I Was Wondering Why Did You Suddenly Decide To Break Up The Engagement, But Turns Out, It’s Because You Hooked Up With Another Man

Mrs. Zhao bawled while collapsed in Mr. Zhao's arms. In the end, he had to help her into the car. 

Then, he looked at Song Dashen and Yu Zi apologetically. "I'm so sorry, it's just that our son's in trouble and we're too anxious. I'm still alright but my wife…" 

Song Dashen nodded understandingly. He knew that his master rarely spoke outside of court, he would only talk a little more than usual when it came to her and the other apprentices.

With that, Yu Zi responded on behalf of Song Dashen, "We understand, let's go now." 

Mr. Zhao nodded in agreement as he followed Zhao Yuxuan into the car.

At the same time, Yu Zi and Song Dashen got into their car and left as well, with Yu Zi riding shotgun as she went through Zhao Yuxuan's statement. 

True enough, Zhao Yuxuan dared not try to deceive her anymore after what she said earlier on.