Time of War

Arthur had sleepless nights, people started to wonder what's wrong with him because he hasn't come out of his room, people could only assume it's filled with cups, bowls and plates, every night he has the same flashback over and over and over again his looks are described as a vampire that's just seen the sun, skin as pale as snow.

Melissa knocks on the door to no avail with Leo and Lisa outside Leo speaks up with a worried voice almost sounding like he was pleading to Arthur. "Arthur come out, you haven't been out in what, two to five weeks and all we can do is keep giving you food"

the group starts to become more worried about Arthur's health, as the door opens the creaks get louder and louder the wider it opens up, revealing the deprived Arthur rugged and limp looking, lips as dry as stale bread.

Lisa rushes towards Arthur and hugs him softly punching his chest muttering to herself, "Selfish idiot, damn fool." With a sudden outburst, she screams out at him, "FOOL!!" Everyone stands there looking at the two.

"You God damn idiot what makes you think that you can leave us without anything to say." Arthur stands still with a blank look in his eyes. His mouth starts to move slightly starting to mutter the words, "N..no m...m..more." A tear falls from his face and he wraps his arms around Lisa tightly crying into her shoulder, he screams in agony.

Arthur grits his teeth as a waterfall of tears fell from his eyes, Lisa gently stroked his head straining her fingers through his hair. A painful sting then struck Arthur all of a sudden like a million needles hitting him in different spots at the same time as red marks appear all around his body from head to toe.

Arthur screams in pain and agony doctors were called outside and brought him into the infirmary to get checked, they rested him on a medical bed but he wouldn't stay still so they grabbed leather straps and strapped his whole body, not long after he calmed down but was sweating a lot.

Outside of Ashland walls, an army gathered it looked like Dracnots people but they weren't sure, there was an army outside their walls none the less, they rang the bells and gathered outside the walls waiting for orders.

"Everyone POSITIONS!!" all gathered men and women in the army that had joined together to face the threat took battle positions and shouted at the top of their lungs "ASHLAND our kingdom our hope, may the gods shine their light upon us."

A man atop a horse clad in emerald green armour, armed with a pure black iron blade emitting strange magical forces sits in front of the small army from Dracnot and Heartland.

Everyone is scared but stand tall and proud holding their weapons firmly, the commander of the army old and proud like always but inside its obvious, he's scared like everyone else he says to the bannerman for the army.

"Bannerman, get the banner." The bannerman runs and returns with the banner, the commander old but not frail grasped the banner firmly and takes it from the bannerman's hands, he sticks it into the ground the dirt shifting apart as the banner sinks in. The commander salutes atop his horse and chants with everyone following along.

"FOR OUR FAMILY FOR OUR CHILDREN FOR OURSELVES WE STRIVE FOR PEACE AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR THAT PEACE!!!" The gathered army of Pantemas and the other kingdoms charge at Ashland's weapons drawn and shouting.

Arthur wakes with Leo sleeping on a chair next to him. He tries to get up but feels burning and is stiff, his legs click with every movement he makes, his arms neck and torso do the same he gets up and tries to run as quickly as he can back to his dorm hearing the shouting screaming, weapons clashing mixed with the screeches of gryphons and roars of dragons with the thuds of dying creatures.

He reaches the dorm but is quickly denied entry by Lisa and Melissa. "What do you think you're doing Arthur your in no condition to fight you have been in your room for weeks and you can't deny it."

Arthur continues to go to his dorm as he readies himself sword sheathed and armour squeaky clean silver with touches of gold. "Do you have a better option I intend to fight for the kingdom as our father had,"

Lisa storms up to Arthur as he's about to put his helmet on, he gets punched in the face knocking him to the ground making a loud THUD and the helmet hitting the ground with a TINK, he rubs his face and puts his helmet on then stands back up.

"YOU'RE A FOOL ARTHUR!! what makes you think that you can join them and expect to live, its 3 armies against one what makes you think we can win!!" Without giving an answer to Lisa Arthur unsheathes his sword and starts heading out to the battlefield, he stops and turns back to look at Lisa.

