Now I Know You Like Me Even More Than I Thought You Did

As she expected, she heard Lin Chu's teasing jest as soon as she picked up. "Spill it, what's up with you and Wei Zilin? Beicheng told me that Wei Zilin made that announcement specifically for you. I thought there was something odd about you two at the confinement center last time."

Xu Moyan gave Lin Chu a rough account of the entire story so far. She could not get into the details, however, especially not over the phone. It would be too complicated.

"Oh, so he's your idol." Lin Chu understood now.

Lin Chu knew about Xu Moyan's obsession with Yu Linling even better than Zheng Yuntong did.

When the two of them were at college together, Lin Chu witnessed how Xu Moyan had fallen into the voice actor fandom first-hand.