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Lisa inside the throne room atop her throne up high on an array of steps, Ace and Emily walk in asking the same question Arthur asks her. "Are you going to become queen mother?" they both said, then looked at each other, they then turned their attention back to Lisa.

She sighs and looks at them with a sad look her hair messy and her face forcing a little smile. "how about you two go and train with your tutor or play outside I have yet to decide," Ace and Emilys face light up Gleefully and run outside onto the cold grass with the beam of sun raining down on them like an angels kiss.

In the infirmary, Arthur struggles to get up still not quite sure what happened to him in that battle, slowly gets up hands struggling to get him up and legs failing to keep him up, a doctor comes over handing him a walking stick, he quickly grabs onto it and leans on it.

His hands and feet trembling he goes to take his first step as it feels like he's trying to walk with no legs, he makes his way to the exit and falls over grabbing onto the doorway with one arm trying his hardest to hold on with his walking stick being used as support as its digging into the wet dirt.

He pulls himself back up feeling his upper arm and left leg not knowing what he did to do that, he continues to walk toward his old barracks where he and Leo used to sleep with Melissa and Lisa's barracks next door he opens the old moss-covered door.

To his surprise, most of the items and gear were intact with minimal rust on it just things collecting dust and webs he enters floorboards creaking with echoes bellow from the study room, he searches around looking for a book he used to read.

After a bit of searching, he finds what he was looking for underneath old scrunched notes of paper, he picks up the book and then opens it a page falling out from the book being old already.

Arthur goes to pick up the old wrinkled page that had fallen out struggling a little but gets it, the pages waves around with the small breeze coming in and bits of it slowly hang and come off.

He puts the page and book back down gently on a table of a dusty mess, he closes the door hearing it creak loudly with the rust on the hinges scrape against one another making a hideous sound.

Arthur stops for a second all is quiet he looks around hearing a quite rustling noise in the room he looks below him to see the cracks through the floorboard are lit the light only just peering through, he smacks his muscles that he couldn't feel a few times, drawing his sword he walks over to the trap door and tries to open it, the door slightly opens as it closes itself with a loud SLAM.

Something on the other side was breathing heavily he stabs his sword through the trap door and twists it splitting the two bourds it was stuck between, a little scream was heard on the other side as he quickly slides the trap door open splinters of wood flying around and half of the board coming off.

He stops for a second looking at the person down in the same room he was, it was Lisa tearing up from a cut close to her neck and holding the page that Arthur needed.