Is He Really Innocent?

She went back to her house to get her bag and jacket. She had prepared everything beforehand, so after finishing her breakfast at Yan Huaian's, she could go straight to the company without returning to her place.

She walked for a bit and reached Yan Huaian's house. It was her first time being inside.

She discovered that his house was tidier than she had imagined. There was not even the slightest mess, and it was as if he had been here for a long time and had already established a habit of tidying up the house every day.

As soon as she entered through the front door, she caught a whiff of the bacon and omelet from the kitchen.

Yu Zi was about to speak, but as looked up, she saw Yan Huaian looking at her with a gentle expression.

His expression was as though he was looking at his lover.

Yu Zi told herself that it must be an illusion, but she could not help but blush under Yan Huaian's gaze.