
It’s Showtime

Both Kade and Ariel look up to see where the crash came from. A glass window makes up the centre of the roof to allow for a more wonderful experience as guests can enjoy the sight of the night sky.

The crash comes from the same glass window as a man descends from the window via a cable coming from his left hand, his cape flapping graciously to look like wings as if he was an angel sent from above and lands gracefully on the ground.

It certainly wasn't the police.

"Ready for the real entertainment?"

Omega Magnus stands in the middle of the hall, with guest scrambling to make for the exits and the armed men rushing to circle the vigilante. Max Kade, with Ariel in hand, turns to see Omega Magnus.

"You!" Max Kade shouts, "Sick him!"

"Attack! Now!" One of the armed men shout, as the other armed men follow suit.

Two rush in with knives.

Both knife attacks were blocked by Magnus' gauntlets one after the other.

Magnus uses a back-fist to take out the first guard, the guard lays unconscious.

He then uses a spinning round kick to take out the other guard. With the incredible strength that Omega Magnus possesses, he has to be careful of how much force he uses when he attacks.

The next two armed men fire at Magnus with their Uzi 9mm submachine guns.

Magnus uses his gauntlets to deflect the bullets away.

He then rushes the two armed men and knocks their weapons off. Using a downward elbow strike to disarm the first guard, then swinging into a downward hammer hit to disarm the second guard.

Magnus then grabs both guards by the back of their necks and causes their craniums to connect.

Down the guards go. For Magnus, the typical armed criminal is just child's play.

Two armed men remain. They then decide to pull out machetes, and face Omega Magnus in fighting stance.

Magnus reaches for his utility belt, and pulls out what appears to be a handle of some sort.

With the press of a button on the handle, what appears to be a long pole shoots out as he flicks the handle to the side.

The weapon Magnus pulls out of his utility belt is a well-designed battle baton. Although it looks more like a laser sword from a science fiction film as it lights up with blue and black edges on the extended baton, the baton is made from a combination of reinforced safety glass with a metal centre.

The two remaining armed men rush in with their machetes.

The first one attacks by slashing downwards.

Magnus blocks with a side block with the baton.

The second guard comes in with a side-way slash.

Magnus blocks with a side block.

The first goes for a upward slash.

A low block from Magnus.

With a left back-fist, Magnus takes out the armed man on his left.

The second armed man is dealt with by a swift strike to the right leg with the baton, followed by a gracious hip toss. Sending the armed man to the ground hard.

Max Kade watches on with Ariel Queen still roped in Kade's arm, clearly frustrated with his men's inability to take out Omega Magnus.

"Useless pieces of crap!" Kade yells.

In the split second of Kade's attention being elsewhere, Ariel gives Kade a swift right knee to the groin. Kade collapses to one knee, clinging to his manhood with both hands.

Getting his composure back, Kade quickly rises up. Ariel quickly backs off, only to be grabbed by Magnus with his left arm. With his right arm, he points his gauntlet at Kade, which now sports an attachment with two hook points, which aims at Kade right between the eyes.

"You never were good at picking up women Max!" Magnus says sarcastically, "Unless it was some two-bit hooker you paid for!"

The two hooks then flick outward into separate directions, and fire horizontally, connecting to two walls to make a zip-line.

"Hold on." Magnus tells Ariel, who hangs onto Magnus for dear life.

The two then zip towards the wall which has a large window.

The two fly straight through the window.

Having leaped from the window into a back alley, Magnus take Ariel by the hand and leads her towards the end of the alley, where the street in which the front of the Convention Centre is.

"Wait here. The police are on their way." Magnus tells Ariel, who doesn't initially respond as if she's not home, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." Ariel says whilst looking dazed looking at the vigilante that rescued her.

In addition to changing his appearance, Magnus uses a voice synthesizer to change his voice to avoid recognition, in the which he sounds more like a hipster robot with a lot of bass.

Magnus then turns to leave.

"Wait!" Ariel calls out, and Magnus turns to look. "Who are you?"

"Some vigilante who flies around like a sarcastic dipstick." Magnus tries his best to keep his demeanor.

"I can tell you're putting it on." Ariel sees through the sarcastic nature.

Magnus is shocked that Ariel can see through the sarcastic act he puts on.

"Sure..." Magnus replies, before firing a cable from his left gauntlet upwards.

"I'll see you around Ms. Queen. Big fan, by the way."

And with that, Magnus flies off.

And Ariel remains in the alley, alone and absolutely speechless.