as he continues down and looks more uncomfortable the further down he goes.

He reaches the bottom of the stairs and links arms with Lisa in her frilly white dress that complements her luscious blonde hair. Arthur looks at Lisa's dress with a questionable look with his spare hand that wasn't linked with Lisa's he points at the dress, "Where'd the dress come from?" she responds to him in a shy tone, "The maids dressed me but I don't even know why" they hear footsteps coming down.

Then turn around to see Rolland coming down the stairs of the Palace as he claps in awe "well you two look marvelous, now let us make haste your presence must be made known to the crowd, everyone has grown sick and is slowly growing tiresome of this waiting."

Arthur, Lisa, and Roland open the doors outside with all the citizens, guards, knights, and representatives. The crowd screams and cheers as Lord Rolland waves his hands the crowds cheers dim to a silence, Rolland steps forward "To everyone that is here today the coronation of the true Lord of Ashland WILL reclaim his throne!"

Everyone cheers happily while Lord Rolland seems to be uneasy to tell the rest of the story to everyone as he starts to look like he is about to vomit Arthur improvises and tells a knight to bring Rolland back inside.

"Listen every man woman and child, there is a great threat approaching my kingdom Pantema is up to something and I'm sorry to tell you all, I could care less of what it is, but for a fact I know we won't win it for the long run now as the rightful Lord of Ashland I would like every guard knight and lord to step up and raise their swords!"

The representatives are the first to move to the front of the crowd and raise their swords, one of them raises their voice to speak, "For the future of this city to help leave an era of never-ending war!" The knights follow along and raise their weapons feeling a spark of motivation.

Arthur smiles and unsheathes Ascalon and raises the holy sword "to protect the ones we love for a long and prosperous life I come to you for your help now will, you, join me!"

Everyone cheers happily as the crowd gives almost a defining screech, Arthur puts Ascalon back in the sheath and waves his hand for the crowd to silence "we leave tomorrow if you would like to say goodbye to anyone now Is the time"'

Arthur and Lisa go back inside the palace Arthur puffs and puffs his heart pounding, Lisa goes over to him helping him stand up properly, he's most likely has too much adrenaline pumping through him a guard comes down the stairs and says to the two. "Lord Arthur, Representative Rolland has assigned you two a room on the third floor"

the two go to the Third floor where their bedroom was said to be they rest up for the next day.

The night rolls over and the morning approaches Arthur and Lisa go to leave the kingdom as they approach the basket to descend back down Rolland approaches the two "Arthur do well, take care of my people that are coming with you" seen behind Rolland are the volunteered knights only half of them showed up but its enough to get the job done Lord Rolland speaks with a stern and joking voice "Arthur I don't think everyone can fit in a tiny basket the kingdom has been anchored over Ashland I have sorted out different way of transportation for everyone"

Everyone walks over to a contraption with wings and attache themselves to it Roland nudges Arthur saying to "its called a glider just attach yourself to it and you'll be fine"Arthur and Lisa do as told as they were given a brief description of how to use a glider, Rolland counts down the launch "three, two, one"they all leap of the flying city descending through the sky like birds, will this be the end for both kingdoms or will this be a new beginning.