Colors Of The Chasm

The man stops for a minute and takes a sip of his beer "I was hoping that you didn't come here, Arthur." The father sips on his drink with Arthur sitting in front of him his eyes welling up with tears "come son we have catching up to do, well I've been watching from the heavens so I saw what happened to Sivick, now let's go and talk."

They both leave the tavern back into the home they lived in before it was burnt down by a siege from Heartland, they enter the house and the father speaks out "hey darling I'm home."

A lady appears out from the kitchen "yes dare i-" she looks at Arthur and sees how blank his eyes are and devoid of life as his tears try and cover them but fail, the lady says to Arthur. "son, I'm sorry we weren't there for you Arthur." It seems she wasn't ready to leave her kids

the kids from before entered the room and run in screaming cheerfully, they stop to look at the women who has now dropped to her knees crying a child walks up to the lady who cries and says "mother are you alright? oh, I know the heroic Arthur unifier of kingdoms like the stories of old can save the day!"

The mother of Arthur hugs the child Arthur and says"I'm fine little one how about you and Melissa go back outside and play" the child jumps back cheerfully "sure thing Mother see you at dinner!" all the children leave, leaving only the parents and Arthur, his father sits down and puts Ascalon aside. "So son, mind telling me and your mother what you're doing with that sword and why the god of light is dead and his soul in you?"

Arthur takes a seat while his mother sits on his father's lap and hugs him "if you have been watching why do I need to tell you?" the father sighs as he just states "we might see you from the heavens but we can't hear what your plans are or anything elaborate, after all, we are dead."

Arthur sits in his seat tapping his finger on the table over and over both parents sit in silence, Arthur stops tapping and explains "I'm going to the mountain of past times, to revive Sivick."

Arthurs mother enraged gets off his father's lap and slaps Arthur "GOD DAMN IT ARTHUR I DIDN'T RAISE YOU SO YOU COULD FUCKING DIE THIS CHASM IS FILLED WITH THINGS YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF WH-!" the mother is stopped by Arthur's father who simply just puts a hand on her shoulder.

She cries and falls to her knees Arthur stands and goes to open the door to continue on through the chasm, Arthur's father tells him to stop before going and takes one good last look at his son. "Arthur you've got the face of your old man here, don't let a pretty face disappear so soon, and also Arthur, don't die." His father hands Arthur the past Ascalon a very fine blade but the difference is one rune is missing its Sivicks.

Arthur leaves off to grab his horse, as soon as he grabs his horse everything disappears including the sword Arthur looks around him as everything turns to ash he looks behind him to see his parents they both look happy as they are snuggled together his father giving off a cheeky wink, a faint glow emits from them as they disappear like a cloud of gold dust blowing away in the wind, past Ascalon turns into a bright yellow gem in Arthur's hand, he hops on his horse as it runs into action the second trial approaches.

Arthur makes it halfway through the chasm when his eyes start to feel heavy like he hadn't slept in three weeks, he falls off the horse and his vision becomes black until he sees in front of him, Leoning standing in front of him halfway through making a chant this is where he first used Ascalon he remembers he doesn't waste time as he stops slitting his arm and dashes at Leon, Leon looks up to see Arthur but before he could react Arthur uses the blood coming from his arm to splash it in Leon's eyes.

"No matter how hard you try you cannot rewrite history Arthur I will teach you the true meaning of fear. I will make you suffer the same fear I did" Arthur doesn't listen as he jumps behind Leon flipping the sword to face towards Leon's back, Arthur stabs Ascalon backward into Leons back he doesn't speak, no one does Arthur takes Ascalon out of his back and starts walking back to Ashland but he realizes by now, "If I completed the trial you would be dead and this place would disappear"

Leon stands back up and smiles "damn playing dead wasn't enough for ya ey" He takes Salamander and dashes at Arthur before both blades collide Leon quick steps to the side to slash Arthur in the side the blade cuts deep as blood quickly runs down Salamanders blade, Leon turns the blade making the wound bleed more, he takes salamander out of his side and says "not all fairy tails have a happy ending so why should yours end happily?"

Arthur walks off the blade as if it were nothing while coughing out blood he coughs out the words he needs to say. "Because heroes don't let their stories end with endings not until one day their sacrifice means something." He turns to Leon with the KIngdom behind him, "I decide my fate no one else does. Even if my sacrifice means a better future for Lisa and everyone else I, WILL DO MY BEST, TO CARVE THE BETTER PLACE FOR ALL, ASCALON STRIKE!!!" Arthur swings Ascalon up as a giant white beam pierced through the clouds he then slams the sword down the white beam crashing down onto Leon disintegrating him.

Arthur wakes up his horse sits in waiting, as he sits up "damn I'm really sick of that guy how many more of whatever these things are there?" Arthur mounts back up on the horse "onward" Arthur and the horse both leave off to the exit where the final trial lays Arthur looks at the faintly glowing gem and it fills him with determination rage and malice but following that he's reminded of Lord Rolland's words "will you make a kingdom where all suffer beneath you or a kingdom where everyone lives in peace?"