
Ishkhan positions her feet to where one is behind the other, she spreads her arms out leaving her torso exposed, Arthur looks at her stance almost confused why her footing would be positioned that way.

Arthur draws Ascaline from the scabbard and feels a strain in his body as it stings from toe to head, "you gave up part of your soul to fabricate that sword didn't you?" Arthur sprints forward the water splashing with each step. "Why should it matter!!" Arthur brings back Ascaline going in to swing at Ishkhan.

She brings her blade to her left side and swings right clashing with Ascaline, the blades make a loud TING the water around them ripples up from the sound, both blades vibrating and both wielders hold their positions as both their blades interlock, Ishkhan leans in to look at Arthur and replies to him.

"Yes, it does matter it means your soul will slowly start to fade away if you fabricated a weapon of that power, and that would spoil my fun wouldn't it?" she says with a cheeky smile on her face, Arthur circles both of their swords.

Letting go of the sword he lets it drop into the water as he grabs her by the shoulders and headbutts her in the forehead he then tosses her over his shoulder, "yes it would spoil the fun" Arthur picks his sword back up and puts the blade between his forearm and upper arm.

The blade of Ascaline being clamped tightly he snatches it like a match, it then sparks against the armor lighting the blade on fire, Ishkhan looks at Arthur nodding slightly wondering how long it would take him before he strains himself too much.

She then charges at Arthur raising her blade above her head, when she looked Arthur wasn't there but further up sparkles of light started to flicker around him as Ascalines's blade was erupting with white light blasting away the nearby water, Arthur facing the blade of Ascaline behind him as he stares down Ishkahn.

"YOU FOOL don't do it!!" Ishkhan yelled at Arthur she dismounts her blade and sprints at him, "with my odds I WILL DEFEAT YOURS!!" he swings Ascaline with an uppercut, from the erupting light, a white beam was sent out splitting apart the water heading straight toward Ishkhan.

It slams into Ishkhan engulfing her, Arthur drops Ascaline and kneels down with a hand on his chest as he's feeling like a thousand needles were jabbing him in the chest, the beam disappears into a mist revealing Ishkhans charred body, "you damn crazy kid you relieve me of my boredom only to die to win." She approaches Arthur as her skin slowly heals itself, she kneels down in front of Arthur curled up into a ball in his pain.

"Hold still you fool" she starts to twirl her finger in the air as a white mist of light slowly starts to form around it, she pokes her finger into his neck and the mist seeps into him, Arthur comes shooting back up sweating and gasping for air.

"the hell did you do witch?!" Arthur says still kneeling and Ishkhan in front of his face "that's god to you, I gave you a little bit of my soul because you decided to try to kill yourself, well anyway goodbye I shall see you when you are ready for an eternal battle." Ishkhan jumps back up happily onto her toes twirling around, a pitch-black hole beneath Arthur opens, he falls down then a second later his back is slammed against a solid ground.

He gets up rubbing and stretching his back talking to himself and looking around, he sees pillars of stone as tall as skyscrapers holding up the roof and the entire floor made of a regal white marble, the only light that's being produced is the pit in the middle with stairs circling around that seem to lead to a small room every two thousand steps, Arthur looks at the pit sheathing Ascaline in the scabbard and stretching his arms "god damn, a dead man can't get a break."

Arthur starts walking toward the pit step by step cautious but on guard at every turn.