Chapter 10

Atlas watches the young boy pick up new clothes from the pile of dead bodies. Surprisingly, Atlas is neither disgusted nor sick when he sees the mass of flesh and blood around him. Living in a world with advanced technology can do wonders to one's sensitivity to the harsh realities of life.

And in Atlas' case, it is quite a blessing in disguise. Though it may also be an unfortunate gift, innocence is something that cannot be reclaimed once it is lost.

"Th, Thank, you! For saving me again!" The boy, now clothed, states his gratitude once more. His smile is bright, his voice is earnest, and his eyes show relief.

But this look of his, that shows utmost faith and hope, causes Atlas' face to wrinkle with a bit of displeasure. Atlas sticks close behind Ciel's back, and grabs hold of his hand from behind. His actions are words in a language that only Ciel can understand.

Ciel quietly pats Atlas' head with a small smile, and returns the grip on his hand. And with a helpless sigh, Ciel replies to the boy, "We were only passing by, it is a coincidence only. We will be on our way now. Take care of yourself." His voice is firm, and does not allow for any refusal. And following what he says, he puts an arm around Atlas and walks away from what was once the bandits' camp.

Atlas, surprised at having been read so easily, is momentarily surprised. But that brief surprise soon transforms into honest relief, and he leans his head on Ciel's shoulder as they walk away.

He silently thinks to himself: It is nice to be understood. Though I do not make it so hard, why has no one understood before?

Atlas is a young man made up of complications. In the other world he once lived in, he disdained social contact and interaction. People are an annoyance. People are an unsure variable. People are harmful. These were all of his thoughts. And even so he had such views on people, he nevertheless yearned for a human interaction. This paradoxical ideal and desire brought forth a strange quirk within Atlas.

He yearns for others, so he seeks them out, but since he is so fearful of others. He can only bring forth a facade to hide his endless worries, but even though he wants to hide everything. He still shows an outward tick or quirk he does, so that maybe one day, someone will notice and understand.

And Ciel understands, he understands and sees everything about the person named Atlas. The being called Atlas, his beloved Atlas.

The boy who's left behind, shows a glimpse of resentment shadowing his face, speckled with hints of fear. If Atlas and Ciel were to leave, who knows what could happen to the boy. The bandit camp that they were residing in layed deep in the forest. Many dangers lie hidden within such a forest, and these dangers cause the boy utmost fear, but he merely stands in place and watches them leave.

As the two disappear, the boy realizes that one good thing had happened to him. The two who saved him didn't take anything from the bandits' hideout! A bandit's hideout can be called in other words, a treasure trove. The lowly thrive and work together to survive. They pool together their loots and earnings to form a sense of cohesion and to establish an hierarchy. And for the boy who's left behind, their loot no longer has an owner, and it should now solely belong to him since everyone else was massacred.

Realizing this, the boy begins to loot the place. He searches around for where the bandit's keep their stash of treasure. And as he searched, he finally finds it after a bit of time has passed. If he can get out of this forest alive, his bad luck would soon turn into a blessing in disguise.

Atlas leans against Ciel's shoulder, and steps off the ground. He floats in place and allows Ciel to pull him along.

"Being able to fly is awesome! Hehe! If I were a little too round, you wouldn't be able to drag me so easily! Haha. I'd be too heavy to move around hahaha!" Atlas happily says to himself.

Ciel silently stares at him, his eyes appear solemn and a bit dead.

"Wh-What?" His expression causes Atlas to tense a tad.

"Cough. You were a little more than just round before. I remember when you were younger-!" Ciel begins to reminisce, but before he can, Atlas covers his mouth quickly.

"DON'T BRING UP MY BLACK HISTORY OKAY!!" Atlas is on the verge of screaming.

"It's okay, Atlas. I don't mind, you could look like anything and I wouldn't care. Though, it is healthier to be thin, so I will force you to work out so you can live longer. Plus, in terms of physical activities, it is best to stay fit to allow for prolong periods of said physical activities." Ciel rationally explains. He will love Atlas no matter what the physical appearance would be, though it is all in everyone's best interest to remain healthy and able.