"I don't expect to win, but if I die giving it my all would it really matter" Lisa goes to try and continue to convince Arthur but Melissa grabs her shoulder Lisa clenches her fist clouded in tears and frustration. "Arthur whatever your doing it better be worth it because if it isn't it's suicidal," Arthur looks and smirks at them

"that's the big sister I know" he walks away trembling deprived and traumatized but he holds on to the final words his father said "you do not truly fail until you give up there is no greater loss than that" Melissa looks at Arthur off in the distance as he has made it as far as the edge of the battlefield "that's the true Arthur...cocky but confident"

Arthur stabs his sword into the ground as he closes his eyes, Melissa squints her eyes and tries to see what Arthur is doing until all she could see from Arthur was a bright light "by my full name Arthur Lucis Adams and my father before me, Roderick Adams I call out to the gods above, head my call NO hear my plead to give me the strength to save this kingdom!"

The ground shakes and the fighting stops, everyone is confused the commander looks back at Arthur. "I knew that boy was something the day I saw him." The ground around Arthur shatters and his sword glows with runes being engraved into it with the name of the gods themselves. Each rune representing a different God the final rune is engraved and it reads the God of light.

Arthur charges into battle leaving only a trail of white behind him but he charges at only one specific person, Leon the leader of Pantema. Arthur shoves his foot into the ground stopping himself right in front of Leon and his horse.

He goes for a downward swing. Leon grabs his sword and attempts to block but instead of a slash Arthur grabs Leon by the shoulder and pulls him off his horse. Both commanders signal their men to stop fighting. The two armies separated with Leon and Arthur left in the middle, Arthur points the unnamed sword at Leon the tip the sword shakes along with Arthurs's hand.

"It was you who killed him wasn't" Arthur grows impatient just sitting there looking at Leon makes Arthur want to cut him down. "Oh my how demanding I don't even know who you're talking about, but rest assured ill make your death a quick one." A green aura then forms around Leon as he gets up kicking Arthur away with the equivalent force of being hit by a Wyvern. sending him flying, Arthur recovers by shoving his sword into the ground the dirt and rocks could be heard scraping against the blade as the sword was hilt deep.

Arthur snatches the sword out of the ground as fast as he were to strike a match the blade of the sword slowly is engulfed by orange-reddish flames Arthur sprints at Leon leaving himself wide open.

Leon puts his sword out in front of him once Arthur was close enough Arthur and Leon's swords clash with a loud CLANG white and green lights can be seen making up an amazing display, both Leon and Arthur back away from each other making distance between one another.

All is quiet for a moment, raising his sword and then pressing the edge of the blade against his forearm, Arthur slits his forearm letting the blood run down the sword making the flames turn dark red, Leon gets into an unfamiliar form as sparkles of orange and green circle around him.

Arthur mutters to himself as the flames burn brighter red. "God of the light and power bestowed upon me show me your true strength" as the two of them are about to raise their swords for a swing they shout the names of their weapons unsealing their power for a single powerful blow Arthur shouts at the top of his lungs the name "ASCALON!!" Arthur swings downward sending a bright crimson beam toward Leon.

Leon with his sword on his back charges forward then uppercuts with the sword while shouting "SALAMANDER!" an orange green beam is released from the sword toward the other, both beams of immense power collide shaking the ground and scorching the ground beneath them, soon after both beams exploded in a display of radiance

Leon gives Arthur a firm stare into his eyes. "it seems we are at a stalemate let us settle this another time, goodbye, for now, I look forward to our next time we meet."

As Leon and his army leave Arthur enters the kingdom gates and collapses while Ascalons glow dims Melissa and Lisa rush over to Arthur getting him back to the Medical bay.

Arthurs eyes slightly open seeing many hard-working doctors and nurses tending to other patients and soldiers that were on the field he looks around to see all his friends. Leo looks at Arthur who is still in the medical bed and gives him a slight smug smirk "I knew you would make it out."

Melissa looks at Leo and laughs not even trying to hide it from Leo "Knew?! you were practically on your knees hoping Arthur won" she continues to laugh at Leos misuse of words till Arthur spoke, "sis quit teasing him and can you guys go outside I need some quiet thanks." everyone stands up and leaves, Arthur grabs Lisa's hand before she could walk away, she looks at Arthur confused, "yeah Arthur?"

"I would like you to stay here with me" Lisa smiles and sits back down next to Arthur as he falls asleep he holds her hand, Lisa mutters where it wouldn't wake up Arthur.

"I'm happy you're back" she smiles at him as he sleeps.