Not him..

Chapter 2

They took me me away from my home early into the morning and put me in a car. They then started explaining the job.. I was supposted to protect a mafia boss, but first they had to test me.

I was suppose to fight their best person, if I couldn't defeat him they wouldn't give me a job. But.. If I didn't win this, then my grandma would be pissed at me for not getting a job. Grandma is annoying and a little scary angry..

She would probably send me back to Newfoundland, if I don't pay her back for the apartment, so I had to do it.

When I walked out onto the rink where we were to fight. There was a guy who came into the rink himself. He was tall and looks strong, but who knows if he was strong?

I was just standing there for a while, waiting. I was getting slightly bored and tense. He then charged at me, so I moved out of his way quickly. I accidentally got him pissed off by that. I ran around in circles dodging him, until he got tired, but he didn't quit.

'Looks like I got to fight.'

I walked up to him and I swiftly kneed him in the gut, bashing his head against my knee. He cried out in pain. He quickly recovered and he punched me square in the jaw, I heard my jaw crack. I spit blood out on the floor and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. 'Fuck...'

I got pissed, so I made him see flying colors. I jumped on him, making him fall to the ground, before I gave him furious blows to the face with my bare firsts. His flesh riping against his faced hurt, but I didn't care. Blood was splattering everywhere around me.

They had to rip me off him, before they told me I got the job. The down fall was I had to start right away..