The Clash of Lords

Arthur on his horse makes his way back to Ashland to prepare for war, returning Arthur sees a bright gleam off in the distance of looking glass from Ashland the troops and villages are sure to be happy that their Lord has arrived safely home. The gates open and the troops and villagers flood out cheering that their lord has returned.

Arthur gets off his horse and the crowd thickens more, one of the gate knights takes his horse to the stable as Arthur looks for Lisa in the thick crowd while the crowd cheers Arthur raises his hand everyone goes silent and everyone kneels Arthur lowers his hand and everything is, silent "Everyone I am very proud of you all as your lord it was disrespectful of me to leave you all on your own, I'm am so so-"

Arthur is then cut off by a random farmer from the village "my Lord forgive me if I speak out of term there is no need to be sorry" after that more people pitched in and it brought Arthur for once after years of feeling nothing something he felt after only confessing his feelings toward Lisa, he felt happy, happy he didn't do anything wrong, happy his kingdom didn't shame him, happy that no one left.

"Alright everyone you may stand we need to prepare Leon will be back for us and if this is our last stand we shall all die trying" everyone cheers once more and returns to their post the villagers plan to build walls and hire village leaders and the knights reinforce their defences and restock on weapons.

Arthur stands still in joy as he sees Lisa, Melissa and Leo in front of him Lisa filled with tears of joy runs up to Arthur giving him kiss, they both grasp each other with their arms happily, Leo and Melissa walk up to the two

Leo opening up his loud mouth. "Damn cant you guys get a room" soon after Leos sentence was met with a smack in the head from Melissa "show some respect to my brother he's your lord Lisa grasps Arthur tighter crying with joy in every moment he stands "don't scare me you IDIOT!! I was scared I was going to lose you."

Arthur smiles as a response to Lisa he says "I missed you to my dare but we have work to do so let us get going." The group go to their respective duties Lisa sorting out the goods coming in from the villages, Melissa training the troops while on the side teasing them with Leo assisting with the training.

Two months go by the villagers have their walls built and are gear with the equipment provided from the military, the troops standing guard at the gate the only thing that can be heard by them is the grass rustling and the gravel on the ground shifting from hard workers and children frolicking about, Arthur standing atop the wall looking over the desolate war scorned horizon.

Flags are slowly seen over the horizon, they arrived early, too early, men trembling in fear on both sides, Arthur drops down from the wall taking some ground shock but still fine, he grabs out Ascalon and drives the blade into the ground, putting out his hand a yellow mist comes from his heart materialising Vanir.

Arthur raises Vanir above his head then points it forward, "now men charge into battle for ASHLAND!!" everyone charges forward with Melissa and Leo in separate groups all of a sudden Pantemas army splits into three one group goes left of the kingdom attempting to attack the west village while the other goes right to attack the east village, Arthur then shouts out to Leo to take his men to the west village and then shouting out to Melissa to take hers to the east.

This leaves Arthur and his army to take on the main forces, Arthur cutting people down being scraped by the edges of spears and swords, he sees his men be put into the ground one by one, one man taking a spear penetrating his helmet as the spear goes into his mouth out the back of his head. Another man getting smashed in the face by a shield and then stabbed in the gut and left to bleed out, the cycle of death repeats itself.

Arthur looks forward as he sees Leon standing there with a straight face as he lets his men do the dirty work Leon looks at Arthur and gives off a slight smirk, "so you're here good, I've been waiting for this to happen I arrived early out of boredom" Leon charges at Arthur with no remorse as Arthur tries to keep on the defensive getting off his horse.

Leon looks for an opening in Arthur's defense so he kicks his leg making Arthur stumble backward, he goes to finish Arthur off attempting to cleave his head off, as Leon goes to cleave at Arthur. In two moves Arthur maneuvers himself out of the way in time Leon missing causes his blade to get stuck in the ground for the moment giving Arthur the opening he needed, he rushes at Leon attempting to drive Vanir through his skull.

Vanir stops mid-air Arthur forgot about Leon's extra arms "I would count your extra arms as cheating Leon wouldn't you?" Arthur says while trying harder to drive the blade into his head even with the extra arm stopping him, "really I guess I never really cared about the rules."

a spearman from Ashland comes charging in at Leon thinking he can win when in a flash his head gets crushed into mush.

Arthur in disgust swings his leg around to kick Leon in the face sending him flying, after Leon hit the ground he leaves a human-sized crater because of how heavy his armor is "your skills are sharper Arthur" Leon says surprised as he struggles to stand back up on his two feet, "I've been practicing or maybe call it, a divine intervention that helped" Arthur then picks up a spear from a nearby body and throws it at Leon.

How will the battle end, in the favor of Ashland, or Pantema?