
Ye Chen kept a straight face. He hung up on Old Master Ye's call yesterday. After that, Liu Xiaotian and a few secretaries called him to tell him that Old Master Ye had called all of them to tell them to ask Ye Chen to go to the hospital.

Ye Chen pretended that he had not heard of it.

"The secretaries said that second brother was in the hospital, but they did not say what happened exactly. Gun wounds, broken legs, and amputation sound very miserable." Ye Chen smiled, his eyes becoming cold and a trace of gird flashed past the corners of his lips. "Dad, my bones had broken many times when I was ten to twelve years old. I suffered gun wounds for six times and almost had to be amputated. Why were you not so caring? Oh, maybe you didn't know."

Ning Ning stared at him in shock. He held tightly onto Third Young Master Ye's hands. Wasn't ten to twelve years old the two years that he spent at New York's black market boxing ring?