
Some Entertainment

A man steps forward from the emitting smoke from the explosion that had just taken place. The man is dressed in a brown exotic fur coat that you'd expect famous rap artists wearing in a bid to show their wealth off. The man wears underneath a pair of high-end armored athletic pants with tactical boots, but is shirtless revealing a very chiseled physique. The man sports a comeback hairstyle with the sides of his head clean shaven, along with a stylized goatee. Clearly this man is someone who takes pride in being skilled, while looking spectacular at the same time.

A group of six armed men dressed in tactical gear complete with helmets covering their faces as if they were entering a toxic site come in behind the man as he struts casually into the hall.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a good old-fashion stick-up!" The man proclaims as he pulls from inside his coat a .50 caliber Desert Eagle. A massive handgun than usual, given the caliber being used, which is mostly used for anti-material rifles which can blow a person's head clean off.

"Men! I want all these fine people's' valuables in your sacks! Pronto!" The man exclaims his orders to his men as they act out their instructions by approaching the flabbergasted guests. The majority of the guest hand them their valuables without hesitation.

Ariel and Magnus who are a bit far off from the armed group, assess the situation as to determine what to do next.

"Steven." Ariel turns to Magnus, "Can you go and get help? The police station is just one block away."

"Where's the commissioner and sergeant?" Magnus asks.

As the two observe the hall looking for Commissioner Keith and Sergeant Carter, they realize that both of them have disappeared.

"You have got to be shitting me! What a bunch of cowards!." Magnus quietly says as if he suspected that would happen. "But don't you think you should go? I'm worried about you."

"I'm better at talking than you." Ariel answers, "I'll keep them busy. Nice to know you care though."

"Just be careful, okay?"

"I love a good challenge. But I will"

As Ariel begins to stand up and walk towards the armed group, Magnus slowly starts to sneak towards the back door.

Magnus places his right index finger onto his right ear as he slowly sneaks out. Fortunately Magnus keeps a small radio embedded in his ear that can fool the naked eye, just in case of emergencies.

"EJ..." he whispers, "It's showtime..."

"I saw the explosion from where I am." EJ replies.

"Notify the police station of what's happened. I'll meet up with you now to suit up."

"Will do."

As the armed men continue robbing all the guests of everything on their person, the Lord Mayor decides to rely on drastic measures.

"How dare you criminals resort to such low measures!" shouts Lord Mayor Damian.

As the armed men aim their weapons at the Lord Mayor, the leading man signals to hold their fire. He slowly walks towards the brave Lord Mayor.

"Ah, the Lord Mayor Charles Damian." says the man.

"You..." The Lord Mayor says, "You're Max Kade. The mercenary."

"Ah, so the politician who works behind closed doors has heard of me. I'm honored." The man proclaims.

Max Kade. Known through police records as a highly skilled mercenary that's known for committing high stake crimes across the country. He's been on the Federal Police's wanted list for the last two years, but every task force sent to apprehend Max Kade has failed. Now it is at the point that most police and agencies tend to stand clear. The only time he was ever foiled was two years ago in his first year being a big time mercenary, where he was bested by a debuting Omega Magnus. Since then, Kade has carried a deep hatred for Magnus, hoping the day would come that he would get his vengeance.

Max Kade approaches the Lord Mayor, grabs him by the back of the neck, and points his gun straight at the Lord Mayor's face.

"But you dare to yell at my presence!" Kade shouts at Charles, who trembles in absolute fear at the sight of Kade's anger and the gun pointed at him. "I'll skin you alive!"

"That's enough!" Ariel shouts from behind as she approaches Kade. The armed men train their line of sights at Ariel, but they stand their ground.

"Well hello beautiful!" Kade remarks as he combs his hair with his fingers. Not normal to not be flabbergasted by Ariel's good looks, even in a situation such as this.

"You must be that famous artist Ariel Queen." Kade says as he slowly walks towards Ariel. "And you are beautiful."

"I have my eye on someone, sorry." Ariel sarcastically proclaims.

"Oh I'm sure he'd like to meet Mr. .50 caliber right here." Kade sarcastically remarks as he slowly walks around Ariel in a circle.

"You know, I could certainly use someone like you." Kade reels on, "You see, I'm a man of simple taste. I like fame, glory, an impressive kill record and loyal men by my side. I need someone to make the world see just how glorious my life is amongst these ingrates. How through battle, war and even petty things such good old-fashion stick-ups, they can truly see the joys of living to the fullest. The thrill, the excitement, the joy of being alive! Isn't that artistic? Don't you think?"

Kade is a natural born killer who shrieks evil in more ways than one, but he philosophies his life as if there is some higher purpose and meaning in what he does. Finding ideology and philosophy in an evil person is very rare, though there are a few that believe in such. Not that they can persuade a major population of such.

"Oh please..." Ariel pipes up, "I take great pride in my art. You'd think I'd lower my standards for a rugged band of merry bandits who have no appealing features whatsoever? Seriously, how am I going to sell that?"

Ariel clearly won't fall for Kade's antics, but she does know art when she sees it. And she isn't afraid to let her opinion know.

"Oh Ariel..." Kade responds, "You're breaking my heart."

Kade holds his hand to his chest, as if to pretend he's in excruciating pain, then suddenly grabs Ariel around the waist with his left arm and pulls her towards him. Ariel is taken aback by Kade's sudden actions.

"Nevertheless, let us shape this world as we see fit!" Kade proudly proclaims.

As soon as he proclaims that sentence, a massive crash comes from above the pair.