
Arthur descends into the pit deeper and deeper floor after floor after slaying countless undead, his body slowly withers away like a decaying body.

He reaches the halfway point of the floor, stepping down a few more steps "Damn this might be one hell of a long shot but that's a lot of stairs!" he says to himself sounding annoyed at the stairs themselves.

He hears a little laugh at the end of the circled room with a clear look out over into the pit glowing orange, looking around off in the not so far distance he sees a familiar figure.

"It's been a long time hasn't it Arthur. Still the same interesting character since we last clashed." Arthur looks at the figure who stands there looking at him half the man's face decayed and the other half skeletal and unrecognizable.

"I may not be able to tell by your face but, by your voice; it has been a while hasn't it Leon." they both approach each other hand on their swords handles.

Arthur draws his sword from its sheath with a SHING the blade vibrates and rings as the other hand also grasps the handle of the sword and faces it toward Leon.

"This will be the very last stand between Lords" Leon grins and grasps Salamanders hilt on his back and unsheathing it. Holding the sword with two hands he prepares himself.

They stand-in silence for a moment, not a flinch or movement by any of them, all of a sudden Arthur charges forward gripping the blade with his two hands, quickly closing the distance between him and Leon, he thrusts his sword forward going into stab into Leon's right leg.

The blade pierces through the armor effortlessly sliding and cutting through his leg, Leon grabs onto the blade and breaks it into two pieces like it were a twig, Arthur starts to feel a sting and burning inside his chest, dropping the severed handle of Ascaline his whole body jerks back in pain and he falls onto the cold ground on his back.

before he could even try to figure anything out Leon kicked him across the face, he is then sent flying across the room limp, he hits the ground face first, blood slowly oozing out of the giant mark on the right side of his face.

Arthur gets up onto his knees and looks at his chest it becomes almost transparent, he then looks at Leon "what, HAVE YOU DONE!"

Leon looks at Arthur and explains to him since you manifested that weapon here, its now apart of your soul what you are now, and now that I've broken a piece of your soul you're going to fade away sooner than you were planning"

Leon grips his sword as Arthur raises his head up both eyes meeting each other's sights, Arthur still can't make out that it's Leon from the face but, he can at least tell what kind of face he's making at the moment, a face of regret.

Leon charges at Arthur with Salamander being pointed toward him in a thrusting position while he's standing up, as Salamander is about to make contact with Arthur's body. Arthur moves to the side grabbing Leon by the throat then slams him onto his back a few seconds go by and he lets go.

Arthur stands back up as Leon sits upright while kneeling on one knee handing Arthur his sword. He grabs the sword and grips it with his two hands, he stands on the side of Leon raising Salamander above his head "anything you'd like to say, Leon?"

Leon stays silent for a moment and as Arthurs was about to swing he spoke. "Yes, I do, the roles we filled as lords were no simple tasks but, perhaps if we were on the same side I may have called you an ally and maybe friend."

Arthur looks at Leon for a moment and before he let the sword fall he said his last words to the Lord in front of him "may you rest peacefully." Salamander is then let down lobbing off Leon's head in an instant both his body and sword disappear.

Arthur looks at the next set of steps before him and makes his way down, looking into the center he sees the dagger the blade embedded in a rock wall.

Arthur sprints down and makes his way toward the dagger and stands before it, gripping the handle of the dagger he pulls and tugs on it with every attempt the blade slowly slid out releasing it from the cold stone it was embedded in.