Greyrat Family

He was reborn. He felt free. Then got a slap on his buttcheek. It felt painful so he cried and it seemed like it worked because slapping stopped. Rest was blurry, wet, and annoying but then it got comfortable and warm and it was just right for a nap but things got interrupted again when something rough was rubbed against him and handed to someone upon seeing it caused him to feel safe like no one can harm him with her near him. He started fighting for her attention from someone he didn't care. (basically got a bath, wiped & handed to mother)

(Rudeus pov)

A Beautiful Woman and a handsome man.

It seemed like a photoshoot for a celebrity couple when seeing them together. Harmonious yet pretty.

He tried to move, speak, ask them where they were who they but it seemed they were talking in some strange language while looking at him with gentle expression then the man carried him despite his weight but next second his doubts were dispersed when he was placed beside a baby who was actually same size as him. After some more confusion he gradually released that he was a baby, he had reborn in some weird place.

A year had passed. Rudeus released many things, first and foremost he has reincarnated as a kid in a family of five a couple a maid and two twins. Speaking of his twin he was most weird out of all. Most of the time he wouldn't even do anything but as soon as mother was near them he would fight for her attention, rest of the time he was staring at everything though never speaking. Dad was pretty depressed when he wouldn't speak to him it seemed like he is extremely clingy to mother though on one when dad was crying fake tears he did offer him a sweet he was about to eat.

Mother and Lilia-san are very caring towards him but often neglect me. But I have a hunch it might be because they have found myself to be more responsible. Between us suddenly it feels like I'm the big brother even though he is.

(Lillia's pov)

When I finally started this job never in my dreams did I ever imagine it would be like this especially because it was too scary. Easy yes but too scary. Especially when the younger child looked at her with a wretched smile along with older one looking emotionlessly.

Though gradually she learned a rule - as long as you leave them alone they won't disturb, still like someone with knowledge of the various matter she still was fearful of younger twin as he seemed more and more like a demon and older like a victim who got his soul eaten.

But after half a year when older started acting more like a normal person she was lead to believe that Rudeus is not a demon who has eaten his brother's soul. Though her favorite was still Dudley he was cuter and sometimes when he thought no one was watching him start to do what she believed to be his type of enjoyment. Something like rolling on the bed, sneaking in the kitchen to steal any sweet that can be found.

Though there were many inconsistencies she was led to believe that this was family she liked to work at. She would do her all to serve the sweet couple from heavens, Paul and Zenith Greyrat and twins Dudley and Rudeus Greyrat.

Five years later. Two kids around six years old could seen one on a branch relaxing while reading a book while under the shade of the tree up a hill. Other than the fact their hair color was vastly different and their expression differed they both seemed like a carbon copy of each other. One had long silver hair that hides a part of his left eye while his right eye shone like a black gem, while the kid under shade had what could be considered normal brown hair, and brown eyes with a hint of gold between.

As they were relaxing while Rudeus, younger of twin seemed restless, they heard a noise.