
This is Magnus’ Life

The next morning.

The morning news shows the two criminals being apprehended by the police, having been charged for the murder of the couple in the street outside of the Valley train station. The couple were identified as a pair of high profile entrepreneurs who were known to have been frequently harassing supporters of the bill for gay marriage on multiple occasions along with funding right wing support events that were opposing Muslim immigrants being accepted into the country in light of the ongoing war in the middle east with Islamic terriorists. The reporter states that the pair of criminals were found at the very same abandoned building the night before tied up and out cold.

The police sergeant, a man by the name of George Carter, looking like he came straight from the military with a cold, strict and militant look on his face, is interviewed next. Of course with all the other cases of a vigilante supposedly intervening in local affairs, Sergeant Carter denies the existence of a super powerful vigilante, saying that the whole story of a extremely-fast, all-powerful and fully decked out super vigilante is just a load of garbage, and that the event was most likely the work of a group of vigilante enthusiasts looking to enact some form of childish fantasy by going after a pair of criminals. He assures that the so called group of vigilante enthusiasts will be brought to justice.

Suddenly, the television goes blank...

"Hey! I was watching that!" Magnus sits up from his seat surprised that the television was switched off.

"I can't stand looking at that ogre!" says the woman next to him holding the remote.

Omega Magnus is in his secret headquarters, which is underground and sits below a lake house on the surface which is his home. The place looks more like a warehouse that's been done up to look like a military command center like what is seen in the movies. The area which Omega Magnus calls the Magnus Lair, consists of an area with a high tech computer with various screens displaying a variety of information. Next to it is a section where Magnus' armor suit is stored, with various weapons and gadgets stored inside as well. At the forefront is a makeshift garage, which has a heavy duty motorbike with two large truck-like wheels and a long body that is black and blue. Next to it is a assault vehicle that is still being worked on, and in the distance is an assault aircraft in which the framework had just been completed.

"Apparently I'm a ghost, or a group of enthusiasts, or just a bunch of no good kids egging people. Should I just rock up tonight wearing a sheet? Or a sweater and sweatpants wearing a hockey mask, or just rock up with a dozen egg?" Magnus jokes,

"Then you'd be the laughing stock of Brisbane City!" the woman laughs, "You can get thugs to laugh for a few seconds before they start pulling their guns out on you."

The woman with Magnus is his trusted tech whiz and assistant Elizabeth Jeremy. Magnus calls her EJ for short. She sports black jeans, an anime t-shirt, skate shoes and stylish glasses. She wears her hair back in a braid that goes down to her neck. She definitely looks like your typical Comic Convention super fan that isn't afraid to let her fandom aspirations loose. EJ is a friend that Magnus made not long after high school ended, and the two had stuck together since.

"If you end up face to face with Sergeant Carter, what's the plan?" EJ asks,

"Talk about how the police spend more time eating donuts and watching the Brisbane Broncos highlights?" Magnus jokes, "Heck, I'll ask about their weight loss program for obese cops while I'm at it!"

"Steven, you've got to be serious. I've found out on the police radio network that they're sending a task force from the Australian Federal Police specifically to track you down." EJ says this like a worrying mother who's trying to protect her child from the dangers of the world.

"I am serious... I don't like the guy anymore than you. And besides, a bunch of special police soldiers isn't that much of a worry if there just like your typical local law enforcer." Magnus replies, "Hell, these days only the feeblest of men take jobs with the government. So long as they get an easy day with a ton of entitlements that is…"

Steven Lockyer, the real name of Omega Magnus. Steven Magnus is known as one of the most prolific and most talented professional wrestlers in the country. Ever since a cash flowing television network started up a professional wrestling federation named Australian Wrestling Network five years ago, they quickly signed Steven as their main star. To this day, Steven is known as one of the richest sportspeople in the country. Using the massive wealth he had acclaimed, he created his vigilante operation two years ago in which he created his persona of Omega Magnus with the help of his aunt Stefani Lockyer. In his first week as a vigilante, Magnus rescued EJ from being robbed and almost murdered. Magnus revealed his identity to EJ afterwards and asked her to join him as his IT expert, which EJ graciously and ultimately accepted.

"Have you digged up any more information on the Benefactor?" Magnus asks EJ,

"Still nothing..." EJ sighs with defeat as she slumps on her chair, "We know that the benefactor is a she, that much is true. And we know she's personally backing 75% of the criminals in Brisbane City. Handing criminals weapons, high tech gadgets and devices to help them in committing crimes in the city. Not to mention reports of police officers receiving massive bribes and incentives to turn a blind eye on most on the high level crimes."

"That criminal I interrogated wouldn't say who the benefactor was. I guess she must've put the fear of God into him. It's as if she's trying to start a revolution of some kind. But for what reason?" Magnus thinks out loud, "I know the government isn't popular to begin with, given the reported amount of corruption they've been accused of as of late. Even the Lord Mayor has copped a lot of flack, though he has done a fantastic job so far."

The Brisbane City local government had fallen into a deep state of corruption within the last few years, consisting of officials being involved in scandals involving criminals, mercenaries and even gang members. Reports of embezzlement, political espionage, bribery and fraud had been committed by half of the local government. This has resulted in a massive loss of voter confidence, although an election five years before resulted in a win via rigging votes.

Lord Mayor Charles Damian was recently elected the previous year, winning over voters with his plan to reorganise the government and police department, along with cleaning up the crime that had been riddling the city for the last five years. Progress has been made, due to the Lord Mayor's strong leadership, but a lot more progress still needs to be made.

"Who knows?" EJ replies, "But at this point, all we can do keep chasing more criminals tied to the Benefactor if we want more information."

"Yeah, let's run around in circles! I'm sure that'll send me into space! You don't suppose the Benefactor is someone of high society? Someone with a important position in the government or the police department?" Magnus asks,

"Could be..." EJ said, "You wouldn't believe the crap I'm finding out the amount of corruption in the police department. That commissioner is rumored to be extremely corrupt, in which she's letting certain crimes go under the radar, along with accepting bribes, favors and incentives from criminals, even leading illegal operations herself. That police sergeant is apparently her pathetic lacky."

"Well, I'm supposed to be at that charity ball for the benefit of the Brisbane Clean-Up-Crime Program. You think that's a start?"

"It's worth a shot. After all, it's where the Lord Mayor is going to reveal his latest plan to try and tackle crime in Brisbane City."

"I'm literally gonna be hanging with people that are absolute bastards, ogres and all round douchebags. Most of these high society douche bags don't give a crap about the middle and lower class anyway."

"Isn't that where you come in though Mr. Golden Boy?"

The Brisbane Clean-Up-Crime Program was innovated by the Brisbane Lord Mayor Charles Damian. In what would be the Lord Mayor's fifth attempt, the program was devised to provide police forces with the tools necessary to chase and capture criminals in order to reduce crime in the city. The charity ball for the benefit of the program was created in order to receive donations from Brisbane's high society towards the cause. Steven Lockyer was invited as a means of influencing potential donors due to Steven's high charisma and popularity.

"You better get ready for this ball Steven" EJ tells Magnus.

"Better call the fairy godmother then!" Magnus enthusiastically replies…