What The Heck... Was Mrs. Yu?

Wei Zilin tightened his embrace slightly. "Looks like it was a good thing I thought to bring you back for a visit today, so you can see this secret side of me. Otherwise, it'll keep scaring my girlfriend."

Xu Moyan truly loved the way he said "My girlfriend". His tone was gentle and full of love, while also somehow unbelievably proud. It was as though it was such an achievement to have her as his girlfriend.

On the contrary, she should be the one feeling like she lucked out. He was such an extraordinary man, and he could have any girl he wanted. 

Still, Wei Zilin could barely sit still for even that short amount of time before he started acting up again. His lips kept pecking her cheek and the corners of her lips, wandering back and forth.

Xu Moyan's entire body was burning up, and she hurriedly grabbed his arm, imploring him to let go.