Chapter 9

Atlas is worried. He is worried about many things. And these worries constantly plague him. Atlas is a person who cannot help but to think over every single thing, and with each new worry, numerous variables and possibilities exist. When the captured and frightened boy was first seen, he had the thought to go save the boy. It was obvious he was there unwillingly.

But Atlas is no saint. This world is new and exciting, and that does not mean it does not have its own dangers. How strong are the people here? What kind of strength can people hold? Are they dangerous? If they are dangerous, it is better to stick to the status quo, and ignore them and everything.

Atlas wanted to leave, and forget he saw anything, but he also wanted to save the boy. Torn with indecision and overthinking, coupled with the fear of the unknown, left Atlas motionless, like a deer about to be hit upon a car. And this indecision and inaction would soon leave everything to be too late.

Ciel knows Atlas. He knows what's going on within his mind and heart. Atlas is someone he loves, and he will do his best to grant his every wish. Though, Atlas is still so silly, he still believes that he is alone, and that Ciel is still a part of his imagination. He also doesn't believe in his strength and is lacking so much confidence. Did Atlas not see the shattered mountain earlier?

"Foolish Atlas, I'll prove to you here and now, that I am real and alive." Ciel says quietly while walking towards the center of the group.

Atlas is someone who's very kind, but he hates troubles. He'll ignore any and all troubles. He wants to live his life free and untethered. Troubles are like rocks that only exist to weigh you down.

But, when in front of power, the rocks can be shattered and broken. And in this new world, power is something the both of them was given.

Ciel knows what he can do, and what he cannot. Atlas is still naive, thus he is unaware, but that is alright.

Ciel will handle everything, so his beloved, his sweet Atlas, can enjoy doing whatever he wants. He will take upon himself all the injuries, the violence, and the filth that comes with being alive. And he does this willingly, and with immense joy. Love for another can bring many things, such as the capability to proceed forwards forever.

"Hey. Hey! Stop, stop, stop! When one makes love, one should never rush. It looks like you all need a lesson, from the master love maker" Ciel shouts loud enough for the entire camp to hear him. Atlas, in the shade of the tree is flabbergasted at his words.

"What the fuck! Ciel! You are as virgin as me!!" Atlas shouts loudly within his mind.

Ciel arrived just in time. He managed to stop the men from continuing their acts, and he managed to save the boy a scar worse than a beating.

"What? Where the hell did this come from? What happened to the scouts and traps?!" A man in the group shouts loud and angrily.

The bandits begin to move around warily, and are preparing for a fight. Though, they are cocky and arrogant. The strength of numbers leave them blind. And it happens to be that the members of this group are weak. Only someone who has true strength can measure another's. Especially someone at Ciel's level. Ciel is beyond the human norm of power, his figure may be human, but that is merely a shell to hide what lies beneath.

The bandits grab their weapons, and are readying to engage! However, Ciel doesn't let them. He entered at a time where the majority of the group was naked, and without any armor, they are already at a further disadvantage. And Ciel isn't so kind as to give them time.

"Fuu. Now, let's begin. The first lesson is, to, always, be, gentle!" Ciel says quietly with a few pauses in between his words, and takes one step forward.

He took merely one step, but it covered a distance that would make it seem that he took many. The ground beneath Ciel is crushed from the backlash of Ciel's single step, and a huge hole is formed. The cracks spread outwardly evenly and quickly. It is a staunch show of the level of cocentration and power that resides within him. He lunges straight into the crowd, and punches and kicks everywhere he passes.

With each punch and kick, a head is dislocated, a hole is opened, and blood is splattered. Ciel is lithe and agile, yet contains the power of mountains, backed by a strong body made of meta, his defense is also impressive.

"Wh-WHAT IS THIS?! Mages! Do something!" Someone shouts a command, it appears this man is the leader.

Following his shout, strange chants could be heard, quickly followed by the condensing of mana. Earth spikes upward and fire blasts forward. Many different elemental magics are launched in every direction, and Ciel is at their center.

They reach Ciel, and explode!

"BLAST! BOMB! EXPLODE!" A mage in the back shouts, strangely his words are understandable amid the jargon of sounds made when the mages started casting spells.

Atlas takes note, and is looking at scene with apt attention. His mind is fast at work analyzing what's going on, due to the nature of his habit of overthinking, he gained an increased thought process. What would take others minutes to observe, process, and record takes but seconds for Atlas.

'These bandits are weak. It appears Ciel is a singularity among humans? Or maybe creatures? Because me and Ciel aren't humans anymore. I can see it. What makes up their bodies and ours is different. Unlike me and Ciel, the gathering of spiritual energy is dim within them, as well as mama. Is this something new? What' are those mages doing? Strange words. Magic? But me and Ciel do not need incantations to do it. Ciel, I hope he doesn't get hurt. If he does, I'll-' Atlas stops his worry, choosing to have faith and trust over needless negativity.

Following those final and short commands, a series of concussive blasts are shot towards Ciel. He is in the epicenter of these massive explosions. Anyone caught within these continuous attacks would've been impaled, burned, and turned to ashes.

