The will of others

As Arthur sleeps the others cheer and celebrates, for the victory he assured that day with Lisa looking over him with hands held they rest, the curtains sway and dance with the wind that blows into the room. People can be heard chatting outside and celebrating still talking about Arthur.

but the peace that Arthur has brought comes with a burden for him, the sword that Arthur has made and forged the pact with if that sword were to break his life would have to be the one to die after for all the gods signed this pact. The God of death will not allow this sword to break without punishment of death the wielder.

The God of strength gives the blade almost indestructible.

The God of war gives the sword a sharp edge that could challenge every level of smithing from across the land.

The God of time allows the sword to never blunt or rust for as long as it exists

the God of the underworld allows the sword to cover itself in a fire with certain actions prayers or sacrifices.

and the God of light the one who binds the power altogether, to stop the power of the gods destroying the sword, once the sword's true name is called out by the wielder the gods unleash a portion of their power to aid the wielder.

Arthur wakes up the next day with Lisa laying on his chest bags sitting underneath her eyes looking at him as she lays on his chest with a smile of relief looking at him. "You're awake finally," Lisa gets up and wraps her arms around him tightly.

Arthur with only a second to notice what was going on just sees out of nowhere Lisa hugs him, he feels her heartbeat pounding fast as her chest is pressed up against his and he says to her. "You're squeezing me too tight," he says with a wheezy voice as he hugs her back.

In the tavern, Melissa and Leo get drunk with all the leftover booze from the celebration. As they both have one of their arms wrapped around each other they sing Holy Knight while swaying side to side in a drunk manner "Holy knight save the land *hiccup* Holy Knight oh Holy, with your might win, the-" the drunkard singing stops as the two fall off their chairs onto the floor with a thud.

Arthur leaves the medical bay in a wheelchair with Lisa behind pushing him, back in the infirmary the doctor assumed that his mental and physical state was critical before the fight but the symptoms seemed to have had disappeared, after Arthur and Lisa left the hospital they see Leo and Melissa and a wyvern on top of the building they are outside of, it screams the citizens and unarmed soldiers run away screaming in fear, Leo and Melissa climb up the small building and stumble around with their swords all drunk as Leo points at the Wyvern waving the point of the sword in front of it.

"You fiend we shall vanquish you, *hiccup*" The wyvern looks at Leo and charges at him, Leo looks at the Wyvern, and as he is about to be hit Leo swirls out of the way like a leaf in the wind and stabs the Wyvern in the eye after that Leo falls unconscious probably from all the beer.

The Wyvern screams in pain as it tries to keep itself stable but it falls off the building making a hole in the side of it as a result, with Melissa following after she falls off driving the blade through the wyvern stabbing through thick scales, bones, and soft flesh while landing face-first on to the Wyverns back as Arthur sits in the back with Lisa.

"Hey, Arthur isn't that a Wyvern from Dracnot, if I'm not wrong the only reason I can think of for them not being here is that the rider died in battle, or" Arthur stares blankly at the dead corpse with the drunks and scared citizens surrounding it. "Or what if your suggestion is what I think it is there is only one way there can be a rogue Wyvern"

Lisa stands there with clenched fists as she thinks about what will happen in the near future, Arthur stands up from the wheelchair his legs tremble, using Ascalon as a walking stick he slowly starts making his way to the war room, Lisa doesn't hesitate and grabs him by the shoulders. "What are you doing this for Arthur, who are you trying to impress, what are your meatheads. Because so far you've done nothing but put your life in danger. Do you understand how that makes your big sister feel, how it makes Leo feel?"

Lisa starts to slowly break down, tears running down her face and her face turning bright red. She leans her head against Arthur's warm back softly banging her clenched fist against it. "How, it makes me feel?" Arthur stands in silence as rain clouds pour over the land. Everyone but the two rush inside to stay dry.

"Lisa...listen the only reason that I do these things is so I can carve a better future for everyone and it's also because I, I lo-" SMACK, Arthur was turned around in the sudden moment and slapped in the face by Lisa. As he looks at Lisa and sees her looking back frustrated crying and confused. "Don't say it all you do is fight, fight, and fight why come and open up to me now after so long!!"

Arthur looks at her and says in an almost broken tone with a smile, "After a long life of hardship and torment of trying to find out what those words meant. Lisa, you're the reason I keep fighting. I fight for you and everyone else in this kingdom. Lisa, I love you."

The rain continues to drop as the sun behind the dark clouds starts to fall some of the house and dorm lights start turning on. "Arthur, if your fighting for me and everyone else then. Let me join you, I want to join you" Arthur tries to hold her hands while also trying to lean on Ascalon but stumbles and leans on Lisa. "Are you sure you want to?"

she says to him with a reassuring voice. "Yes, I will stand by you until the end because I love you too." the tears that once clouded her face disappear and reveal the bright happiness that was hidden underneath.

