Future and Present

Arthur atop his horse makes his way out of the chasm, the horse gallops leaving nothing but a trail of dust behind. From dust to grass Arthur looks around to see a flourishing land around him filled with trees ancient ruins and creatures no one has ever seen before, up ahead he sees a giant tower piercing into the heavens that seems to be the place he needs to be, Arthur looks around to see what may be interesting the wind becomes still off in the distance is a gate opening, Arthur snaps his head to face the gate in front seems to be a man atop a horse the same as him.

"Come with me, Arthur" he looks at the stranger in confusion and suspicion, he follows him back "how do you know my name?" Arthur says but the stranger keeps moving and replies cryptically, "call it a divine knowledge."

Arthur looks around him to see buildings obviously he recognizes this as a kingdom in an instant because of the castle he's being led to.

As they're roaming toward the castle with their horses their short trip comes to a stop as they are at the entrance both horses are put into a nearby stable "well if you won't answer how you know my name tell me who you are" the stranger stops "simple answer two words I'm you." Arthur freezes in place looking at the man who calls himself the same person as Arthur. "That can't possibly be true." Arthur stands there he swallows the fear that's building up and tries to calm himself down.

"Clearly not, how would have your met our father, clearly you're still to thick in the skull I know what you're after there are many ways you can go on about this because resurrecting a god means changing a person's fate say you could end up like me only after a dual between present you future you which is me, will things decide to change who knows Lisa could die or even our sister."

Arthur clenches his fists and grits his teeth he runs up to himself to punch him in the jaw the future Arthur catches his arm predicting his movement slamming his knee into his gut winding Arthur, "As expected predictable like always."

The future Arthur drags present Arthur along the ground as a little boy and little girl can be seen staring at both Arthurs from the throne "if you want to fix that sword and resurrect the god of light you might as well fight, this is the only way you must overcome who you are now to defeat me." Future Arthur drops present Arthur on the marble flooring as he positions himself for battle. "Let's see what a broken sword can do and we'll see if your fate will end here as a failed dream of others"

Arthur hears the words from himself slightly irritated he gets up "yes Arthur don't let me get into your head, I should have killed you while I had the chance forcing me to look into an old reflection of myself is cruel."

Arthur stands back up on his two feet unsheathing the broken sword "I won't fail no matter how hard you try to get into my head I won't fail I won't fail I can't, my people depend on me."

Arthur charges forward as they both clash bits of the broken sword come flying off as they keep connecting swords.

"You can't fail those words, it pains me to even hear them your so childish why give a damn about others if you can't give a shit about YOURSELF,!"

Future Arthur deflects the other sword away kicking present Arthur, he gets back up from the floor and lunges at him again "you can't defeat me with a broken sword it's like your ideals, for example, broken and flawed."

Arthur continues to lunge as he fakes out a right swing into an uppercut, future Arthur uses his free hand to grab the incoming blade, present Arthur makes contact with bone its a hit but not in the right place, both Arthurs continue to repeat the same process whittling away each others stamina.

Future Arthur backs away he cuts his arm on the blade blood runs down the blade lighting it ablaze, future Arthur thrusts the sword forward "Ascalon STRIKE!" a beam is sent out towards present Arthur as he attempts to block the beam with the sword it works for a time as soon as the beam made contact the blade started to shatter.

The beam stops, and soon after the blade shatters in defeat Arthur kneels as his future self points Ascalon towards his throat "you coming here is your fault, Arthur"

a bright yellow glow appears from Arthur's hand, future Arthur takes a few steps back as the gem forms itself into another sword Arthur stands back up and points the glowing yellow sword towards his future self, "my last words will be yours".

Arthur peaks at the hilt of the blade to see an engraving in different writing he can't understand but he hears a voice in his head. "Vanir" future Arthur lunges at his present self swinging at full power aiming to shatter the sword. "Defeat is no longer an option" Arthur grabs Ascalon by the blade and uses Vanir to cut off his future self's hand off Ascalon drops as blood pours out and future Arthur goes to grab Ascalon with his other hand In a flash, his hand had a blade put through it.

"Simple as this me, I've won you have lost even when my blade was shattered you didn't kill me, my ideal may be flawed but your me so we have the same ideal" Arthur picks up Ascalon his future self used and leaves the castle with his horse as Arthur takes a look at his new sword the horse trots the name has seemed to have disappeared.

Vanir is then sheathed and Arthur makes his way back to his desperate kingdom all Arthur can hope is that he is not too late.