Arthur's Last Stand

As soon as Arthur had pulled the dagger from the wall he awoke with Lisa in his face and is being looked at by Leo and Melissa standing close behind her. He did not know what happened but he does know his swords gone and he's out of options for mythical swords, the daggers his last option, he sits up from the dusty concrete floor and is met with a hug from Lisa being embraced by her tightly, "Welcome back my lord, it's good you're back."

Arthur responding to the hug and comment he wraps his arms around her with a loving embrace, "It's good to be back" Leo stands forward bowing to Arthur then standing back upright "milord I and Melissa shall inform everyone that you have come to and if you don't mind me asking."

Arthur looks at Leo seeing clearly that he has a question, "You may speak" Leo drops his formalities when delivering the question to Arthur with a more demanding and skeptical voice. "Can you tell us what the plan is I know you didn't go all that way for a fancy dagger without a plan?"

Arthur and Lisa then stand back up and Arthur gives off a slightly sinister look "You know me so well." They then headed to the war room where they were given a brief description of what the plan was, "you're saying since you don't have your sword you can't fight and you have to use the dagger, so you are going to use everyone as a distraction to sneak up behind him and jab him did I get all that?"

Arthur nods and tells them to prepare everyone for battle, during that time that they were getting prepared, the nobles heard the news and spread it like wildfire across the Heartland district, the Dracnot district, and the Pantema district everyone heard and backed up Arthurs plan with cheers and praise.

Not long after all the troops were gathered outside the Ashland gates with Arthur in front leading the charge, citizens were gathering from across all the districts to see their departure.

Arthur swerves around on his horse facing toward everyone looking at the glowing orange dagger on his belt, he then turns his gaze toward his army and people, "Every man, and woman here has gathered here to see us off, we will not fail to come back, every single one of probably has a family to return to, do not fail your king and die here I've broken too many of my promises don't start breaking all of yours."

He then faces toward the direction that the kingdom was in and pointed forward "there is an enemy that awaits us NOW WE FIGHT, CHARGE!" Arthur leading darts across the muddy battlefield leading the charge as everyone follows behind.

Days and Nights past and slowly but surely an army of undead were sighted that was doubled their amount over the horizon, Arthur did not turn back nor did the army led.

The undead army was coming toward them not waiting a second later to clash metal with their enemies, both the armies clashed and there was magic arrows and wyvern fire everywhere. The undead may have had bigger numbers but Arthur had brought the better army.

Leo was guiding his team toward Ishfield who was in the center awaiting Arthurs arrival a mass of undead broke off from the main force to counter Leos flank soon after they were being hit and bombarded by magic and arrows, but the number of them wouldn't stop adding so undead started to break through, Leos knights went up ahead with spears and shields in hand forming into a phalanx, the undead that came close enough were then impaled by the spears.

Leo shouted out to the archers and mages to start moving forward with the phalanx, slowly they inched forward toward Ishfield, they come to a halt to hold the line waiting for Lisa and Melissa.

Lisa and her assigned team that were only mages had their hands full, being surrounded by undead and hiding behind a failing barrier, on the inside ten mages out of the thirty try conjuring a counter to get them out the losing battle they're in at the moment.

One mage out of the ten stepped forward looking at a magic circle he slits his palm and lets his blood drip into the magic circle, drop by drop the circle turned into a sinister dark red and formed a magic circle in the sky, the circle shot out spikes of blood impaling any undead underneath. Now Lisa just needs to help guide the mages before the barrier fails because of their own magic.

Soon after they make it out of the area that the circle was in and they drop the barrier, Lisa looks the incoming undead that are now being being scorched seared and frozen with magic, Lisa opens a book in her hand making a chant she puts her hand in front of her, a blue glow then appears from the books text as she chants.

Ice starts to slowly form on her hand as she finishes the chant, "Osvanta!" she closes the book then swings her arm to her left to back in front of her, massive spikes of ice then come out of the ground freezing or impaling any undead that came across it.

Lisa's team then went forward taking their position, they now wait for Melissa to finish whatever she was doing and getting to her position so they can start the final part of the plan.

Melissa had just finished arriving to her position and she tells a mage to let the others know to commence the plan, the mage aims up to the sky hand in front she then shoots out a fire bolt that then exploded after reaching a certain height.

Everyone knew what they were doing so Melissa Leo and Lisa pushed toward Ishfield as the army tried to stop them they pushed through. Lisa being the first to initiate combat with Ishfield shot an ice bolt at him and he blocked it, but his arm was now frozen and he could not use it, Leo threw a spear into his chest.

Melissa broke a vial in her mouth and dashed toward Ishfield she grabbed his face and threw him into the air "NOW ARTHUR!!" she shouted, Ishfield looks over in Arthur's direction and grits his teeth shouting out at him, "You coward you don't deserve the title of a king" a black goop the same as before then starts to take form underneath everyone.

Arthur heard Melissa's shout and gets a mage to launch him at the falling man the mage does so and Arthur is sent flying toward Ishfield just as Ishfield summoned his roots Arthur came flying into him plunging the dagger into him, "Its over, rest now or forever suffer in the underworld." after Arthur had said his goodbyes to Ishfield he turned into dust and was absorbed by the dagger.

Arthur making his decent was caught by Leo and then set back down, the undead army faded away and Arthur slowly suffered the same fate as he was turning to ash he said to himself as the other three looked at him not knowing what to do. "Ironic don't you think? an Ashland lord turning to ash."

Lisa walks up to Arthur and wraps her arms around him tightly, "Don't go Arthur, please don't leave us I need you. We need you" Arthur smiles at Lisa and the other two as the army cheers off in the background as the evening sky slowly starts to roll over the land.

"Lisa I know your ready to lead do what I couldn't." Arthurs body turns to ash faster and faster with every second they had together; Leo and Melissa try to reach out toward Arthur but stand there in silence as he passed, "Guess I'm out of time tell Ace and Emily I love them." and in that moment what Lisa held were Arthurs ashes.