They both go to the war room and open the door to see the general and the commander at each other's throats with their blades pointed at each other's necks, Arthur waltzes over to the two with Lisa following behind him. "What the hell is going on here!?"

The general looks at Arthur and snaps his head back at the commander, his face irritated and teeth gritted his sword gleaming to the light of the dully lit candle on the table separating the two from Lisa and Arthur. "This is none of your concern boy, stay out of this!"

Arthur looks at the two gripping Ascalon's handle. "YOU might have a higher authority general but, remember who the two cowards that fled the battle and left me to do the work no sheath your swords!!"

Arthur grips Ascalon in his hands and strikes it across the ground lighting the blade aflame, Arthur raises Ascalon above his head and brings it down on top of the commander's sword shattering the blade, snatching what's left of the sword Arthur throws it at the general, the general grips his sword then deflects what's left of the shattered blade.

Arthur takes a step forward on the hardwood floor his leg aches and stings making him stumble onto the floor as he grits his teeth and tenses from the pain, the general walks forward toward Arthur raising his sword in one hand, the commander grabs out his knife rushing toward the general in the blink of an eye the commander was knocked down to the floor by a strong gust of wind magic.

The sword is stabbed down, for a second everything was silent to Arthur he looked up to see Lisa's hand with the tip of the sword stabbed through it, blood slowly drips from the wound.

The commander and general stay quiet as everything was silent for the moment both commander and general stunned not knowing what move to make next. the general shoves it further down through Lisa's hand as she screams in pain, Arthur rolling out of the way of the falling blade he grabs Ascalon and cuts off the general's hands, Arthur wraps his hand around the general's throat and pins him against the table as the general's blood spills out.

"Damn Ashland scum, ALL OF YOU I wouldn't have dared to use illusion magic if you dogs just knelt down and DIED, maybe if it had been you instead of them I, I wouldn't have had to see everyone I loved die in front of me."

The impersonator of the general shows his face as the illusion ripples away revealing a man around his mid-thirties his face slowly turns to a pale white as his life slowly starts to fade, "Tell me, knight, what's your name?"

Arthur releases the impersonator's throat and lays him on the floor. "Its Arthur sir" the impersonater smiles and looks at Arthur, "Listen here and listen well, Arthur do what you must to kill that devil of a man don't let your kingdom, succumb, to his, wrath" with the last breath he dies, as Arthur sees the life from the man's eyes disappear, he dies as his body becomes limp on the floor

Arthur stands up not saying a word, quickly scooping up Lisa in his arms the sword still in her hands stopping the blood from coming out, they go to the infirmary and the doctors come over taking Lisa from Arthurs hands they bring her into a room to get healed.

The sword is removed from her hand and the doctors heal and mend the wound as its replaced by scared flesh she comes out the door to see Arthur waiting patiently, with wholesome smiles they embrace each other followed by a kiss.

"I'm glad your okay" Arthur holds Lisa's scarred hand and looks at it. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you" Lisa cups her other hand on Arthurs face looking into his eyes, "don't be lets just do what we need to do right now." Arthur and Lisa leave the infirmary and head back to the war room the commander sits there planning out the next attack.

"you two, the people I wanted to see I need two to really everyone we're going to send a full scale attack" Arthur puts up a in front of commander saying to him "sir request to run a recon mission with Lisa" the commander looks at Arthur confused he places both hands on the table and leans in slightly. "For what may that recon mission be for? Your apart of the infantry unit," Arthur folds his arms and responds to the commander "to find a better way to win this war sir." The commander closes his eyes for a second then nods "permission granted."

They leave the war room, Lisa closes the door behind and goes to grab a horse as Arthur heads back to pack supplies in a waggon for the long journey ahead, Leo and Melissa show up sober and not drunk as the skies start to clear, Melissa looks at Arthur furious, "and the hell do you think your doing you just got out of the infirmary now your going on another mission rest for at least a second."

Arthur says to Melissa while continuing to pack supplies onto the wagon "sitting on our backsides wont win a war never has." Lisa returns back with the horse and attaches the wagon to it. Leo says to Lisa and Arthur as the two get onto the horse, "Stay safe you two like damn do you know all of that bad and crazy stuff out there." Arthur laughs a little and gives a little wave to the both of them as they set off.

As the day turns to night, the sky glittered with billions and billions of stars shining ontop of the ruins of the gods when they used to inhabit the land.

Lisa glares at Arthur as she smiles at him looking at the dull lights eluminate his face, Arthur stops the horse at a part of the ruins that looks like it was a watch tower, they enter and set up a fire. "This will do fine, I don't think we'll freeze to death" Arthur lays down on his bedroll and blanket atop the dry cold grass. Lisa gets ready to rest and lays her bedroll down and rests next to him. The fire hour after hour slowly fades then disapers as all went black but the stars in the night sky.

Their long journey only begins as off in the distance a lone figure stands watching them and following them.