
He tried his utmost to suppress his fury and coldly said, "Don't call him an illegitimate son every time you speak. So what if he is a bastard or illegitimate son? I am also an illegitimate son, but I am sagacious and merciless. But your legitimate son? Hehe, who is he? Taking away the identity as Third Young Master Ye, I could still carve out a career for myself. However, your legitimate son is only a piece of shit without your protection. He is nothing, not even worthy of being called trash!"

He showed a very twisted smile. "Ah, by the way, if we trace back to our roots, you're also an illegitimate son, Dad. Seems like the good genes of the Ye family are all in the illegitimate sons. That being said, it is better to be an illegitimate son. One generation after another, one would excel the predecessors. What do you think, Dad?"