The Diary

(whole chap in Rudeus' pov)

When they heard the noise they respectively left the nap and reading they were doing and looked to see a kid similar to their age being hurled with jeers and abuses. More importantly, they seem to make a competition of throwing stones at the other kid. I, Rudeus Greyrat, greatly angered by their actions was about to make them stop when a sudden gust of wind rose and ended up going in direction of the gang of a boy and his three lackeys.


Yeah, beat them up. As expected of my older muscle headed twin. The leader was thrown at least 4-5 feet before falling on the ground wailing miserably with just a single punch to his cheek.

"Wahhhhh..... mommy, he hit meeeee....." crying out loud he ran away following which his lackey too left clearly afraid of my brother.

I turn to the kid that was being bullied when a voice drifted over from my side and asked, "Are you okay, chibi kid?"

Damn it, Dudley we too, unfortunately, are kids chibi at that too, was what I was going to say but the boy beat me to it.

"I-I a-am ...... f-fine. T-Thank you."

"You know if they bully you-you should bully them back. Probably because you were being such a wimpy kid that they bullied you so much." Aren't you bulling him too?

"Hey, that's too much isn't, it brother?" I asked.

"no...." frowning he continued by snatching the basket from boy's hand and handed it to me, "Take this." and grabbed the boy by his neck and lifted him up dragging him away to shade under the tree.

"W-where are you..... t-taking me? W-What are you going to do to me?" Even though I have an idea of what he is doing but I still can't help but feel pity for him. My brother can be pretty much insensitive to others sometimes.

"I'm kidnapping you" He answered in plain voice. Is my brother trying to prank him, because it looks too realistic.

"wahhh... please don't tak-ack" the boy was cut short by warm water dropping on him. He might be taking it too far.

"I'm just making you clean, see you were too unclean." he continued with a really gentle expression. Damn it I think I'm gonna get weird ideas seeing two bishounen like this, one with bullied expression and other with gentle one though mixed with mischief. I never knew my brother was capable of making a mischievous face like that. I didn't think about it till now but my brother might be a really handsome man in future what's with silver hair and black and slightly hidden golden eyes.

Just like that, the bathing continued for an easily bullied boy whose name we still didn't know by a silver-haired boy who had black right eye and golden left eye hidden by his bangs.

After bathing and cleaning during which I swear I saw green-haired boy blush a little though it definitely must have been my imagination otherwise my brother might be in big trouble.

The now cleaned boy really looked like a bishounen or like a weak animal that was startled probably due to brother's magic which dried him in an instant. That look just made one want to pamper him maybe we can make him a little brother character in our group that way he won't be bullied and can be pampered just like what brother was doing by petting his head resulting in him earning a blush from the boy, guess he really is too shy.

"there-there now that you're all clean and dry can you tell me what was happening before? so that we may help you?"

"Ummm ... you shouldn't help me otherwise you too might get hurt?" uh-oh he really is too pitiful.

"Father said I shouldn't care about that and no one should be bullied, ostracized, or abandoned like that and you're no exception. So what were you doing?"

"I was going to take food to father."

"My name is Dudley Greyrat. Over there looking extremely annoying" "HEY" "is my younger brother whom you shouldn't bother is Rudeus Greyrat it is nice to meet you Let us take you to your father"

"It is nice to meet you too. My name is Syphiette." It looks like she has calmed down now.

"What's with that you have a really girly name" I joked.

"ehhh..... I-I am a girl."

It felt like world froze for us, thunder rumbled in the background.

"Then shouldn't you have longer hair, bigger chest, and butt??"Dudley asked. He was first to recover, but hearing what he asked I had an urge to facepalm.

"Not everyone has them" she answered with some coldness in her voice, I-I think that if she answered like that to previous bullies they probably will run away before bothering her.

"Ehh then stay away from me, brother and father told me to stay away from those that don't have them and go near those that have them."

"I-I see then will you be my friends if I have them," she asked while giving me a dangerous side glance, scary too scary, I shivered, looks like my brother now have a girlfriend how envious, though she was only six years old just like we are.

Speaking of which," brother when did you get so good at magic, I never saw you practicing it.?"

He froze. As expected.

"I will tell you about it later" He replied after a while not looking straight in my eyes.

After that, we rested a little before going towards Sylph's father . Looking at their silhouettes from back I was thinking about what was written in the diary I read when I snuck into his room and if it was really true.