Stuck with the beast

Chapter 3

As I walked in, I found out I was suppose to guard a CEO of an company of the Mafia. As we walked in I got a good look at the man and was surprised. Turned out it was a guy who used to bully me every day as a kid. I was so weak back then.. So, I got strong. If anyone did that to me again, I would destroy them to piece.

When I walked in he said "She is suppost to protect me." His voice was blank and cold. Like he couldn't believe I could protect him.

"She beat The Punisherix."

"Then.. I suppose." He never changed.

"You can leave now, Harld." The man, then left.

That ass. I can't believe I have to protect these asshole. My fucking bad luck!

"Come here, my bodyguard. Don't think I'm going to go easy on you, because your a girl." He said as his gaze landed on her.

"I wouldn't get my hopes up anyways, boss", That asshole, does he think I want him to go easy on me, because I was a girl! Fuck I want to yell at him, but I need this job.

"Do you have a ride home?" Why is he asking me that? "No." I was planning on walking, why did he ask?

" Then I will give you one." Why? What does he intend to do? "No, thank you. I'll be fine." If others heard.. I'm a little worried they might think something was going on.

"You don't have a choice in the matter. I didn't ask if you wanted to or not." How annoying. "Sorry boss, Thank you for being so generous."

Wow, he doesn't remember me, but I remember him. That might be a good thing though. I guess, I look a lot different now. It has been 10 years ago.

I was more scared of him then the others. He came from a rich family that was close to the school. I don't know why, but he loved terrorizing me the most.. He is more powerful now, so it wouldn't be best if I say anything.

If I don't mention anything about the past, he won't make my life of living hell, hopefully!

"Boss, would you like me to get you anything?" I asked, he looked up at me with his black as night eyes.

"No, just stand there and look pretty." He said, smirking, making a little irrated. "As you wish."

That ass, how can he say that to a girl.

I'm so bored, I want to do something!!!


It's been an hour already, what is he even doing?!

"Hey bodyguard.. Come over here and massage my neck." He said, making me sweatdropped. You got to be kidding me?! I want to cry... "Yes.. Sir." I walked over as he pulled out his chair a little. He took off his coat, before going back to working on the paperwork. I put my hands on his strong broad shoulders. They were firm to the touch. I massaged carefully. 'God, I want to strangle this man..'

"A little harder." He said, so I did as asked. "Yes Sir." I muttered.

"What time do you have to be home?" He asked, putting down his pen. "Doesn't matter, sir. I can stay however long you need." I said, making him glance at me.

"Well than, what do you want to do?"

"Anything." I muttered, blankly, making him smirk a little. She shivered a little at his smirk. "Oh really." He said.

What the fuck does he mean by, 'Oh really.' This is getting weird.

He grabbed me by my wrists tightly and threw me on his desk. My eyes widened in shock. He climbed on top of me. His strong muscular body was touching and press against me. It felt so good?

He placed his lips on mine, they were soft and warm. He slipt his tongue into my mouth, making me whimper. He held my long light brown hair in his strong grip.

I want him to stop, but I can't get him too. He soon pulled apart and licked his lips. I whisper under my breath for him to stop, but he keeps going.

"I know you want it, your body is telling me to keep going." He said, making me look away. The door then opened. I let out a slight sigh of relief.

" Your limo is here, sir." Daniel said, glancing at me briefly.

"Okay, I'm coming. Bodyguard, let's go."

What just happened? Why would he do that? Why did he touch me like that? Thank god for Danial!~♡

That was close... FUCK!!! He's going to drive me home, I forgot all about that!!!!!

l walk to the car. Soon as we made it over to the car, I open the door to let him in. I was a little nervous.

"You know, I can do that right." He said, smirking a little at the way she was acting. "Sorry sir, but it's my job"

We get the limo. He sat beside me. For fuck sakes. "It's just us back here?" I asked, hoping for more people.

"Yes, no one else." He said, he was staring at my golden eyes. There was an emotion in his eyes, that I couldn't put my finger on what it was?

He looks a little scary. What is it?!?! Why do I feel like, I felt this before, but where...?

His hand goes onto my right thigh. He slkd his hand closer to my zipper, making me flinch a little. He quickly unzipped my pants. He put his hand down in my pants slowly. It feels so good, he won't stop though.

His warmth is so good! I was trying not to, making so much noise, so the driver won't here it. It was to hard not too! I fumbled out, 'Stop this! This isn't right! We shouldn't do this! I don't want you touching me.' But it was almost useless. His fingers felt amazing and hit her every right way.

He pulls me closer and shoved his fingers in deeper and gotten faster. I got louder, I was having a hard time keeping my voice down. It was to much. He covers my mouth, smirking a little. "Shut up." He muttered.

The driver pulls down the window and says

" is every thing OK back their, sir?" The driver asked. "Yes." He muttered.

The driver pulls up the window.

He started to thrust his fingers faster, making me twitch a little. He leaned down moving his hand and kissed me. He slid his fingers out of my dripping wet hole, making me whimper slightly, he smirked at that..

The car stops, making me glance away from the smirking man on topnof me. "See you tomorrow, bodyguard." He whispered in my ear. I stumbled out of the car, saying a quick good night, before getting in to my apartment.


What just happened?

I flop on my bed; laying on my stomach. 'What the fuck did I get into?... and how did that just happen... He didn't even ask permission... Is this apart of the job....?'

I just wanted to cry.

My phone then went off, I tried to calm my nerves. I picked up my phone. "Its probably my grandma- Huh? unknown number?" She muttered out.

" Hello?" She asked as soon as she accepted the call.

"Hi bodyguard. It was a surprised that I didn't recognize you sooner. You are much cuter now,, aren't you my darling Kally... Or should I call you my bodyguard slut. You have changed a lot, sweetheart."

There was a second of silence. I was freaking out and shaking a little. 'FUCK!! HE'S A FUCKING MAFIA BOSS NOW! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!' I was sweating bolts.

" How did you find out?..." I asked, nervously.

"After we were having fun in the car. I thought I know you from some where, but I didn't know where. I looked back at our old year book when I got home. By accident I stumbled by you. You look a little bit the same as back then. We're going to have a little fun. Oh, and punish you for not telling me sooner~" He said, before hanging up. I froze. Fuck sticks.