
It’s a Ball

Grand balls, charity balls, date balls, the list goes on. Just an excuse to dress up, get wasted, try and hit on the female bartender and dance as if you were Joe Cocker on stage and somehow look even worse. Those are the thoughts of Omega Magnus, donning his alter-ego of Steven Lockyer, substituting his suit of armor that criminals fear for a tuxedo that would usually charm the daylights out of a few aristocratic ladies. Not that Magnus was interested in a relationship, let alone flirt and sleep his way around the city with every beautiful woman he could find. Deep inside the heart of the super all-powerful vigilante resides a terrible trauma filled with painful memories that will never depart. He never likes to talk about it though, feeling that it is a sign of weakness when he needs to appear strong in order to combat crime.

"Hey! You awake?" EJ snaps at Magnus, who are en-route to the Valley Convention Center in a sleek black Aston Martin DB11 with EJ acting as a chauffeur. Magnus always had a thing for Aston Martins.

"Yeah..." Magnus replies as he snaps out of a deep thought, "Just reminiscing... Anyway, who were the highlighted guests again?"

"Well the guests of honors besides Mr. Golden Boy Wrestling Extraordinaire aka you?" EJ goes on, "The Lord Mayor Charles Damian and the Queensland State Police Commissioner Christine Keith who are spearheading the program of course. And you also have esteemed members of the City Council, that ogre of a Police Sergeant, and some members of Brisbane City's high society. I think that famous artist is also coming too. What's her name? Alisa? Ally?"

Magnus is surprised by that last sentence. "Famous artist? You mean Ariel?"

"Yeah Ariel. Ariel Queen." EJ answers back. "I didn't know you were a fan of the arts?"

"No.." Magnus answers, "I actually knew her. High School students actually."

Ariel Queen. Australia's leading artist in art and design who is also a successful novelist. A eloquently beautiful woman in her own right, but sometimes comes across as cold and militant when it comes to her work. Both Ariel and Magnus knew each other at High School years beforehand. Long before Steven Lockyer donned the moniker of Omega Magnus, he was a recluse who was socially awkward for being different than the rest. Ariel was his only friend, who gave him the confidence to break out of his shell and really come into the world. After they graduated, while they casually caught up a few times within the next year, they hadn't seen much of each other since, save the occasional contact through Facebook Messenger.

"You actually know Ariel Queen?!!!" popped up EJ, "Don't suppose you can grab her autograph if it's not much."

"I doubt I'd get around to that. Wasn't really into meeting celebrities." Magnus replies, "Besides, I'd be trying to compose myself after years of not seeing her."

"Were you two close?"

"She was the closest friend I had. She basically broke me out of my socially reclusive shell."

"The two of you weren't?"

"Weren't what?

"You know? Together? In love?"

"No! Nothing like that. I knew absolutely nothing about that sort of stuff. Heck I had the mentality of a 7 year old at the age of 14 years. Even when I matured, I never really had a thing for her."

"Shame. Would've love to see you with someone again."

"I'm not looking into that sort of thing again. Especially when I'm flying around fighting criminals on a regular basis."

Magnus says that as he wonders on EJ's previous question on whether he and Ariel were ever an item. He never had a thing for Ariel, although he did have someone two years ago. The woman he loved was named Tengge, though she was murdered three years ago, which tore Magnus to the point where he refused to look for love again. For Magnus, it was a one-person roller-coaster through life, and it would be more beneficial if he rode alone.

EJ breaks the silence. "We're coming up to the venue."

"Stay within distance, you never know what's gonna happen considering the cause that's been promoted." Magnus speaks.

"Well the suit's in the back in the secret compartment. Good to see you have all bases covered."

"We can't rule out the possibility that a group of criminals are planning something with the charity ball. In any case, just stand by. If you get into trouble, just activate the Aston Martin's security defense function."

Driving an Aston Martin around the Valley is like walking around with a "Kick me" sign on your back. Fortunately Magnus and EJ had security defense functions installed in the Aston Martin which consists of the car's body being electrified, the door locks being reinforced and the car's body and windows being bullet and explosive proof. It's something you'd see in a James Bond movie, if only Magnus and EJ could've fitted twin machine guns in the car as well. But Magnus is saving those for his assault vehicle.

The car comes to a stop just outside the main entrance of the Convention Center.

"Alright, pray I don't get converted to an Aristocrat." Magnus jokes,

"Just stick to the plan and play it cool." EJ replies. "Good luck with Ariel though."