
A Vigilante?

The two lowlifes find a secluded spot on the other side of the Valley. An overlook on a rundown building that's cold, dark, isolated that looks like a rundown version of a 80's hotel, concealed by a mix of other buildings new and old. The lowlifes rampage through the spoils of their despicable crime that they so graciously committed. Like children digging in a bag full of chocolate and other goodies, the lowlifes' eyes light up as they see what they've gotten their hands on.

"Alright, there must be at least $300 in cash with two credit cards." One says.

"That'll be $150 each." The other says. "Not a bad way to go into the weekend don't you think?"

"What about the credit cards?"

"We got that credit card hacking device back at the hideout, that benefactor sure has the goods alright."

"Can't believe she just hands them out for free! Sooner or later, this whole city is gonna be a playground!"

"Hell, I wanna get that benefactor into my bed. She's one fine looking lady alright! I wanna strip her right down and get-"

The lowlifes conversation is cut off from something behind them.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to have dirty thoughts?"

The lowlifes quickly turn around to see a man standing behind them next to an open window.

They've never seen him before, but they heard of him before.

They've heard the stories.

They didn't believe them.

"Are those guns in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?" the man sarcastically speaks.

"Crap! It's Omega Magnus!" One of the lowlifes said.

Omega Magnus, the name of the man standing in front of the criminals. The man is tall and medium built, wearing what looks to be armor on his upper and lower body decked in black with blue outlines. The armor doesn't cover his biceps and the bottom half of his upper legs, but the definition of the muscles are a sight to behold. The armor is shape to resemble the muscles of a male bodybuilder with a bold and well constructed exaggerated M symbol on the chest area. A flashy utility belt surrounds his waist, and wears what combines solid knee pads and high end protective boots that look like a fighter's kick-pads.

On the man's arms are twin gauntlets that cover the wrists and hands. They make the typical wrists look more like Popeye's comical wrists. A cape emits from the shoulders that goes all the way to the floor, with the end of the cape having what seems to be five points that look like neatly pointed fox tails. And to top it off, the man has a combed back hairstyle with two bangs coming forward which you'd expect to see in a Japanese anime, and sports a pair of sunglasses that look thicker than usual as if they were high tech.

The lowlifes are looking scared and worried. They realize that Omega Magnus must've seen them murder the couple from the train station.

"BOLT IT!!!"

The criminals bolt for the door as if they were running for their lives. They find the staircase leading to the roof and head towards it. A set of balconies with ladders on the side of the building is a quick emergency exit devised by the criminals in case they been discovered. The criminals make it to the roof to carry out their escape plan. Only to find...

"About time! Any longer and I would've fallen asleep!"

Omega Magnus had beaten the lowlifes to the roof. Stories from other criminals say that Omega Magnus had speed and reflexes that need to be seen to believe. It's as though they were face to face with a demigod.

"What do we do?" One of the lowlifes said.

"We have no choice! Get him!" The other says.

The criminal who decided to take the initiative pulls his gun out and proceed to fire.


In a second, the criminal's gun flies out of his hand.

Omega Magnus lifts one of his gauntlet-wearing arms, and in the split second of the gun firing, deflects the incoming bullet straight back to the criminal's gun.

The gun is flicked right out of the criminal's hand in an instant. The criminal clutches his hand, which is hurting from the shock of the bullet hitting the gun.

"Damn you, FREAK!"

The same criminal charges at Magnus, but is quickly grabbed by the front of his hoodie. Straight afterwards, Omega Magnus turns and lifts the criminal straight up, over his head, and slams the criminal onto the ground. Looking at it, the criminal looked more like a very lightweight rag doll thrown around like a child throwing a lightweight teddy bear around. The criminal is out cold, the other one seeing what had just transpired, looks toward the ladder and decides to make a desperate attempt to escape.

Omega Magnus, seeing the other lowlife trying to make a run for it, lifts his left gauntlet, and fires a cable at the fleeing criminal, the cable's grapple hook catching the criminal's left leg, causing the criminal to trip and fall to the ground. The criminal tries desperately to scramble to the ladder, but the strength of Magnus prevents the criminal from moving even an inch further. With one arm, Magnus pulls the criminal back towards him with overbearing force, which sends the criminal flying towards him, and in a split-second, is grabbed on the front of the hoodie by Magnus and the criminal is lifted into the air with one arm.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me man! Don't kill me!" The criminal at that point sounds more like a child throwing a tantrum.

"I didn't know sarcastic vigilantes were killers... Though you seemed at ease making that kid an orphan!" The tone of Magnus' voice changes to a more serious tone compared to the sarcastic tone he sported earlier.

"You and your buddy are off to jail, and you can tell your lowlife garbage hoodlum friends what happens when they decide to go commit crimes to please that benefactor of yours!"

"The Benefactor will deal with you!" the criminal decrees. "She will make you bow down to her!"

"Don't suppose it's too much trouble to ask who she is?" Magnus asks,

"No way man!" the criminal says as if he was speaking in absolute terror. "We're forbidden to tell people who she is! She'll kill me if she found out it was me who spilled!"

A soft chop comes down hard on the criminal's neck. The criminal falls to the ground. Unconscious. A more harder chop would've killed the lowlife. But Omega Magnus does not believe in killing, refusing to lower his standards to the lowlife criminals he chases and hunts.

"At least I know the Benefactor is a she..." Magnus mutters to himself, "Oh well, it was worth a try…"