"... What activities are you specifically speaking about?" Atlas curiously asks his question. Though, he has an inkling of what Ciel is talking about, it is best for people to be direct and speak it out. Especially so for people like Atlas, who are overly anxious and worried, and cannot help but think up of every and any possibility. Maybe in time, Atlas will no longer be so anxious, and even though he loves Ciel and knows him deeply. A part of him deep down, cannot help but think of all the negatives.

It is an inbuilt self-defense mechanism. It has lasted too long to fade away, and has helped too many times to be deemed a waste of energy.

"Sex, flowerbud. I'm talking about sex." Ciel straightforwardly states. "Well, there's other things too, but SEX is what matters most between me and you."

"...." With a deep sigh, Atlas is at a loss for words. He knew the answer, but still, hearing it in reality is such a different feeling.

"Teehee." A teasing and silly sound erupts above Atlas' head.

"...." Atlas looks up and scrunches his eyebrows together. In his sight, he sees Ciel with a goofy grin on his face and a very silly look is plastered on his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just. You think too much. Way too much."

"I, I can't help it."

"I know, flowerbud. I'll accept all of you. Don't worry."

"You will?"

"I don't really need to say it, but I know you like hearing it. Yes, I will."

"But it might be dangerous."

"It is alright. As long as I am here, my beloved star. I will spread my arms out wide, and hug you whole."

"You're existence as a whole is nothing but strange, it's like I'm dating myself. But I know you aren't me." Atlas whispers quietly, so quietly that if Ciel's attention was never always focused upon him, he would not have heard it.

"I am Ciel. And you are Atlas."

"Am I Atlas?"

"Yes, you are Atlas."

"But who, is Atlas?"

"You, are Atlas." Ciel speaks quietly, and dives deep to kiss Atlas on the mouth.

Atlas is at first surprised, than he switches to excitement, followed by sheer joy, continuing the rhythm he kisses back intensely. He is both alluring and seductive as he returns the kiss. But as his kisses deepen in passion, a frantic beast emerges, it wants to devour Ciel and all of his entirety. The kiss turns rough and dangerous.

Ciel reflects Atlas' motions with his own. Atlas' surprise was his invitation. Atlas' excitement was his reception. Atlas' seduction provokes his fire and moves him into a strange waltz. The beast Atlas unleashes surprised Ciel at first, but he soon reclaims his mind. His kiss turns gentle, better to receive Atlas' brutality in all its entirety. Ciel hugs and holds Atlas tightly.

Atlas soon loses his breath and he collapses first atop Ciel.

"Hah. Hah. Hah." Atlas' can feel a firm rod pressed against him. He is nervous and excited. He wants to continue and stop.

"Do you, want to?" Atlas softly asks.

"I always want to. You need not ask, flowerbud." With a small laugh, Ciel gives Atlas a small peck. He holds Atlas' face within his hands and speaks. "But, only when you are ready. I know you Atlas, you are still nervous. This, is all new. I know, love. I know. You needn't be so worried."

"It's not like I don't want to either. But I, just want to be with you is all, Ciel. I feel, if we move forward, something bad may happen. Luck has never followed me." Atlas, steeling his nerves, confronts Ciel directly. He appears a bit weary and worn.

"No matter what will be thrown our way, I will be here, always. Just like before, you don't need to be worried, love." Ciel's gaze is so full of love. The love attempts to consume Atlas.

"Okay, my beloved air." It succeeds in consuming him.

Author's Note: ohohohoho ohohooho oho. I hope this was enjoyable. A long chapter ha ha. I love writing this story, but this story is sometimes a little complicated for me. It's a mixture of a lot of things, and I need to be there in the moment to perfectly deliver. Too many possibilities exist, but to choose the most beautiful one is the hardest choice.

And you have no idea how many times I reread and checked this chapter. These are my best work yet!