"Hoh? So this is what this world's magic is like? Though, they barely scratched me. Is it.. cause of Atlas? Or maybe.. is the metal? Nah. It's my cute little husbando! The next lesson in the art of lovemaking is! Control! You gotta know when to go full power and slow." A voice is heard coming from the center of the explosion. As the smoke dissipates, out steps a well built man with bronze skin, some of his clothes have burned away, revealing the firm muscle beneath.

The surviving members of the bandit group are shocked. Some of them start shouting demon and monster. Others are preparing to flee. They have now realized Ciel's power. Sometimes, a demonstration is needed to allow others to see the blatant truth.

This demonstration is a bit too cruel though. But, Ciel was never a nice man. He is only kind to Atlas, and Atlas only. Others are but mere insects in his eyes.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. No running. Ciel-sensei is still talking!" Ciel says while shaking his head.

'Why is he such a weeb?!?! He's so embarrassing!!" It's because Atlas is a weeb.

Ciel jumps, and stomps on the ground hard. He moves his hand forward, and crushes it into a fist. Following his action, dense mana can be seen gathering around, and dispersing across the ground causing minute vibrations along. It runs and reaches towards the people who are trying to make an escape. And when it finally reaches them, a spear of earth shoots through them. They are impaled and death reaches them quickly.

Seeing this, the rest stop in their tracks. Realizing the running away is just a quicker death sentence.

"A… mage?! He's a mage?! How can a mage have such physical power?!" A surviving man shrieks.

The remaining few, begin to break down and cry. Some even wet their pants, and are kneeling down in fear. Too shocked to even move.

"Let's finish this quickly. This lesson isn't free." Ciel says while dusting off his hands, apparently having grown bored of teaching them about being a good lover.

It takes only a few more minutes for the remaining group of bandits to be decimated. Ciel's strength rings clear, it appears he is very strong. And in correlation that means Atlas is just as strong as he is, or possibly even more.

Silence permeates the field.

Atlas ignores the blood and gore and rushes towards Ciel. The consecutive blasts of magic followed by the loud explosion towards the end made him very worried. His heart is pounding quickly due to the anxiousness.

"Ciel!" Atlas rushes towards his heart.

"Don't come, it's dirty everywhere." Ciel says quickly, trying to stop Altas' actions.

"Like I care! Look at you! Why were you so reckless, what would you do if something bad happened! Why didn't you dodge the explosion! I was so worried!" Tears well into his eyes as Atlas pats over Ciel's body here and there to make sure he isn't wounded. He also begins to repair and fix Ciel's clothes. He is little surprised that they were ruined, even though Ciel is fine. Perhaps it was due to Ciel being made of metal?

Ciel says nothing, allowing his lover to look over him. He's enjoying the feeling of being fawned over. He moves his fingers a bit, and the earth around him rumbles and moves. It clears away the blood and body parts in his vicinity. Little Atlas should never be dirtied.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Atlas puts a hand to Ciel's face.

"Yes." Ciel says seriously.

"What?! Where?! Let me see!" Atlas shouts!

"Here!" Ciel says while pursing his lips.

"..." Atlas opens his mouth in astonishment and disbelief. His man was taking his feelings for granted!

"Okay, okay! I'm just kidding!!" Ciel shouts quickly. "I'm really hurt here." Ciel says while grabbing Atlas' hand and moving it towards a direction southwards from the abdominal muscles.

Noticing his intentions, Atlas takes his hand back and turns around with a loud "harrumph".

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop messing around. Come on, love. Don't ignore me. I was just kidding. Come on, baby." Ciel hugs Atlas from behind, and begins to plead directly in his ears.

"...." Unable to continue ignoring Ciel, Atlas turns around, holds Ciel's face, and gives him a kiss that lasts a couple seconds.

"I'm glad you aren't hurt."

"I won't get hurt, don't you know me? Plus, I had to try out some things. To know the limits, is what differentiates the smart from the foolish."

"I know. But, you're stronger than I thought…. Am I that strong too?" Atlas asks, a bit of excitement escaping his voice.

"Well. It doesn't matter if you're strong enough. I'll handle everything, love. You don't need to worry."

"You're such a dummy." Atlas pouts.

"But I'm yours. Hehe." Ciel giggles while giving Atlas a kiss on the cheek.

"So cheeky." Atlas frowns, but his lips are wriggling. It is clear that he wants to smile.

"Th-Th-Thank you for saving me." A voice soon breaks up the atmosphere between the two.

It seems they forgot about why they decided to fight. Ciel is a bit annoyed at being interrupted, while Atlas is blushing hard. He forgot there was another person here.

Realizing something quickly, Ciel covers Atlas' eyes.

"You. Go find some clothes, and put them on."

"Al-Alright! I'm sorry!"

"H-Hey Ciel, aren't you too rude, he just,... came out of something scary." Atlas whispers quietly.

"Don't care. You can only look at my naked body. No one else's."

"So… possessive and insensitive." Atlas mumbles.

"But you like it." Ciel smirks.

While the two are discussing, the now saved slave to be, limps around, and manages to find some clean clothes. Ciel's strikes were precise and powerful. Each death only took one hit. His so called "gentle" lesson alluded to a one hit knock-out?

Author's Note:

TaDah!! Next chapter quickly and at your service! Hope it's to your liking! My first actions chapter! And cough, Atlas is the biggest weeb~~ next chapters in the works! Like comment and subscribe~ Haha, I'm a YouTube star now.