
Keep Calm, It’s Only Socializing

Magnus walks into the wide open hall of the Convention Center. The entire area has been extremely well decorated, ranging from ribbons, bows, glitter and topped off with beautifully painted artwork. The main floor has a few tables for serving food and seating patrons, with exotic looking tablecloths on the tables to bring more of a more artistic look rather that relying on plain solid colors. The middle of the floor consists of the main dance floor, with a few guests already on the dance floor getting things started. No doubt the guest had already started going for the bar. Magnus walks slowly into the hall, where the Lord Mayor Charles Damian comes from a group of guest on Magnus' left and approaches Magnus.

Charles Damian looks like an eloquent aristocrat, having a black colored right wing parted hairstyle with gray edges. Dressed in a tuxedo like the rest, but he doesn't seem rude, nosy and belligerent as some of the other guests. He is known for being hard-working and having a good set of morals, which Magnus had come to admire. He had been elected Mayor within the previous year. He had inherited a massive mess from his predecessor, but nevertheless is committed to leading the city into being a safer place for its inhabitants.

"Ah! Mr. Steven Lockyer, the pride and joy of Australian Professional Wrestling." Charles graciously greets Magnus. Fortunately the identity of Omega Magnus is a bonafide well-kept secret. Even though Magnus doesn't wear a mask when he battles criminals, wearing high-tech sunglasses and sporting an anime-style hairdo certainly deflects suspicion. It's amazing what a change of hairstyle, eye wear, a change of clothes and a change of attitude can really do.

"Lord Mayor Damian, how are you sir?" Magnus greets back at the Lord Mayor.

"Oh no need to be so formal Steven, Charles will do just fine." The Lord Mayor exclaims, "Better to lighten the mood so everyone can enjoy themselves."

"Looks like you went all out on the decorating."

"Well we have to do all we can to attract the high society. Considering they're starving for atmosphere these days and are constantly criticizing everything they set their eyes on."

"That and a fully stocked bar of course."

Both Magnus and the Lord Mayor exchange laughs at the light jabs at high society.

"It's a worthy cause that you are promoting, something that high society can get behind, or at least try to." says Magnus

"Oh definitely yes, even though some of these people do seem less humane." The Lord Mayor happily proclaims. "The Brisbane Clean-Up-Crime program is certainly a worthy cause. I'll admit the last four attempts at such a program were a process of trial and error, but I am confident we'll be able to thoroughly clean these streets of the ill-ridden crime that has been plaguing our fine city for the last few years."

"Well here's hoping for that." Magnus acknowledges, "Maybe we can get ourselves some peace and quiet for once."

As Magnus and Lord Mayor Damian are conversing with each other, the Police Commissioner Christine Keith and Police Sergeant George Carter walk over towards the conversing pair, both sporting the posture and demeanor of proud militant aristocrats that have accomplished something extraordinary through the pain of others. Commissioner Keith wears a women's suit with her medium sized hair braided. She never liked the whole feminine approach to dressing and mannerism. Sergeant Carter was of course in his formal police uniform complete with blazer as if he was a proud servant in the Australian Military. He was in the Military for a measly two years until he was dishonorably discharged for deployment dodging, preferring a more behind-the-scenes approach to things.

"I don't remember expecting opinions from civilians about our jobs." smirked Sergeant Carter. "Especially from golden boys who were invited just to pander to the masses."

"Least I'm good at my job." Magnus fires a smirk remark back, "Unless you consider working from a desk an accomplishment."

"Now gentlemen, settle down." Charles tries to calm down the situation. Sergeant Carter is known for treating civilians as if they were underachieving irrelevant peasants that bear no meaning or purpose to the world. Even though Carter doesn't seem like the perfect fit for the role of a police sergeant, at least his management skills come in handy for something.

"Myself and Commissioner Keith are taking time out of our busy schedules to support your program and to inform the city of our dedication on getting results Mayor Damian." Carter gets straight to the point, as if he was the main highlight of the party. "I expect everyone in this ball to pay their respects towards our hard work in cleaning up this city. Not highlight a bunch of worthless aristocrats and fake golden objects."

"As far as I can tell, half the police force is scared to death of even stepping outside or just don't give a crap, criminals literally think this city is their playground, and you're telling me that you deserve respect?" Magnus angrily replies, "The attendees present are deeply concerned about the safety of the city and are more than willing to back the government in taking steps of fighting back. And you think you deserve 100% of the credit?"

"You will apologize for your remarks." Commissioner Keith pops up out of nowhere.

"Last I checked, this is a free country where free speech is allowed." Magnus quickly fires back,

"How we conduct ourselves in our jobs is no one's concern. Unless you expect that so called vigilante to do our jobs for us."

"I thought you expressly said there's no such thing as a vigilante."

"There isn't."

"And yet the media has reported that you've requested a highly trained tactical squad from the federal police to apprehend the vigilante. That seems a bit extreme considering that you think that it's just a bunch of kids doing something stupid."

"The media says a lot of things... Now that's quite enough of you bickering, unless you'd like a visit to our jail cell at the precinct."

"Under what charge? Using free speech? Hell, do you even know how to apprehend a suspect?"

Clearly the Lord Mayor is deeply concerned with how the conversation is going. Commissioner Keith is another who isn't really a good fit for her position, but Lord Mayor Damian does try to see the good in everyone who serves the city. It's a quality that Magnus truly respects in Charles, believing the city deserves to have more people like him.

As the conversation quickly escalates, prompting the Lord Mayor to try to intervene, another person comes from behind to jump in.